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How to use Laravel Mix for front-end build in ThinkPHP6

2023-06-20 09:32:59964browse

With the rapid development of front-end technology, more and more web developers are beginning to explore how to use modern front-end tools to improve the development efficiency and user experience of web applications. Laravel Mix, as a front-end construction tool in the Laravel framework, has been widely recognized and used during many years of development.

At the same time, ThinkPHP6, as a popular PHP framework, has also begun to introduce Laravel Mix as its default front-end building tool. In this article, we will introduce how to use Laravel Mix for front-end building in ThinkPHP6, as well as some common tips and considerations.

  1. Installing Laravel Mix

Before we start using Laravel Mix, we need to make sure that Node.js and npm are installed. After the installation is complete, you can use the following command to install Laravel Mix:

npm install laravel-mix --save-dev

After the installation is completed, we can use the following command to verify whether the installation is successful:

npx mix --version
  1. Configure webpack.mix .js

The default configuration file for Laravel Mix is ​​webpack.mix.js. We need to configure some parameters in this file so that Laravel Mix can work correctly. The following is the content of an example webpack.mix.js file:

const mix = require('laravel-mix');

mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')
   .sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css');

In this configuration file, we define the input path and output path of a JavaScript file and a SCSS file. When running the front-end build command, Laravel Mix will automatically read these settings and compile the input files into output files.

In addition to the input and output paths, we can also set the following options in the webpack.mix.js file:

  • sourceMaps: whether to generate source map files (default is true) ;
  • extractVueStyles: Whether to extract the styles in the Vue component into a separate CSS file (default is false);
  • version: Whether to enable version control and generate a file name with a version number ( Default is false);
  • publicPath: The path of the public folder (default is '/').

By defining various settings and options in the webpack.mix.js file, we can customize the way Laravel Mix works based on our specific project needs.

  1. Run the front-end build command

After correctly configuring the webpack.mix.js file, we can use the following command to run the front-end build process of Laravel Mix:

npx mix

This command will read the settings in the webpack.mix.js file, compile the input file and save the output file to the specified output path. During runtime, Laravel Mix automatically detects changes to input files and recompiles output files when necessary.

In addition, we can also append some parameters to customize the build options when running the build command. Here are some of the available command line options:

  • --production: Enable production mode, compression and minification are automatically enabled. Commonly used in production environment builds.
  • --watch: Turn on the monitoring mode, which will detect changes in the input file and automatically recompile the output file. Commonly used for debugging in development environments.
  • --hot: Enable hot module replacement, the modification results will be displayed in the browser in real time without manually refreshing the page. Commonly used for debugging in development environments.
  1. Using the features provided by Laravel Mix

In addition to basic input and output compilation, Laravel Mix also provides many useful features and plugins that can Used to greatly improve our front-end development efficiency.

The following are some common plug-ins and functions of Laravel Mix:

  • Browsersync: Let the browser display the modification results in real time and support simultaneous display on multiple devices.
  • Vue.js support: Provides a variety of compilation functions for use with Vue.js.
  • PostCSS: Provides a variety of CSS post-processing functions, such as automatically adding browser prefixes, extracting CSS variables, etc.
  • Autoprefixer: Automatically add browser prefixes to CSS.
  • PurgeCSS: Automatically remove unused styles from CSS.


Laravel Mix is ​​a powerful and easy-to-use front-end building tool that provides a lot of convenience for our web application development. By correctly configuring the webpack.mix.js file and using the functions provided by Laravel Mix, we can quickly build an efficient and reliable front-end system, and greatly improve our development efficiency and user experience.

The above is the detailed content of How to use Laravel Mix for front-end build in ThinkPHP6. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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