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How to use worker processes to implement task scheduling in Swoole

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In Swoole, the worker process is the key to achieving concurrency and multi-threading. Using worker processes allows our code to handle multiple requests and tasks simultaneously, thereby improving program performance and efficiency. This article will introduce how to use worker processes to implement task scheduling in Swoole.

  1. Understand the worker process of Swoole

In Swoole, the worker process is a child process created when Swoole is running. This process will be independent of the main process and run its own code. In the worker process, we can use the coroutine API, asynchronous IO and other advanced features provided by Swoole to handle tasks and requests.

Next, we will introduce how to use Swoole's worker process to implement task scheduling.

  1. Using Swoole's Task module

Swoole provides a module named Task, which can assign tasks to worker processes so that tasks can be executed asynchronously. A task can be a single request that needs to be processed, or it can be a set of tasks, such as regularly backing up a database or creating a certain file.

The following is a sample code using the Swoole Task module:

// 创建一个 Swoole 服务器对象
$server = new SwooleServer('', 9501);

// 使用 Task 模块处理任务
$server->on('receive', function ($server, $fd, $from_id, $data) {
    $task_id = $server->task($data); // 将任务添加到任务队列中
    echo "New task added: id=$task_id

// 处理异步任务结果
$server->on('task', function ($server, $task_id, $from_id, $data) {
    echo "Task #$task_id executed in worker #$from_id
    $server->finish("$data -> OK"); // 返回执行结果

// 处理异步任务完成事件
$server->on('finish', function ($server, $task_id, $data) {
    echo "Task #$task_id finished, result=$data

// 启动服务器

The above code demonstrates how to use Swoole's Task module to process tasks. In this example, we call the task method in the server's receive event callback to add the task to the task queue. Each worker process will then take a task from the task queue and execute it. The execution results will be sent to the server's finish event callback, where we can further process the results of the task.

  1. Using custom worker processes

Swoole also allows us to customize worker processes to perform tasks. You can create a new worker process in the Swoole server through the following code:

$worker = new SwooleProcess(function (SwooleProcess $worker) {
    // 在这个回调函数中执行需要处理的任务
    $worker->write("Hello, I'm worker process.
}, true);

// 启动新的工作进程

In the above code, we create a new Swoole worker process and specify the callbacks for the tasks to be performed in the worker process. function. We can write the business logic we need inside this callback function, such as consuming data from the message queue, processing database records, etc. Once the task is completed, we can use the write method to send the results to the parent process.

We can also register a callback function that receives messages from the worker process through the on method to facilitate communication with other components.

// 在主进程中向工作进程发送消息
$worker->write("Hello from the master process.

// 注册从工作进程接收消息的回调
$worker->on('pipeMessage', function ($worker, $data) {
    echo "Got message from worker process: $data

Note: When using Swoole's custom worker process, you must pay attention to memory management and fault tolerance mechanisms. Proper memory management can avoid memory leaks and abnormal program termination, and fault-tolerance mechanisms can provide useful help and tips when program problems occur.


In this article, we introduced how to use Swoole's worker process to implement task scheduling. We first understood the concept of worker processes and learned how to use Swoole's Task module to handle asynchronous tasks. We also discussed how to use custom worker processes to improve server performance and reliability. In actual projects, you can choose different ways to handle tasks and requests based on actual business needs.

The above is the detailed content of How to use worker processes to implement task scheduling in Swoole. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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