Home >Operation and Maintenance >Linux Operation and Maintenance >What is the difference between Linux package management tools yum and apt?
Generally speaking, famous Linux systems are basically divided into two categories: RedHat series: Redhat, Centos, Fedora, etc.; Debian series: Debian, Ubuntu, etc.
yum (Yellow dog Updater, Modified) is a shell front-end package manager in Fedora and RedHat and SUSE. apt (Advanced Packaging Tool) is a shell front-end package manager in Debian and Ubuntu.
Generally speaking, the famous Linux systems are basically divided into two categories:
RedHat series: Redhat, Centos, Fedora, etc.
Debian series: Debian, Ubuntu, etc.
The common installation package format is rpm package. The command to install rpm package is "rpm -parameter"
Package management tool yum
Supports tar package
The common installation package format is deb package. The command to install deb package is "dpkg -parameter"
Package management tool apt-get
Supports tar package
tar It is just a compressed file format, so it just compresses and packages the files.
rpm is equivalent to the installation file in windows, it will automatically handle the dependencies between software packages.
In terms of advantages and disadvantages, rpm is generally a pre-compiled file, which may have been bound to a certain CPU or distribution.
tar generally includes compilation scripts, which you can compile in your environment, so it is universal.
If your package does not want to be open source, you can make it into rpm. If it is open source, it is more convenient to use tar.
tar is generally source code packaged software. You need to unpack it yourself, and then perform the three steps of installation, ./configure, make, make install. to install the software.
rpm is a software package management mechanism of redhat company. Installation, deletion and other operations can be performed directly through the rpm command. The biggest advantage is that it automatically handles the possible dependencies of various software packages internally.
Comparison items | rpm | yum | dpkg | apt |
Series | RedHat system | RedHat system | Debian system | Debian system |
Difference | Package installation tool | Dependency management tool | Package installation tool | Dependency management tool |
Query installed | rpm -qa | yum list installed | dkpg -l | apt list –installed |
Install | rpm -i package.rpm or rpm –ivh http://www.xxx.net/package.rpm | yum install -y | dpkg -i package.deb | apt-get install package |
update | rpm –U software .rpm | yum update | apt upgrade | |
Remove package | rpm -e [module1][module2]… | yum -remove | dpkg -r package | apt remove package |
Remove the software package and configuration | dpkg -P | apt purge package | ||
Downloaded package storage location | ||||
rpm -ql |
##/ usr/share |
/usr/bin | /usr/bin |
/etc |
/etc |
/usr/lib |
/usr/lib |
/usr/share/doc |
##renew |
How to use1 dpkg packagedpkg (Debian Package) management tool, the software package name has the .deb suffix. Similar to redhat's rpm. This method is suitable when the system cannot be connected to the Internet. dpkg -i tree_1.5.3-1_i386.deb 安装软件 sudo dpkg -r tree 卸载软件 Note: There are many ways to transfer tree.deb to the Linux system. VMware Tools can be installed by mounting or using tools such as WinSCP 2 APTAdvanced Packaging Tool (APT) is an advanced software tool. This method is suitable if the system can connect to the Internet. Similar to redhat's yum. The apt command provides commands for finding, installing, upgrading, and deleting a certain, a group, or even all software packages. The commands are concise and easy to remember. apt command execution requires super administrator privileges (root). Debian series operating systems such as Debian and Ubuntu are suitable for apt. Under Ubuntu, apt-get is almost one of the most commonly used shell commands, because it is a common tool command for installing software in Ubuntu. Still taking tree as an example apt-get install tree 安装tree apt-get remove tree 卸载tree apt-get update 更新软件 apt-get upgrade apt-setup 设定/etc/apt/souces.list apt-get update 软体资料库同步 apt-get install softwarename1 [softwarename2.....] 安装软体 apt-get remove softwarename 1 [softwarename 2...] 移除软体(保留设定档) apt-get --purge remove softwarename 1 [softwarename 2...] 移除软体(不保留设定档) apt-cache search softwarename 列出所有sofrwarename的套件 apt-upgrade [softwarename 1 softwarename2...] 更新套件,不指定套件名则更新所有可更新的套件 apt-get clean(autoclean) 删除系统暂存的deb(autoclean只会将比目前系统旧版的套件删除) apt-get dist-upgrade 转换系统的版本(需在/etc/apt/sources.list指定stable,testing或unstable) 3 rpm packageConvert .rpm file to .deb file 3.1 Installrpm -i 需要安装的包文件 rpm -iv 需要安装的包文件(显示安装详情) rpm -ivh 需要安装的包文件(显示安装详情及进度 3.2 Upgraderpm -U 需要升级的包文件 rpm -Uvh 需要升级的包文件(显示升级详情及进度) 3.3 Uninstallrpm -e Software package that needs to be uninstalled Note: If other programs depend on the package to be uninstalled, the system will prompt that it cannot be deleted. If you need to force the deletion by adding -nodeps, will be forced to delete, but it may cause the software that depends on it to not run. . 3.4 ViewView installed rpm -qa 查看已安装 rpm -qa | grep "软件或者包的名字" 查看指定包 4 yum installationBased on RPM package management, it can automatically download RPM packages from the specified server and install them. Dependencies can be automatically handled and all dependent software packages installed at once, eliminating the need to download and install them again and again. yum features
yum detailed instructions1、安装: yum install 软件 2、升级: yum update 软件 3、删除: yum remove 软件 4、查看: yum info 软件 5、搜索软件: yum search 软件 6、查看依赖关系: yum deplist 软件 7、查看已安装软件: yum list installded |
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