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How to use Go language for smart contract development?

2023-06-10 09:25:541099browse

The rise of blockchain technology has brought about the concept of smart contracts. Smart contracts can execute automated contract terms without the need for third-party arbitration, making the execution of the contract more fair and transparent. The Go language has become one of the most popular development languages ​​in the blockchain field because of its efficient and safe features.

This article will introduce how to use the Go language to develop smart contracts.

  1. Install the Go compiler

First you need to install the Go compiler and download the corresponding version from the official website https://golang.org. After the installation is complete, enter the "go version" command on the command line. If you can see the correct version number, the installation is successful.

  1. Install the Solidity compiler

Solidity is a programming language commonly used in smart contract development. Through Solidity, it can be compiled and used on blockchains such as Ethereum. running smart contract. In order to combine Solidity with the Go language, you can use the Solidity compiler solc provided by Ethereum Company to convert the Solidity code into an ABI (Application Binary Interface) format file. The corresponding version of solc can be downloaded at https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/releases.

Enter the "solc --version" command on the command line to test whether solc is installed successfully.

  1. Write smart contracts using Go language

In the Go language, you can define the data type of a smart contract by creating a structure. For example, the following defines a structure named Token:

type Token struct {
     Name         string
     Symbol       string
     TotalSupply  uint64
     Balance      map[string]uint64

As you can see, the name, symbol, total amount and balance of Token are defined here, and the balance is implemented through mapping.

Next, you can use the Solidity compiler to compile the smart contract code into an ABI format file. Use the command "solc --abi Token.sol -o ." to compile the Solidity code Token.sol into a Token.abi file.

Next step, you can use Go language to parse the compiled ABI file. The specific code is as follows:

file, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("Token.abi")
abi, _ := abi.JSON(strings.NewReader(string(file)))

Through this code, the Token.abi file can be read as bytes Stream and parse to get an abi.ABI object, so that you can use various functions defined in the smart contract in the Go language.

  1. Use Go language to interact with smart contracts

After completing the writing and compilation of smart contracts, you can use Go language to interact with smart contracts. During the interaction process, two libraries need to be used:

  • go-ethereum: The Ethereum client library in the Go language, which can complete the interaction with the Ethereum blockchain.
  • go-ethereum/accounts/abi/bind: An ABI binding library in the Go language that can complete the interaction between the Go language and the Solidity contract.

The following is an example of using Go language to transfer money to a smart contract:

func transfer() {
     ethClient, _ := ethclient.Dial("https://mainnet.infura.io")
     privateKey, _ := crypto.HexToECDSA("...")
     publicKey := privateKey.PublicKey
     fromAddress := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(publicKey)

     token := Token{}    // 加载 Token 合约
     address := common.HexToAddress("0x...")    // Token 合约地址
     tokenContract, _ := bindToken.NewToken(address, ethClient)    // 合约绑定
     gasLimit := uint64(3000000)    // 定义 gasLimit
     gasPrice := big.NewInt(0)    // 定义 gasPrice
     nonce, _ := ethClient.PendingNonceAt(context.Background(), fromAddress)    // 获取 nonce
     value := big.NewInt(1000)    // 要转账的数量
     tx := types.NewTransaction(nonce, address, value, gasLimit, gasPrice, nil)    // 创建交易
     signedTx, _ := types.SignTx(tx, types.HomesteadSigner{}, privateKey)    // 签名交易
     ethClient.SendTransaction(context.Background(), signedTx)    // 发送转账交易

Note that some specific parameters need to be filled in the above code, such as the URL of the Ethereum node and the transfer value. , contract address, etc.


This article mainly introduces how to use Go language to develop and interact with smart contracts, including installing the Go compiler and Solidity compiler, using Go language to write smart contracts, and using Go language to parse ABI code generated by the Solidity compiler and steps for interacting with smart contracts using the Go language.

Although the writing process of smart contracts requires a certain learning cost, with the help of the efficient and safe features of the Go language, development efficiency and error rates can be effectively improved.

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