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How to use Go language for intelligent warehousing development?

2023-06-10 20:05:111291browse

With the continuous development of the logistics industry and the acceleration of the intelligentization process, intelligent warehousing has become an important direction for the development of the logistics industry. In the development of intelligent warehousing, the Go language has become a very suitable language for developing intelligent warehousing systems due to its support for excellent features such as coroutines and concurrency. This article will introduce how to use Go language for intelligent warehousing development.

1. Use message queue to implement asynchronous tasks

In intelligent warehousing systems, it is often necessary to process a large number of asynchronous tasks, such as asynchronous entry into the warehouse, asynchronous exit from the warehouse, etc. The Go language makes it very convenient to use message queues to handle these asynchronous tasks. Common message queues include RabbitMQ, Kafka, etc. The following takes RabbitMQ as an example to introduce how to use the Go language to implement asynchronous task processing.

  1. Installing RabbitMQ

First, you need to download and install RabbitMQ. You can visit the official website of RabbitMQ to download and install it.

  1. Use Go language to connect to RabbitMQ

The Go language provides a wealth of RabbitMQ libraries, which can be used to connect to RabbitMQ very conveniently. Code example:

import (

func main() {
    conn, err := amqp.Dial("amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/")
    if err != nil {
        // 处理连接失败的情况
    defer conn.Close()

    ch, err := conn.Channel()
    if err != nil {
        // 处理创建 channel 失败的情况
    defer ch.Close()

    // 声明一个 queue,用于接收消息
    q, err := ch.QueueDeclare(
        "hello", // queue 名称
        false,   // 是否持久化
        false,   // 是否自动删除
        false,   // 是否独占连接
        false,   // 是否阻塞
        nil,     // arguments
    if err != nil {
        // 处理声明 queue 失败的情况

    // 发送消息
    err = ch.Publish(
        "",        // exchange
        q.Name,    // routing key
        false,     // compulsory
        false,     // immediate
            ContentType: "text/plain",
            Body:        []byte("Hello World!"),
    if err != nil {
        // 处理发送消息失败的情况
  1. Processing received messages

After using Go language to connect to RabbitMQ, you need to implement a consumer to receive messages. Code example:

import (

func main() {
    conn, err := amqp.Dial("amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/")
    if err != nil {
        // 处理连接失败的情况
    defer conn.Close()

    ch, err := conn.Channel()
    if err != nil {
        // 处理创建 channel 失败的情况
    defer ch.Close()

    // 声明一个 queue,用于接收消息
    q, err := ch.QueueDeclare(
        "hello", // queue 名称
        false,   // 是否持久化
        false,   // 是否自动删除
        false,   // 是否独占连接
        false,   // 是否阻塞
        nil,     // arguments
    if err != nil {
        // 处理声明 queue 失败的情况

    // 接收消息
    msgs, err := ch.Consume(
        q.Name, // queue
        "",     // consumer
        true,   // auto-ack
        false,  // exclusive
        false,  // no-local
        false,  // no-wait
        nil,    // arguments
    if err != nil {
        // 处理接收消息失败的情况

    // 处理接收到的消息
    for msg := range msgs {
        // 处理接收到的消息

2. Use coroutines and concurrency to process large-scale data

In intelligent warehousing systems, large-scale data often need to be processed. Using the Go language, you can use coroutines and concurrency to process this data, improving data processing efficiency and concurrency capabilities. Here are some common coroutines and concurrency processing techniques.

  1. Use coroutines to process data concurrently

It is very convenient to create coroutines using Go language. You can use coroutines to process data concurrently and improve data processing efficiency. Code example:

func main() {
    // 初始化一个 channel,用于发送任务和接收结果
    taskCh := make(chan string)
    resultCh := make(chan string)

    // 启动任务处理协程
    go handleTask(taskCh, resultCh)

    // 发送任务
    for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
        taskCh <- "task" + strconv.Itoa(i)

    // 接收结果
    for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
        result := <-resultCh
        // 处理结果

    // 关闭 channel

func handleTask(taskCh chan string, resultCh chan string) {
    // 不断接收任务并处理
    for task := range taskCh {
        // 处理任务
        result := "result" + task

        // 发送结果
        resultCh <- result
  1. Use WaitGroup to process tasks concurrently

When processing multiple tasks, you can use WaitGroup to manage the concurrent execution of tasks. Code example:

import (

func main() {
    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    // 并发执行任务
    for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {

        go func(i int) {
            defer wg.Done()

            // 处理任务

    // 等待任务全部执行完毕

3. Use machine learning to improve the efficiency of intelligent warehousing

In intelligent warehousing systems, intelligent processing of data is often required, such as intelligent scheduling and intelligent path planning. wait. At this time, machine learning algorithms can be used to improve the efficiency of intelligent warehousing. Using the Go language, you can easily use the machine learning framework to implement the development of machine learning algorithms. Common machine learning frameworks include TensorFlow, Keras, etc. The following takes TensorFlow as an example to introduce how to use Go language for machine learning development.

  1. Installing TensorFlow

First, you need to download and install TensorFlow. You can visit TensorFlow's official website to download and install it.

  1. Use Go language to connect to TensorFlow

Go language provides TensorFlow interface libraries, and you can use these libraries to connect to TensorFlow. Code example:

import (

func main() {
    // 初始化一个 session
    session, err := tensorflow.NewSession(graph, nil)
    if err != nil {
        // 处理初始化 session 失败的情况
    defer session.Close()

    // 创建一个 tensor
    tensor, err := tensorflow.NewTensor([1][]float64{
        []float64{0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0},
    if err != nil {
        // 处理创建 tensor 失败的情况

    // 运行一个 op
    output, err := session.Run(
            graph.Operation("x").Output(0): tensor,
    if err != nil {
        // 处理运行 op 失败的情况

    // 处理输出结果
    result := output[0].Value().([][]float32)
  1. Implementing a machine learning model

Using TensorFlow, you can implement a machine learning model very easily. The following uses TensorFlow to implement a linear regression model as an example to introduce how to use the Go language to implement a machine learning model.

import (

func main() {
    // 创建一个 graph
    graph := tensorflow.NewGraph()

    // 创建输入变量 x 和 y
    x := tensorflow.Node{
        Op: graph.Operation("Placeholder"),
        OutputIdx: 0,
    y := tensorflow.Node{
        Op: graph.Operation("Placeholder"),
        OutputIdx: 0,

    // 创建变量 W 和 b
    W := tensorflow.Node{
        Op: graph.Operation("Variable"),
        OutputIdx: 0,
    b := tensorflow.Node{
        Op: graph.Operation("Variable"),
        OutputIdx: 0,

    // 创建模型
    y_pred := tensorflow.Must(tensorflow.Add(
        tensorflow.Must(tensorflow.Mul(x, W)), b))

    // 创建损失函数和优化器
    loss := tensorflow.Must(tensorflow.ReduceMean(
            tensorflow.Must(tensorflow.Sub(y_pred, y))))))
    optimizer := tensorflow.Must(tensorflow.Train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.5).Minimize(loss))

    // 初始化变量
    session, err := tensorflow.NewSession(graph, nil)
    if err != nil {
        // 处理初始化 session 失败的情况
    defer session.Close()

    if err := session.Run(nil, map[tensorflow.Output]*tensorflow.Tensor{
        x.Output(0): tensorflow.NewTensor([5]float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}),
        y.Output(0): tensorflow.NewTensor([5]float32{1, 3, 5, 7, 9}),
    }, []*tensorflow.Operation{graph.Operation("init")}); err != nil {
        // 处理初始化变量失败的情况

    // 训练模型
    for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
        if _, err := session.Run(nil, map[tensorflow.Output]*tensorflow.Tensor{
            x.Output(0): tensorflow.NewTensor([5]float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}),
            y.Output(0): tensorflow.NewTensor([5]float32{1, 3, 5, 7, 9}),
        }, []*tensorflow.Operation{optimizer}); err != nil {
            // 处理训练失败的情况

    // 使用模型进行预测
    output, err := session.Run(nil, map[tensorflow.Output]*tensorflow.Tensor{
        x.Output(0): tensorflow.NewTensor([1]float32{5}),
    }, []*tensorflow.Operation{y_pred})
    if err != nil {
        // 处理预测失败的情况

    // 处理预测结果
    result := output[0].Value().([][]float32)


This article introduces how to use Go language for intelligent warehousing development, including using message queues to implement asynchronous tasks, using coroutines and concurrent processing of large-scale data, and using machine learning to improve intelligence. Improve warehousing efficiency. The Go language can be used to easily develop intelligent warehousing systems, providing important support for the intelligent development of the logistics industry.

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