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Configuration method for using PyCharm for web development on Linux system

2023-07-06 09:09:061135browse

Configuration method for using PyCharm for Web development on Linux systems

With the development of the Internet, Web development has become more and more important. As a powerful Python integrated development environment (IDE), PyCharm has also been widely used in the field of web development. This article will introduce the configuration method of using PyCharm for web development on Linux systems, and come with code examples to help readers get started easily.

  1. Installing PyCharm
    PyCharm can be downloaded from its official website (https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/). Choose the version suitable for your Linux system, download and install according to the prompts.
  2. Create a new project
    Open PyCharm, click the "Create New Project" button, then select a suitable project directory and name the project. Select the project interpreter as Python 3.x.
  3. Configuring virtual environment
    In order to avoid dependency conflicts with other projects, we need to create a virtual environment. In PyCharm, click "File -> Settings" to open the settings window, and then select "Project: [project name] -> Python Interpreter". Click the gear icon in the upper right corner, select "Add...", then select "Virtualenv Environment". Click "OK" to create a new virtual environment.
  4. Install the required packages
    In PyCharm, click the "Terminal" button to open the terminal. Run the following commands in the terminal to install the required packages. Take Django as an example here:
$ pip install django
  1. Configuring the running environment
    In PyCharm, click "Run -> Edit Configurations" to open the configuration window. Click the " " button and select "Django Server" in the pop-up dialog box. Set "Name" to "Run Server", "Host" to "localhost", and "Port" to "8000". Click "OK" to save the configuration.
  2. Create a Django application
    Run the following command in the PyCharm terminal to create a Django application. Here is an application named "myapp" as an example:
$ python manage.py startapp myapp
  1. Write code
    In the project window of PyCharm, find the application ("myapp") you just created, and then Write the code in the application directory. For example, create a file named "views.py" in the "myapp" directory and write the following code:
from django.http import HttpResponse

def index(request):
    return HttpResponse("Hello, world!")
  1. Configuration URL
    In the project window of PyCharm, Find the root directory of your project and find the file named "urls.py" in that directory. Open the file and add the following code to the end of the file:
from django.urls import path
from myapp import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.index, name='index'),

Save the file.

  1. Run the project
    In PyCharm, click "Run -> Run" to run the project. Then access "http://localhost:8000" in the browser, and you will see the page showing "Hello, world!".

Through the above steps, we successfully configured the environment for using PyCharm for Web development on the Linux system and added a simple Django application. Readers can further develop and optimize the application according to their actual needs.

This article briefly introduces the configuration method of using PyCharm for web development on a Linux system, and helps readers understand the entire process through an example of a Django application. By using PyCharm, we can perform web development more efficiently and enjoy its powerful functions and convenience. I hope this article will be helpful to readers and achieve better results on the road to web development!

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