The key is generally a string, and the underlying data structure of the string is SDS. The SDS structure will include the string length, allocation Metadata information such as space size. When the length of the key string increases, the metadata in SDS will also occupy more memory space. In order to reduce the space occupied by the key, we can use the corresponding English abbreviation according to the business name to represent it. For example, user is represented by u, and message is represented by m.
We need to pay attention to both the length of the key and the size of the value. Redis uses a single thread to read and write data. The read and write operations of bigkey will block the thread and reduce the cost. Redis processing efficiency.
We can use the --bigkey command to view the bigkey information occupied in Redis. The specific command is as follows:
redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a 'xxx' --bigkeys
As shown in the above figure, we can see that the key in Redis occupies 32098 bytes and needs to be optimized.
If the key is of string type, it is recommended that the size of the value stored in the value is about 10KB.
If the key is of List/Hash/Set/ZSet type, it is recommended that the number of stored elements be controlled below 10,000.
Redis is optimized for the data type it stores and also optimizes the memory accordingly. For relevant knowledge about data results, you can refer to previous articles.
For example: String and set will use integer encoding when storing int data. Hash and ZSet will use compressed list (ziplist) storage when the number of elements is relatively small, and will be converted into hash tables and jump tables when a relatively large amount of data is stored.
Strings in Redis are saved using binary-safe byte arrays, so we can serialize the business into binary and write it to Redis , but using different serialization, the space occupied is different. Protostuff's serialization is more efficient than Java's built-in serialization and takes up less space. In order to reduce space usage, we can compress and store JSON and XML data formats. Optional compression algorithms include Gzip and Snappy.
We estimate the memory size in advance based on the amount of business data, so as to avoid the continuous expansion of Redis memory, resulting in excessive resource usage.
Regarding how to set the elimination strategy, you need to select based on actual business characteristics:
##volatile-lru / allkeys-lru: Prioritize the most recently accessed data
Prioritize the most frequently accessed data
Prioritize the elimination of data that is about to expire
Random elimination Data
Clear memory fragments regularly
对于集合类型的来说,在未清楚集合数据大小的情况下,慎用查询集合中的全量数据,例如Hash的HetALL、Set的SMEMBERS命令、LRANGE key 0 -1 或者ZRANGE key 0 -1等命令,因为这些命令会对Hash或者Set类型的底层数据进行全量扫描,当集合数据量比较大时,会阻塞Redis的主线程。
当元素数据量较多时,可以用SSCAN、HSCAN 命令分批返回集合中的数据,减少对主线程的阻塞。
Redis执行复杂度过高的命令,会消耗更多的 CPU 资源,导致主线程中的其它请求只能等待。常见的复杂命令如下:SORT、SINTER、SINTERSTORE、ZUNIONSTORE、ZINTERSTORE 等聚合类命令。
redisTemplate.executePipelined(new RedisCallback<String>() { @Override public String doInRedis(RedisConnection connection) throws DataAccessException { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { connection.set(("test:" + i).getBytes(), "test".getBytes()); } return null; } });
不同的业务线来部署 Redis 实例,这样当其中一个实例发生故障时,不会影响到其它业务。
合理设置slave client-output-buffer-limit:当从库复制发生问题时,过小的 buffer会导致从库缓冲区溢出,从而导致复制中断。
The above is the detailed content of Redis optimization example analysis. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!