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Use PHP to crawl Steam game information

2023-06-14 17:26:331786browse

With the development of the gaming industry, more and more gamers are purchasing games through the Steam platform. As the world's largest PC game distribution platform, Steam provides a wealth of game and community features, attracting a large number of game enthusiasts from around the world. If you are a Steam game enthusiast or a developer who wants to know Steam game information, then this article will introduce how to use PHP language to crawl Steam game information.

1. Understand the Steam API

Steam provides an official API (Application Program Interface, application programming interface). If you are a developer, you can use the official API to obtain game information. However, using the official API requires authentication first, and the official API has many restrictions. For example, obtaining game prices, ratings, recommendations and other information requires users to log in to Steam. Therefore, this article will introduce how to use PHP to crawl web data of Steam game information.

2. Obtain the source code of the Steam game page

Before using PHP to crawl Steam game information, we need to first understand how to obtain the source code of the Steam game page. Open any Steam game details page, open the developer tools in the browser, switch to the "Network" tab, set the request type to "all", and refresh the page. You will see all the request records, and there is one called "store.steampowered.com", which is the request we need.

Move the cursor below the request and find the "Request URL" under the "Headers" tab on the right. This URL is the complete address of the game details page. Copy the address and add it to the PHP code Use the file_get_contents() function to obtain the source code of the page.

3. Parse the Steam game page source code

The next step in crawling Steam game information is to parse the Steam game page source code. We can parse HTML documents using DOMDocument and DOMXPath classes in PHP. First, we need to pass the downloaded page source code to the loadHTML() method of the DOMDocument class to create a DOM object, and then query the elements through the query() method of the DOMXPath class.

The following is a sample code that can parse the name and release date of a Steam game:

$url = "https://store.steampowered.com/app/105600/";
$html = file_get_contents($url);

$doc = new DOMDocument();

$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);

$name = $xpath->query('//div[@class="apphub_AppName"]')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$date = $xpath->query('//div[@class="date"]')->item(0)->nodeValue;

echo "游戏名字:".$name."
echo "发布日期:".$date."

In the above code, we use the XPath query language to query the elements in the Steam game page. Among them, the "//@class=" parameter points to the class name that needs to be queried, the item() method is used to get the first matching element, and the nodeValue attribute is used to get the element text content.

4. Crawling more information about Steam games

With the foundation of the previous steps, you can now use the same method to obtain other information about Steam games. The following are some common Steam game information query Xpaths:

  1. Game price:
$price = $xpath->query('//div[@class="game_purchase_price"]')->item(0)->nodeValue;
  1. Game rating:
$score = $xpath->query('//div[@class="user_reviews_summary_row"]')->item(0)->getAttribute("data-tooltip-text");
  1. Game developers and publishers:
$developer = $xpath->query('//div[@id="developers_list"]//a')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$publisher = $xpath->query('//div[@id="publishers_list"]//a')->item(0)->nodeValue;
  1. Recommended game configuration:
$config = $xpath->query('//div[@class="sysreq_contents"]')->item(0)->nodeValue;

In actual use, you can customize the query according to your needs Elements. However, please note that the HTML structure of the Steam website may change, so please check whether your code is running properly. If the structure of the web page changes, you need to update your query method.

5. Submit Steam game information

After completing the crawling of Steam game information, we can submit this information to your database or other data storage. In practice, you may encounter some anti-crawler mechanisms, such as limiting IP addresses, verification codes, etc., so when writing PHP code, please pay attention to abide by Steam's terms for crawlers and use data scraping methods reasonably.


This article introduces the basic method of how to use PHP language to crawl Steam game information. By using technologies such as DOMDocument and DOMXPath, we can extract useful information from Steam game pages, such as game name, publisher, price, ratings, and recommended configurations. I hope this article can be helpful to crawler enthusiasts, Steam game developers, and Steam players.

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