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Application of thread safety and coroutine scheduling in Go language framework

2023-06-03 08:11:38629browse

With the popularization of networking technology and the development of Internet applications, Go language, as an efficient and simple programming language, has gradually become a mainstream development language in the Internet era. In Go language development, thread safety and coroutine scheduling are two very common and important concepts.

Thread safety means that when multiple threads operate the same shared resource, the correctness and consistency of the operation can be guaranteed. In the Go language, each function and method is an independent goroutine. Therefore, when multiple goroutines access the same shared resource at the same time, a race condition may occur, resulting in unpredictable results. In order to solve this problem, the Go language provides a variety of thread-safe solutions, such as mutex (Mutex), read-write lock (RWMutex), atomic operation (Atomic), etc. These solutions allow multiple goroutines in the program to collaborate with each other to ensure the correctness and sharing of resources.

Coroutine scheduling refers to scheduling CPU time slices between multiple goroutines to balance the load of each goroutine as much as possible and improve the concurrency and performance of the program. In the Go language, its scheduler uses the G-P-M model (Goroutine-Processor-Manager): G stands for goroutine, P stands for processor, and M stands for operating system thread (Machine). When a goroutine starts, it will be assigned to a P for execution and bound to an M. Each P maintains a local queue and a global queue. The local queue stores the goroutines belonging to the P, while the global queue stores all other goroutines not assigned to P. The scheduler periodically checks the local queue and global queue, and switches the goroutine to the idle P to continue execution.

In the Go language framework, thread safety and coroutine scheduling are very important applications. For example, in web development, when a large number of requests access the same code and resources concurrently, a thread-safe solution needs to be used to ensure the correctness of the data. At the same time, in order to improve the performance and concurrency of the program, it is also necessary to use a coroutine scheduler to balance the load of each goroutine as much as possible and make full use of the CPU and other hardware resources.

For Go language web development frameworks, such as Gin, Beego, etc., they all have built-in support for thread safety and coroutine schedulers. In the Gin framework, it ensures the thread safety of routing tables and middleware by using Mutex mutex locks, and also implements the coroutine scheduling mechanism. In the Beego framework, efficient concurrent processing and scheduling are achieved by using the global goroutine pool and the encapsulated coroutine scheduler.

In addition to the thread safety and coroutine scheduling features that come with the framework, the Go language also has some other excellent third-party libraries, such as sync, atomic, context, etc., all of which provide powerful thread safety and coroutine scheduling. Program scheduling support brings great convenience to developers.

In short, thread safety and coroutine scheduling are very important applications in the Go language. Applying them to the framework can improve the concurrency and performance of the program, making it easier for developers to work in high-concurrency environments. Develop web applications and other server-side programs.

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