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Write a high-performance full-text search engine using Go language

2023-06-15 23:51:081159browse

With the advent of the Internet era, full-text search engines have attracted more and more attention. Among countless web pages, documents and data, we need to quickly find the required content, which requires the use of efficient full-text search engines. Go language is a programming language known for its efficiency. Its design goal is to improve code execution efficiency and performance. Therefore, using Go language to write a full-text search engine can greatly improve its operating efficiency and performance. This article will introduce how to use Go language to write a high-performance full-text search engine.

1. Understanding the full-text search engine

The full-text search engine is a special database system used to provide fast and accurate search functions. Unlike traditional database systems, full-text search engines index text content for faster full-text searches. The full-text search engine will index every word in the text content, so that text content containing the keyword can be found by searching for the keyword.

The full-text search engine has the following characteristics:

  1. Efficiency: The full-text search engine uses inverted index (Inverted Index) technology to match each word to the corresponding text content. To quickly find the text content containing the word.
  2. Accuracy: The full-text search engine can segment text content and split the text content into independent words for more accurate search.
  3. Scalability: The full-text search engine can handle massive amounts of text content and supports incremental indexing to quickly update new content.

2. Learning Go language

Before using Go language to write a full-text search engine, we need to learn the basic knowledge of Go language. Go language is an open source programming language developed by Google. Go language has the following characteristics:

  1. Simplicity: The amount of code in Go language is relatively small, and the syntax is simple and clear.
  2. Fast: The execution speed of Go language is very fast, and it has higher operating efficiency than other languages.
  3. Concurrency: Go language has good concurrency performance and can handle multiple tasks at the same time to improve program performance.

3. Use Go language to write a full-text search engine

Next, we will introduce how to use Go language to write a high-performance full-text search engine.

  1. Building an inverted index

The core of the full-text search engine is the inverted index. An inverted index maps each word to a set of documents for faster searching. In the Go language, you can use map to implement the inverted index:

type InvertedIndex map[string][]int

where the string represents the word, and []int represents the document number containing the word. The inverted index can be built in the following way:

func BuildIndex(docs []string) InvertedIndex {
    index := make(InvertedIndex)
    for i, d := range docs {
        for _, word := range tokenize(d) {
            if _, ok := index[word]; !ok {
                index[word] = []int{i}
            } else {
                index[word] = append(index[word], i)
    return index

In the above code, the BuildIndex function can accept a set of documents. The function will first split the document into words (tokenize), and then based on the occurrence of each word Position, build inverted index. Finally, the function returns the inverted index.

  1. Word segmentation of text

When building an inverted index, the text needs to be split. In Go language, you can use regular expressions to split text and remove redundant punctuation and stop words. The specific code implementation is as follows:

func tokenize(text string) []string {
    re := regexp.MustCompile(`w+`)
    words := re.FindAllString(text, -1)
    result := []string{}
    for _, w := range words {
        w = strings.ToLower(w)
        if !isStopWord(w) {
            result = append(result, w)
    return result

In the above code, the tokenize function first uses regular expressions to split the text and obtain all words. The function then converts the words to lowercase and removes stop words. Finally, the function returns a list of words that can be used to build the inverted index.

  1. Search text

After using the Go language to build a full-text search engine, we can quickly search for text content containing specific words. The specific code implementation is as follows:

func Search(index InvertedIndex, query string, docs []string) []string {
    result := make(map[int]bool)
    for _, word := range tokenize(query) {
        if docs, ok := index[word]; ok {
            for _, d := range docs {
                result[d] = true
    output := []string{}
    for d, _ := range result {
        output = append(output, docs[d])
    return output

In the above code, the Search function first calls the tokenize function to segment the search keywords, and then searches for documents containing the search keywords in the inverted index. If a document that meets the criteria is found, the document is added to the result set. Finally, the function returns a list of documents that meet the criteria.

4. Optimize the full-text search engine

After using the Go language to build the full-text search engine, we can further optimize it and improve its performance and efficiency. The following are some optimization suggestions:

  1. Cached search results: When searching, we can cache the search results so that the cached results can be used directly when searching for the same keywords next time to improve search efficiency. .
  2. Compressed inverted index: The inverted index may occupy a large amount of memory space, so we can consider using a compression algorithm to compress the inverted index so that it takes up less memory space.
  3. Use concurrent programming: Go language has good concurrency performance. We can use the concurrent programming mechanism of Go language to parallelize the search process and improve search efficiency.

In short, it is very valuable to use Go language to write a high-performance full-text search engine. With the efficient performance and concurrency mechanism of the Go language, we can implement fast and accurate full-text search functions to help users find what they need faster.

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