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Use second-hand recycling website developed in PHP to create quick payment function
In recent years, with the rapid development of the second-hand recycling industry, more and more people have begun to resell idle items to people in need, thereby reducing eliminate waste and contribute to environmental protection. With the expansion of the second-hand recycling market, how to enable buyers and sellers to complete transactions more conveniently and quickly has become an important issue, and implementing fast payment functions is an important part of it.
In this article, we will introduce how to use a second-hand recycling website developed in PHP to implement quick payment functions and provide code examples.
First of all, we need to choose a suitable payment interface. There are many payment interfaces to choose from on the market, such as Alipay, WeChat Pay, etc. Here we choose to use Alipay as an example.
Before using Alipay, we need to register an Alipay merchant account and obtain a corresponding APPID, application private key and Alipay public key.
Next, we need to add a payment function page to the second-hand recycling website. You can create a file named "pay.php" and add the following code to it:
<?php require_once 'alipay-sdk-php/Autoload.php'; $out_trade_no = $_POST['out_trade_no']; // 订单号 $total_amount = $_POST['total_amount']; // 总金额 $subject = $_POST['subject']; // 订单标题 // 配置支付宝参数 $config = [ 'app_id' => 'your_app_id', 'merchant_private_key' => 'your_merchant_private_key', 'alipay_public_key' => 'your_alipay_public_key', 'charset' => 'UTF-8', 'gatewayUrl' => 'https://openapi.alipay.com/gateway.do', 'notify_url' => 'http://your_domain.com/notify.php', // 支付结果通知URL ]; // 实例化支付宝SDK $alipay = new AopClient(); $alipay->gatewayUrl = $config['gatewayUrl']; $alipay->appId = $config['app_id']; $alipay->rsaPrivateKey = $config['merchant_private_key']; $alipay->alipayrsaPublicKey = $config['alipay_public_key']; $alipay->signType = 'RSA2'; $alipay->postCharset = $config['charset']; $alipay->format = 'json'; // 构造支付请求参数 $request = new AlipayTradePagePayRequest(); $request->setReturnUrl('http://your_domain.com/return.php'); // 支付成功跳转URL $request->setNotifyUrl($config['notify_url']); // 支付结果通知URL $request->setBizContent(json_encode([ 'out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no, 'product_code' => 'FAST_INSTANT_TRADE_PAY', 'total_amount' => $total_amount, 'subject' => $subject, ])); // 调用支付接口 $response = $alipay->pageExecute($request); echo $response;
The above code first introduces the Alipay SDK and configures the corresponding parameters according to your Alipay account. Then, construct a payment request and call the payment interface, output the returned HTML code to the page, and the user can see the Alipay payment page.
After the payment is completed, Alipay will call back the payment result notification URL we set. We need to create a file named "notify.php" and add the following code to it:
<?php require_once 'alipay-sdk-php/Autoload.php'; // 配置支付宝参数 $config = [ 'app_id' => 'your_app_id', 'merchant_private_key' => 'your_merchant_private_key', 'alipay_public_key' => 'your_alipay_public_key', 'charset' => 'UTF-8', 'gatewayUrl' => 'https://openapi.alipay.com/gateway.do', ]; // 实例化支付宝SDK $alipay = new AopClient(); $alipay->gatewayUrl = $config['gatewayUrl']; $alipay->appId = $config['app_id']; $alipay->rsaPrivateKey = $config['merchant_private_key']; $alipay->alipayrsaPublicKey = $config['alipay_public_key']; $alipay->signType = 'RSA2'; $alipay->postCharset = $config['charset']; $alipay->format = 'json'; // 验证支付结果 if ($alipay->rsaCheckV1($_POST, $alipay->alipayrsaPublicKey, $alipay->signType)) { // 验证通过,处理支付结果 // 可以在此处更新订单状态、发送邮件通知等操作 echo 'success'; } else { // 验证失败 echo 'fail'; }
The above code also introduces Alipay SDK and configures the corresponding parameters. In the verification of payment results, we use the rsaCheckV1 method provided by Alipay SDK to verify whether the data returned by Alipay is legal. If the verification is passed, corresponding subsequent processing can be performed.
Finally, we also need to create a file named "return.php" for the jump page after successful payment. For simplicity, we can display a successful payment prompt on this page.
<?php echo '支付成功!';
So far, we have completed the quick payment function of the second-hand recycling website developed using PHP.
In summary, by using Alipay’s payment interface, we can easily implement fast payment functions in second-hand recycling websites. The power of PHP and the convenience of Alipay SDK have provided us with great help in developing such functions. I hope the code examples in this article can be helpful to you and enable you to implement quick payment functions in your second-hand recycling website.
The above is the detailed content of Use PHP to develop a second-hand recycling website to create quick payment functions. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!