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PHP implements CSS3 animation techniques for WeChat mini programs

2023-06-01 09:01:351497browse

With the rapid development of mobile Internet, WeChat mini programs have become one of the important channels for enterprises and individuals to conduct business. In order to attract users' attention and improve the user experience of mini programs, many developers use CSS3 animation techniques to design exquisite mini program interfaces. In this article, we will share the techniques for implementing CSS3 animation in WeChat mini programs in PHP, hoping to help developers better design mini programs.

1. Overview of CSS3 animation

CSS3 animation is a technology that uses CSS3 properties to change the style of elements to produce animation effects. It can achieve various animation effects from simple fade in and fade out, rotation, scaling, to complex path animation, gravity effect, etc. Compared with traditional JavaScript animation effects, CSS3 animation not only has simpler code, but also runs more smoothly without lagging.

2. Basic knowledge of CSS3 animation

Before implementing CSS3 animation in WeChat applet, let us first understand some basic concepts and properties of CSS3 animation.

  1. @keyframes Keyframes

@keyframes is the basic syntax of CSS3 animation, used to define the key frames of animation effects, as shown below:

@keyframes slideInLeft {
  from {
    transform: translateX(-100%);
  to {
    transform: translateX(0);
  1. animation animation property

animation is the abbreviation of CSS3 animation property, which can define the details of animation implementation and the name of animation. Its syntax is as follows:

animation: 动画名称 持续时间 运动曲线 延迟时间 重复次数 动画播放状态;

For example:

.animation {
  animation: slideInLeft 1s ease 0s 1 normal;

Among them, slideInLeft is the name of the key frame, 1s is the animation duration, ease is the motion curve, 0s is the delay time, 1 is the number of repetitions , normal is the animation playback state.

  1. transform attribute

CSS3 animation mainly uses the transform attribute to achieve the deformation effect of elements, such as rotation, scaling, translation, tilt, etc. Its syntax is as follows:

transform: 转换函数1(参数1, 参数2, ...) 转换函数2(参数1, 参数2, ...);

For example:

.transform {
  transform: translateX(100px) scale(0.8);

Among them, translateX and scale are two conversion functions. translateX is used to realize the horizontal movement of elements, while scale can realize the scaling effect of elements. .

3. PHP implements CSS3 animation

Now, let us learn how to use PHP to implement CSS3 animation effect of WeChat applet.

  1. Create an animation class

First, we need to create an Animation class to encapsulate the related properties and methods of animation effects. The code is as follows:

class Animation {
  public $name; // 动画名称
  public $duration; // 动画持续时间
  public $timingFunction; // 运动曲线
  public $delay; // 延迟时间
  public $iterationCount; // 重复次数
  public $direction; // 动画播放方向
  public $fillMode; // 动画填充模式
  public $keyFrames; // 关键帧
  public function __construct($name) {
    $this->name = $name;
  public function setDuration($duration) {
    $this->duration = $duration;
  public function setTimingFunction($timingFunction) {
    $this->timingFunction = $timingFunction;
  public function setDelay($delay) {
    $this->delay = $delay;
  public function setIterationCount($iterationCount) {
    $this->iterationCount = $iterationCount;
  public function setDirection($direction) {
    $this->direction = $direction;
  public function setFillMode($fillMode) {
    $this->fillMode = $fillMode;
  public function setKeyFrames($keyFrames) {
    $this->keyFrames = $keyFrames;
  public function __toString() {
    return $this->serialize();
  private function serialize() {
    $str = $this->name." {
    $str .= "  animation-duration: ".$this->duration.";
    $str .= "  animation-timing-function: ".$this->timingFunction.";
    $str .= "  animation-delay: ".$this->delay.";
    $str .= "  animation-iteration-count: ".$this->iterationCount.";
    $str .= "  animation-direction: ".$this->direction.";
    $str .= "  animation-fill-mode: ".$this->fillMode.";
    $str .= "  animation-name: ".$this->name.";
    $str .= "}
    $str .= "@keyframes ".$this->name." {
    foreach($this->keyFrames as $percent => $properties) {
      $str .= "  ".$percent."% {
      foreach($properties as $property => $value) {
        $str .= "    ".$property.": ".$value.";
      $str .= "  }
    $str .= "}
    return $str;
  1. Create an animation collection class

Next, we need to create an AnimationSet class to encapsulate multiple sets of animation effects. The code is as follows:

class AnimationSet {
  public $animations = array(); // 动画集合
  public function addAnimation($animation) {
    array_push($this->animations, $animation);
    return $animation;
  public function __toString() {
    $str = "";
    foreach($this->animations as $animation) {
      $str .= $animation->__toString();
    return $str;
  1. Generate CSS style sheet

Finally, we need to generate the CSS style sheet for the animation effect and apply it in the WeChat applet. The code is as follows:

$animation1 = new Animation("slideInLeft");
$keyFrames1 = array(
  "0" => array(
    "transform" => "translateX(-100%)"
  "100" => array(
    "transform" => "translateX(0)"

$animation2 = new Animation("fadeIn");
$keyFrames2 = array(
  "0" => array(
    "opacity" => "0"
  "100" => array(
    "opacity" => "1"

$animationSet = new AnimationSet();

echo "<style>".$animationSet->__toString()."</style>";

4. Apply animation effects

Now that we have successfully generated the CSS style sheet, next, we need to apply it in the WeChat applet. In wxml files, we can achieve animation effects by adding animation attributes to elements. For example:

<view class="slideInLeft" animation="{{animation1}}">这是一个左滑进入的动画效果</view>
<view class="fadeIn" animation="{{animation2}}">这是一个淡入效果</view>

In the corresponding js file, we need to add the onLoad callback function to the page to set the animation effect.

  data: {
    animation1: "",
    animation2: ""
  onLoad: function() {
    var animation1 = wx.createAnimation({duration: 1000});
    var animation2 = wx.createAnimation({duration: 1000});
      animation1: animation1.export(),
      animation2: animation2.export()

By using the wx.createAnimation function in the onLoad function to create an animation and export it as a variable, assign it to the animation attribute in the wxml file to apply the animation effect.


This article implements CSS3 animation in WeChat applet through PHP, introduces the basic properties and usage of CSS3 animation in detail, and demonstrates how to apply animation in WeChat applet through example code Effect. I hope this article will be helpful to all developers, so that WeChat mini programs can present more exquisite animation effects.

The above is the detailed content of PHP implements CSS3 animation techniques for WeChat mini programs. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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