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What are the computer languages

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Computer languages ​​include: 1. C language; 2. C language; 3. Java language; 4. C# language; 5. Python language; 6. Go language; 7. PHP language; 8. Visual Basic language; 9. Pascal language.

What are the computer languages

#What are the computer languages?

1.C language

C language was written by Dennis Ritchie in 1972. C language is a process-oriented, abstract and universal programming language. It is widely used in low-level development. C language The language can be compiled in a simple way, and it has the characteristics of both high-level languages ​​and assembly languages. For operating systems and operating applications, as well as occasions where hardware needs to be operated, using C language is obviously better than other high-level languages.

Advantages of C language: The language is concise and compact (only 32 keywords and 9 control statements); rich operators (real type, character type, integer type, etc.); high code quality (workload Small, readable, easy to modify and transplant); good portability (86% of the code in C language is public, so it is easy to transplant).

2.C language

C language is an extension of C language. The basic syntax and semantics of the two languages ​​are the same. C has added features of object-oriented programming, so it is an object-oriented programming language. C is a statically typed, compiled, general-purpose, case-universal, irregular programming language that supports procedural programming; it is considered a mid-level language that combines the characteristics of high-level languages ​​and low-level languages.

3.Java language

Java is a programming language that is specially designed for use in the distributed environment of the Internet. Java has a "form and feel" similar to the C language, but it is easier to use than the C language, and it completely adopts an "object-oriented" approach to programming.

4.C# Language

C# (pronounced "C sharp", Chinese transliteration "Sharp") is an object-oriented language released by Microsoft and runs on the .NET Framework. High-level programming language.

C# looks surprisingly similar to Java. It includes features such as single inheritance, interface, almost the same syntax as Java, and the process of compiling into intermediate code and then running it. But C# is obviously different from Java. It borrows a feature of Delphi and is directly integrated with COM (Component Object Model), and it is the protagonist of Microsoft's .NET windows network framework.

5.Python language

Python was designed in the early 1990s by Guido van Rossum of the Netherlands Association for Mathematics and Computer Science. It is an object-oriented, interpretive, A high-level programming language for dynamic data types. It has concise syntax rules, making it easier to learn programming, and has powerful functions that can meet the development needs of most application fields.

6.Go language

Go (Google) was created by Ken Thompson at Google in 2007 and was officially released in 2009. Go is a very young language, and its main goal is to "have both the development speed of dynamic languages ​​such as Python and the performance and security of compiled languages ​​such as C/C."

The launch of Go language aims to reduce the complexity of the code without losing application performance. It has the advantages of "simple deployment, good concurrency, good language design, and good execution performance". Currently, many domestic IT companies have adopted Go language to develop projects.

7.PHP language

The PHP language was developed by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. It is a scripting language that is executed on the web server and embedded in HTML documents. PHP has quickly occupied an important position in web system development with its convenient and fast style, rich functions and open source code.

8.VisualBasic language

Visual Basic (referred to as VB) is derived from the BASIC programming language and was developed by Microsoft. It is a general object-based programming language that is structured , a modular, object-oriented, visual programming language that includes an event-driven mechanism to assist in the development environment. Programmers can easily use the components provided by VB to quickly build an application.

9.Pascal language

Pascal language is one of the international general flow expansion programming languages ​​and one of the main participating languages ​​​​in various computer competitions. The Pascal language has powerful functions and rich data types. Programs written in the Pascal language have the characteristics of rigorous structure, beautiful format, clear process, and easy reading and understanding. Therefore, the Pascal language has always been regarded as the preferred language for training structured programming.

Extended reading

What is computer language?

Computer language refers to the language used for communication between people and computers, and is the medium for transmitting information between people and computers. In order for an electronic computer to perform various tasks, it is necessary to have a set of numbers, characters and grammar plans for writing computer programs. These characters and grammar rules constitute various computer instructions. It is the operating function given to the computer by the computer designer through the computer's hardware structure.

There are many types of computer languages, which can be roughly divided into three categories:

1. Machine language

Electronic computers use binary numbers composed of "0" and "1". Binary is the basis of computer language. Since the computer can only accept binary codes internally, the instructions described by binary codes 0 and 1 are called machine instructions. The set of all machine instructions constitutes the machine language of the computer.

A program written in machine language is called a target program, which can be run directly by the computer. It is the first generation of computer language.

2. Assembly language

Assembly language is the second generation computer language. Its essence is the same as machine language. It operates directly on the hardware, but the instructions are marked with English abbreviations. Symbols are easier to recognize and remember, but it also requires programmers to write out the specific operations of each step in the form of commands. Assembly programs usually consist of three parts: instructions, pseudo-instructions and macro instructions.

3. High-level language

High-level language is the choice of most programmers. Compared with assembly language, it not only synthesizes many related machine instructions into a single instruction, but also removes the need for specific instructions. Details that are relevant to the operation but not relevant to getting the job done greatly simplify the instructions in the program. Because many details are omitted, programmers do not need to have too much advanced computer expertise.

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