spring Boot provides a component package for Redis integration: spring-boot-starter-data-redis, which depends on spring-data-redis and lettuce.
In addition, there are two small details here:
In the Spring Boot 1.x era, the bottom layer of spring-data-redis used Jedis; in the 2.x era Replaced with Lettuce.
Lettuce depends on commons-pool2
<!-- springboot整合redis--> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-redis</artifactId> </dependency> <!-- 使用 lettuce 时要加这个包;使用 jedis 时则不需要。--> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId> <artifactId>commons-pool2</artifactId> </dependency>
## Redis 服务器地址 spring.redis.host=localhost ## Redis 服务器连接端口 spring.redis.port=6379 ## Redis 数据库索引(默认为 0) spring.redis.database=0 ## 以下非必须,有默认值 ## Redis 服务器连接密码(默认为空) spring.redis.password= ## 连接池最大连接数(使用负值表示没有限制)默认 8 spring.redis.lettuce.pool.max-active=8 ## 连接池最大阻塞等待时间(使用负值表示没有限制)默认 -1 spring.redis.lettuce.pool.max-wait=-1 ## 连接池中的最大空闲连接 默认 8 spring.redis.lett uce.pool.max-idle=8 ## 连接池中的最小空闲连接 默认 0 spring.redis.lettuce.pool.min-idle=0
In this unit test, we use redisTemplate to store a string "Hello Redis"
Spring Data Redis has reclassified and encapsulated the api, encapsulating the same type of operations into Operation interface:
Proprietary operations | Description |
Data operations of string type | |
list type data operation | |
set type data operation | |
zset type data operation | |
map type data operation |
But obviously, this is contrary to the actual situation of Redis: at the smallest storage unit level, Redis can essentially only store strings and cannot store other types. From this point of view, StringRedisTemplate is more in line with the storage nature of Redis. How does RedisTemplate support any type by serializing values?.
When using RedisTemplate to store objects, the address of the object will be saved for deserialization, which will greatly waste storage space. To solve this problem, use StringRedisTemplate, thinking that manual serialization and deserialization are required
Users users = new Users(); users.setId(2); users.setUsername("李四2"); redisTemplate.opsForValue().set("user:2", JSON.toJSONString(users)); //存的时候序列化对象 String u = redisTemplate.opsForValue().get("user:2"); //redis 只能返回字符串 System.out.println("u="+ JSON.parseObject(u,Users.class)); //使用JSON工具反序化成对象
If the spring-boot-starter-web dependency is not introduced in springboot, you need to add the jackson dependency.
<dependency> <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId> <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId> </dependency>
5. SpringBoot operates String string
Commonly used redis time units
MINUTES: Minutes
SECONDS: Seconds
DAYS: Day//给user对象设置10分钟过期时间
redisTemplate.opsForValue().set("user:1", JSON.toJSONString(users),10,TimeUnit.MINUTES );
b, delete data
//删除键 redisTemplate.delete(key); //判断键是否存在 boolean exists = redisTemplate.hasKey(key);
@Test public void testHash() { String key = "tom"; HashOperations<String, Object, Object> operations = redisTemplate.opsForHash(); operations.put(key, "name", "tom"); operations.put(key, "age", "20"); String value= (String) operations.get(key,"name"); System.out.println(value); }
According to the above test case, it is found that three parameters need to be passed in during Hash set. The first is key, the second is field, and the third is the stored value. Generally speaking, Key represents a set of data, field is the attribute related to key, and value is the value corresponding to the attribute.
7. SpringBoot operates List collection type
/** * 测试List * leftPush 将数据添加到key对应的现有数据的左边,也就是头部 * leftPop 取队列最左边数据(从数据库移除) * rightPush 将数据添加到key对应的现有数据的右边,也就是尾部 */ @Test public void testList() { final String key = "list"; ListOperations<String,Object> list = redisTemplate.opsForList(); list.leftPush(key, "hello"); list.leftPush(key, "world"); list.leftPush(key, "goodbye"); Object mete = list.leftPop("list"); System.out.println("删除的元素是:"+mete); //删除 goodbye String value = (String) list.leftPop(key); System.out.println(value.toString()); // range(key, 0, 2) 从下标0开始找,找到2下标 List<Object> values = list.range(key, 0, 2); for (Object v : values) { System.out.println("list range :" + v); } } }
Redis List is implemented as a two-way linked list, which can support reverse search and traversal, making it more convenient to operate. However, it brings some additional memory overhead, many implementations within Redis, including sending buffer queues, etc. This data structure is also used.
8. SpringBoot operates Set collection type
/** * 测试Set */ @Test public void testSet() { final String key = "set"; SetOperations<String,Object> set = redisTemplate.opsForSet(); set.add(key, "hello"); set.add(key, "world"); set.add(key, "world"); set.add(key, "goodbye"); Set<Object> values = set.members(key); for (Object v : values) { System.out.println("set value :" + v); } Boolean exist = set.isMember(key,"hello") //判断是否存在某个元素 operations.move("set", "hello", "setcopy"); //把set集合中的hello元素放到setcopy 中 } }
9. SpringBoot operates ZSet collection type
/** * 测试ZSet * range(key, 0, 3) 从开始下标到结束下标,score从小到大排序 * reverseRange score从大到小排序 * rangeByScore(key, 0, 3); 返回Score在0至3之间的数据 */ @Test public void testZset() { final String key = "lz"; ZSetOperations<String,Object> zset = redisTemplate.opsForZSet(); zset.add(key, "hello", 1); zset.add(key, "world", 6); zset.add(key, "good", 4); zset.add(key, "bye", 3); Set<Object> zsets = zset.range(key, 0, 3); for (Object v : zsets) { System.out.println("zset-A value :"+v); } System.out.println("======="); Set<Object> zsetB = zset.rangeByScore(key, 0, 3); for (Object v : zsetB) { System.out.println("zset-B value :"+v); } } }
The above is the detailed content of How does Java SpringBoot operate Redis?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!