Each store can issue coupons:
When a user rushes to purchase, an order will be generated and saved in the tb_voucher_order table. However, if the order table uses a database auto-increment ID, there will be some problems:
The regularity of id is too obvious
Limited by the amount of data in a single table
So the primary key of the tb_voucher_order table cannot use auto-increment ID:
create table tb_voucher_order ( id bigint not null comment '主键' primary key, user_id bigint unsigned not null comment '下单的用户id', voucher_id bigint unsigned not null comment '购买的代金券id', pay_type tinyint(1) unsigned default 1 not null comment '支付方式 1:余额支付;2:支付宝;3:微信', status tinyint(1) unsigned default 1 not null comment '订单状态,1:未支付;2:已支付;3:已核销;4:已取消;5:退款中;6:已退款', create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null comment '下单时间', pay_time timestamp null comment '支付时间', use_time timestamp null comment '核销时间', refund_time timestamp null comment '退款时间', update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '更新时间' );
Global ID generator is a tool used to generate globally unique IDs in distributed systems. It generally must meet the following characteristics:
In order to increase the security of the ID, we can not directly use the value automatically incremented by Redis, but splice some other information:
D Components:
Sign bit: 1 bit, always 0, indicating a positive number
Timestamp: 31 bit, in seconds, OK Used for 69 years
Serial number: 32bit, counter within seconds, supports 2^32 different IDs per second
Write the global ID generator code:
@Component public class RedisIdWorker { /** * 开始时间戳,以2022.1.1为基准计算时间差 */ private static final long BEGIN_TIMESTAMP = 1640995200L; /** * 序列号的位数 */ private static final int COUNT_BITS = 32; private StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate; public RedisIdWorker(StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate) { this.stringRedisTemplate = stringRedisTemplate; } /** * 生成带有业务前缀的redis自增id * @param keyPrefix * @return */ public long nextId(String keyPrefix) { // 1.生成时间戳 LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime.now(); long nowSecond = now.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC); long timestamp = nowSecond - BEGIN_TIMESTAMP; // 2.生成序列号 // 2.1.获取当前日期,精确到天 // 加上日期前缀,可以让存更多同一业务类型的数据,并且还能通过日期获取当天的业务数量,一举两得 String date = now.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy:MM:dd")); // 2.2.自增长 long count = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().increment("icr:" + keyPrefix + ":" + date); // 3.拼接并返回 // 用于是数字类型的拼接,所以不能像拼接字符串那样处理,而是通过位运算将高32位存 符号位+时间戳,低32位存 序列号 return timestamp << COUNT_BITS | count; } public static void main(String[] args) { LocalDateTime time = LocalDateTime.of(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); long second = time.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC); System.out.println(second);// 1640995200 } }
Test the global ID generator:
@SpringBootTest class HmDianPingApplicationTests { @Resource private RedisIdWorker redisIdWorker; private ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(500); @Test void testIdWorker() throws InterruptedException { CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(300); // 每个线程生成100个id Runnable task = () -> { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long id = redisIdWorker.nextId("order"); System.out.println("id = " + id); } latch.countDown(); }; // 300个线程 long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) { executorService.submit(task); } latch.await(); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("time = " + (end - begin)); } }
Test results:
UUID (not incremental)
Redis self-increment
Snowflake algorithm (snowflake)
Database self-increment (build a separate table to store self-increment id, assigned to the table after sharding the database and sharding the table)
Key with date as prefix , convenient for counting order volume
Structure of self-increasing ID: timestamp counter
Each store can publish coupons, which are divided into affordable coupons and special coupons. Affordable coupons can be purchased at will, while special coupons require flash sales:
Coupon table information:
tb_voucher: coupon Basic information, discount amount, usage rules, etc. (the type field of the tb_voucher table distinguishes whether it is an ordinary coupon or a flash sale coupon)
tb_seckill_voucher: Coupon inventory, start time, and end time ( This information needs to be filled in only for flash sale coupons), and the flash sale coupon has the basic information of ordinary coupons (the primary key id of the flash sale coupon table tb_seckill_voucher is bound to the id of the ordinary coupon table tb_voucher)
create table tb_voucher ( id bigint unsigned auto_increment comment '主键' primary key, shop_id bigint unsigned null comment '商铺id', title varchar(255) not null comment '代金券标题', sub_title varchar(255) null comment '副标题', rules varchar(1024) null comment '使用规则', pay_value bigint(10) unsigned not null comment '支付金额,单位是分。例如200代表2元', actual_value bigint(10) not null comment '抵扣金额,单位是分。例如200代表2元', type tinyint(1) unsigned default 0 not null comment '0,普通券;1,秒杀券', status tinyint(1) unsigned default 1 not null comment '1,上架; 2,下架; 3,过期', create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null comment '创建时间', update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '更新时间' );
create table tb_seckill_voucher ( voucher_id bigint unsigned not null comment '关联的优惠券的id' primary key, stock int(8) not null comment '库存', create_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null comment '创建时间', begin_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null comment '生效时间', end_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null comment '失效时间', update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '更新时间' ) comment '秒杀优惠券表,与优惠券是一对一关系';
Main code:
@RestController @RequestMapping("/voucher") public class VoucherController { @Resource private IVoucherService voucherService; /** * 新增秒杀券 * @param voucher 优惠券信息,包含秒杀信息 * @return 优惠券id */ @PostMapping("seckill") public Result addSeckillVoucher(@RequestBody Voucher voucher) { voucherService.addSeckillVoucher(voucher); return Result.ok(voucher.getId()); } }
@Service public class VoucherServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<VoucherMapper, Voucher> implements IVoucherService { @Resource private ISeckillVoucherService seckillVoucherService; @Override @Transactional public void addSeckillVoucher(Voucher voucher) { // 保存优惠券 save(voucher); // 保存秒杀信息 SeckillVoucher seckillVoucher = new SeckillVoucher(); seckillVoucher.setVoucherId(voucher.getId()); seckillVoucher.setStock(voucher.getStock()); seckillVoucher.setBeginTime(voucher.getBeginTime()); seckillVoucher.setEndTime(voucher.getEndTime()); seckillVoucherService.save(seckillVoucher); } }
Test addition:
Test results:
You need to judge two points when placing an order:
Whether the flash sale has started or ended. If it has not started or has ended, you cannot place an order
Whether the inventory is sufficient, if insufficient, the order cannot be placed
##Main code:
@RestController @RequestMapping("/voucher-order") public class VoucherOrderController { @Resource private IVoucherOrderService voucherOrderService; @PostMapping("seckill/{id}") public Result seckillVoucher(@PathVariable("id") Long voucherId) { return voucherOrderService.seckillVoucher(voucherId); } }
@Service public class VoucherOrderServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<VoucherOrderMapper, VoucherOrder> implements IVoucherOrderService { @Resource private ISeckillVoucherService seckillVoucherService; @Resource private RedisIdWorker redisIdWorker; @Override public Result seckillVoucher(Long voucherId) { // 1.查询优惠券 SeckillVoucher voucher = seckillVoucherService.getById(voucherId); // 2.判断秒杀是否开始 if (voucher.getBeginTime().isAfter(LocalDateTime.now())) { // 尚未开始 return Result.fail("秒杀尚未开始!"); } // 3.判断秒杀是否已经结束 if (voucher.getEndTime().isBefore(LocalDateTime.now())) { // 尚未开始 return Result.fail("秒杀已经结束!"); } // 4.判断库存是否充足 if (voucher.getStock() < 1) { // 库存不足 return Result.fail("库存不足!"); } //5,扣减库存 boolean success = seckillVoucherService.update() .setSql("stock= stock -1") .eq("voucher_id", voucherId).update(); if (!success) { // 扣减库存失败 return Result.fail("库存不足!"); } // 6.创建订单 VoucherOrder voucherOrder = new VoucherOrder(); // 6.1.订单id long orderId = redisIdWorker.nextId("order"); voucherOrder.setId(orderId); // 6.2.用户id Long userId = UserHolder.getUser().getId(); voucherOrder.setUserId(userId); // 6.3.代金券id voucherOrder.setVoucherId(voucherId); save(voucherOrder); return Result.ok(orderId); } }
Simple test flash sale successful:
Inventory deduction successful:
// 之前的代码 boolean success = seckillVoucherService.update() .setSql("stock= stock -1") .eq("voucher_id", voucherId).update(); // 乐观锁方式,通过CAS判断前后库存是否一致,解决超卖问题 boolean success = seckillVoucherService.update() .setSql("stock= stock -1") // set stock = stock -1 .eq("voucher_id", voucherId).eq("stock",voucher.getStock()).update(); // where id = ? and stock = ?
通过CAS 不再 判断前后库存是否一致,而是判断库存是否大于0
boolean success = seckillVoucherService.update() .setSql("stock= stock -1") .eq("voucher_id", voucherId).gt("stock",0).update(); // where id = ? and stock > 0
// 5.一人一单逻辑 Long userId = UserHolder.getUser().getId(); // 5.1.查询订单数量 int count = query().eq("user_id", userId).eq("voucher_id", voucherId).count(); // 5.2.判断是否下过单 if (count > 0) { // 用户已经购买过了 return Result.fail("用户已经购买过一次!"); }
首先将一人一单之后的逻辑全部加锁,所以将一人一单之后的逻辑抽取出一个方法进行加锁,public Result createVoucherOrder(Long voucherId)
如果直接在方法上加锁,则锁的是this对象,锁的对象粒度过大,就算是不同的人执行都会阻塞住,影响性能,public synchronized Result createVoucherOrder(Long voucherId)
所以将锁的对象改为userId,但是不能直接使用synchronized (userId),因为每次执行Long userId = UserHolder.getUser().getId();虽然值一样,但是对象不同,因此需要这样加锁 synchronized (userId.toString().intern()),intern()表示每次从字符串常量池中获取,这样值相同时,对象也相同
@Transactional public Result createVoucherOrder(Long voucherId) { synchronized (userId.toString().intern()) { 。。。 } }
synchronized (userId.toString().intern()) { // 获取代理对象(事务) IVoucherOrderService proxy = (IVoucherOrderService) AopContext.currentProxy(); return proxy.createVoucherOrder(voucherId); }
public Result createVoucherOrder(Long voucherId)
@Override public Result seckillVoucher(Long voucherId) { 。。。。 synchronized (userId.toString().intern()) { return this.createVoucherOrder(voucherId); } }
@Override public Result seckillVoucher(Long voucherId) { 。。。。 // 获取代理对象(事务) IVoucherOrderService proxy = (IVoucherOrderService) AopContext.currentProxy(); return proxy.createVoucherOrder(voucherId); }
<dependency> <groupId>org.aspectj</groupId> <artifactId>aspectjweaver</artifactId> </dependency>
@EnableAspectJAutoProxy(exposeProxy = true) @MapperScan("com.hmdp.mapper") @SpringBootApplication public class HmDianPingApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(HmDianPingApplication.class, args); } }
@Service public class VoucherOrderServiceImpl extends ServiceImplimplements IVoucherOrderService { @Resource private ISeckillVoucherService seckillVoucherService; @Resource private RedisIdWorker redisIdWorker; @Override public Result seckillVoucher(Long voucherId) { // 1.查询优惠券 SeckillVoucher voucher = seckillVoucherService.getById(voucherId); // 2.判断秒杀是否开始 if (voucher.getBeginTime().isAfter(LocalDateTime.now())) { // 尚未开始 return Result.fail("秒杀尚未开始!"); } // 3.判断秒杀是否已经结束 if (voucher.getEndTime().isBefore(LocalDateTime.now())) { // 尚未开始 return Result.fail("秒杀已经结束!"); } // 4.判断库存是否充足 if (voucher.getStock() < 1) { // 库存不足 return Result.fail("库存不足!"); } Long userId = UserHolder.getUser().getId(); synchronized (userId.toString().intern()) { // 获取代理对象(事务) IVoucherOrderService proxy = (IVoucherOrderService) AopContext.currentProxy(); return proxy.createVoucherOrder(voucherId); } } @Transactional public Result createVoucherOrder(Long voucherId) { // 5.一人一单逻辑 Long userId = UserHolder.getUser().getId(); // 5.1.查询订单数量 int count = query().eq("user_id", userId).eq("voucher_id", voucherId).count(); // 5.2.判断是否下过单 if (count > 0) { // 用户已经购买过了 return Result.fail("用户已经购买过一次!"); } // 6,扣减库存 // 乐观锁方式,通过CAS判断库存是否大于0,解决超卖问题: boolean success = seckillVoucherService.update() .setSql("stock= stock -1") .eq("voucher_id", voucherId).gt("stock",0).update(); // where id = ? and stock > 0 if (!success) { // 扣减库存失败 return Result.fail("库存不足!"); } // 7.创建订单 VoucherOrder voucherOrder = new VoucherOrder(); // 7.1.订单id long orderId = redisIdWorker.nextId("order"); voucherOrder.setId(orderId); // 7.2.用户id voucherOrder.setUserId(userId); // 7.3.代金券id voucherOrder.setVoucherId(voucherId); save(voucherOrder); // 8.返回订单id return Result.ok(orderId); } }
The above is the detailed content of How to implement Redis coupon flash sale function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!