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Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

2023-05-27 16:19:061018browse

1. Import the Dark Horse Review Project

The Dark Horse Review Project mainly includes the following functions:

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

1. Import SQL

Required projects Private message me with the information

The tables include:

  • tb_user: user table

  • tb_user_info: user details table

  • tb_shop: Merchant information table

  • tb_shop_type: Merchant type table

  • tb_blog: User diary table ( Master’s store visit diary)

  • tb_follow: User follow list

  • tb_voucher: Coupon list

  • tb_voucher_order: Coupon order table

Note: Mysql version adopts version 5.7 and above

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

2. Separation of front-end and back-end

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

3. Import back-end project

3.1 Import back-end project into Idea

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

3.2 Note: Modify the mysql and redis address information in the application.yaml file to your own information

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

3.3 Start the project After starting the project, visit: http://localhost:8081/shop-type/list in the browser. If you can see the data, it proves that there is no problem with the operation.

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

4. Import the front-end project

4.1 Import the nginx folder. Copy the nginx folder to any directory. Make sure that the directory does not contain Chinese, special characters and spaces, for example:

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

4.2 Run the front-end project. Open a CMD window in the directory where nginx is located, and enter the command to start nginx:

start nginx.exe

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

Open the chrome browser and click the mouse on the blank page Right-click and select Inspect to open the developer tools:

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

Then visit: and you will see the page:

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

2. Implement the login process based on Session

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

  • The backend will save the generated verification code and user information to the session, and return the sessionId to the front end and save it in the cookie

  • When the user logs in, the cookie will be brought to the backend to initiate a request. When the backend performs verification, it will be obtained from the cookie. sessionId, through sessionId, user information can be obtained from the session and saved in ThreadLocal

  • Each subsequent thread will have a copy of the user information in ThreadLocal. Different threads can obtain the user information after Implement different operations to achieve thread isolation

1. Send SMS verification code

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

Main code:

public class UserController {

    private IUserService userService;

     * 发送手机验证码
    public Result sendCode(@RequestParam("phone") String phone, HttpSession session) {
        // 发送短信验证码并保存验证码
        return userService.sendCode(phone, session);
public class UserServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<UserMapper, User> implements IUserService {

    public Result sendCode(String phone, HttpSession session) {
        // 1.使用工具类校验手机号
        if (RegexUtils.isPhoneInvalid(phone)) {
            // 2.如果不符合,返回错误信息
            return Result.fail("手机号格式错误!");
        // 3.符合,生成验证码
        String code = RandomUtil.randomNumbers(6);

        // 4.保存验证码到 session

        // 5.模拟发送验证码
        log.debug("发送短信验证码成功,验证码:{}", code);
        // 返回ok
        return Result.ok();

2. SMS verification code login and registration

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

Main code:


 * 登录功能
 * @param loginForm 登录参数,包含手机号、验证码;或者手机号、密码
public Result login(@RequestBody LoginFormDTO loginForm, HttpSession session){
    // 实现登录功能
    return userService.login(loginForm, session);


public Result login(LoginFormDTO loginForm, HttpSession session) {
    // 1.校验手机号
    String phone = loginForm.getPhone();
    if (RegexUtils.isPhoneInvalid(phone)) {
        // 如果不符合,返回错误信息
        return Result.fail("手机号格式错误!");

    // 2.校验验证码
    Object cacheCode = session.getAttribute("code");
    String code = loginForm.getCode();
    if (cacheCode == null || !cacheCode.toString().equals(code)) {
        // 3.验证码不一致,则报错
        return Result.fail("验证码错误");

    // 4.验证码一致,根据手机号查询用户
    User user = query().eq("phone", phone).one();

    // 5.判断用户是否存在
    if (user == null) {
        // 6.用户不存在,则创建用户并保存
        user = createUserWithPhone(phone);

    // 7.保存用户信息到session中,UserDTO只包含简单的用户信息,
    // 而不是完整的User,这样可以隐藏用户的敏感信息(例如:密码等),还能减少内存使用
    session.setAttribute("user", BeanUtil.copyProperties(user, UserDTO.class));

    // 8.返回ok
    return Result.ok();

private User createUserWithPhone(String phone) {
    // 1.创建用户
    User user = new User();
    // 随机设置昵称 user_mrkuw05lok
    user.setNickName(SystemConstants.USER_NICK_NAME_PREFIX + RandomUtil.randomString(10));
    // 2.保存用户
    return user;

3. Login verification function

When the user requests to log in, a cookie will be carried, and the cookie contains JSEESIONID

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

In order to prevent users from verifying user information every time they request each controller, you can add an interceptor.

The interceptor only needs to verify once and save the user information when the user requests access. to ThreadLocal for use by subsequent threads

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

Main code:

Write ThreadLocal in the tool class

public class UserHolder {
    private static final ThreadLocal<UserDTO> tl = new ThreadLocal<>();

    public static void saveUser(UserDTO user){

    public static UserDTO getUser(){
        return tl.get();

    public static void removeUser(){

Write login interceptor in tool class

public class LoginInterceptor implements HandlerInterceptor {

     * 前置拦截
     * @param request
     * @param response
     * @param handler
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception {
        // 1.获取session
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();
        // 2.获取session中的用户
        Object user = session.getAttribute("user");
        // 3.判断用户是否存在
        if(user == null){
            // 4.不存在,拦截,返回401状态码
            return false;
        // 5.存在,保存用户信息到ThreadLocal
        // 6.放行
        return true;

     * 后置拦截器
     * @param request
     * @param response
     * @param handler
     * @param ex
     * @throws Exception
    public void afterCompletion(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
        Object handler, Exception ex) throws Exception {
        // 请求结束后移除用户,防止ThreadLocal造成内存泄漏

Add interceptor configuration class in configuration class

public class MvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {

     * 添加拦截器
     * @param registry
    public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
        // 登录拦截器
        registry.addInterceptor(new LoginInterceptor())
            // 排除不需要拦截的路径


 public Result me(){
     // 获取当前登录的用户并返回
     UserDTO user = UserHolder.getUser();
     return Result.ok(user);


Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis


1. 选择合适的数据结构存入Redis

  • 手机号作为key,String类型的验证码作为value

  • 用户登录时正好会提交手机号,方便通过Redis进行校验验证码

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis



Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis


Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis


Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis

2. 发送短信验证码


public class UserServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<UserMapper, User> implements IUserService {

    private StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate;

    public Result sendCode(String phone, HttpSession session) {
        // 1.使用工具类校验手机号
        if (RegexUtils.isPhoneInvalid(phone)) {
            // 2.如果不符合,返回错误信息
            return Result.fail("手机号格式错误!");
        // 3.符合,生成验证码
        String code = RandomUtil.randomNumbers(6);

        // 4.保存验证码到 session
//        session.setAttribute("code",code);
        // 4.保存验证码到 redis
        // "login:code:"是业务前缀,以"login:code:" + 手机号为key,过期时间2分钟
        stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().set(RedisConstants.LOGIN_CODE_KEY + phone, code, RedisConstants.LOGIN_CODE_TTL, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

        // 5.模拟发送验证码
        log.debug("发送短信验证码成功,验证码:{}", code);
        // 返回ok
        return Result.ok();

3. 短信验证码登录、注册

  • 修改之前代码,从Redis获取验证码并校验

  • 随机生成token,保存用户信息到redis中,返回token

public Result login(LoginFormDTO loginForm, HttpSession session) {
    // 1.校验手机号
    String phone = loginForm.getPhone();
    if (RegexUtils.isPhoneInvalid(phone)) {
        // 如果不符合,返回错误信息
        return Result.fail("手机号格式错误!");

//        // 2.校验验证码
//        Object cacheCode = session.getAttribute("code");
//        String code = loginForm.getCode();
//        if (cacheCode == null || !cacheCode.toString().equals(code)) {
//            // 3.验证码不一致,则报错
//            return Result.fail("验证码错误");
//        }

    // 2.从Redis获取验证码并校验
    String cacheCode = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get(RedisConstants.LOGIN_CODE_KEY + phone);
    String code = loginForm.getCode();
    if (cacheCode == null || !cacheCode.equals(code)) {
        // 3.验证码不一致,则报错
        return Result.fail("验证码错误");

    // 4.验证码一致,根据手机号查询用户
    User user = query().eq("phone", phone).one();

    // 5.判断用户是否存在
    if (user == null) {
        // 6.用户不存在,则创建用户并保存
        user = createUserWithPhone(phone);

//        // 7.保存用户信息到session中,UserDTO只包含简单的用户信息,而不是完整的User,这样可以隐藏用户的敏感信息(例如:密码等),还能减少内存使用
//        session.setAttribute("user", BeanUtil.copyProperties(user, UserDTO.class));

    // 7.保存用户信息到redis中
    // 7.1随机生成token,作为登录令牌
    // 使用hutool工具中的UUID,true表示不带“-”符号的UUID
    String token = UUID.randomUUID().toString(true);
    // 7.2将User对象转为Hash类型进行存储
    UserDTO userDTO = BeanUtil.copyProperties(user, UserDTO.class);   
    // 由于使用的是stringRedisTemplate,所以存入的value中的值必须都是String类型的
    // 但是UserDTO中的id是Long类型的,所以进行对象属性拷贝时,需要自定义实现转换规则
     Map<String, Object> userMap = BeanUtil.beanToMap(userDTO, new HashMap<>(),CopyOptions.create().setIgnoreNullValue(true).setIgnoreNullValue(true).setFieldValueEditor((fieldName, fieldValue) -> fieldValue.toString()));
    // 7.3存入redis, "login:token:"是业务前缀,以 "login:token:" + token作为key
    stringRedisTemplate.opsForHash().putAll(RedisConstants.LOGIN_USER_KEY + token, userMap);
    // 7.4设置token有效期,有效期为30分钟
    stringRedisTemplate.expire(RedisConstants.LOGIN_USER_KEY + token, RedisConstants.LOGIN_USER_TTL, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

    // 8.返回token
    return Result.ok(token);

private User createUserWithPhone(String phone) {
    // 1.创建用户
    User user = new User();
    // 随机设置昵称 user_mrkuw05lok
    user.setNickName(SystemConstants.USER_NICK_NAME_PREFIX + RandomUtil.randomString(10));
    // 2.保存用户
    return user;

4. 解决token刷新问题

  • token刷新问题是指,用户长时间不进行界面操作时,到了过期时间,token自动失效;但是,用户一旦进行操作,就需要给token续期,即更新token过期时间

  • 为了解决token刷新问题,需要加2个拦截器

  • 第一个拦截器可以拦截所有请求,只要用户有请求就刷新token,并保存用户信息到ThreadLocal中

  • 第二个拦截器只对登录请求进行拦截,从ThreadLocal中获取用户信息进行校验

Analysis of enterprise examples of SMS login using Redis


public class RefreshTokenInterceptor implements HandlerInterceptor {

    // 因为LoginInterceptor不是通过Spring进行管理的Bean,所以不能再LoginInterceptor中进行注入StringRedisTemplate
    // 可以通过构造方法传入StringRedisTemplate
    private StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate;

    public RefreshTokenInterceptor(StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate) {
        this.stringRedisTemplate = stringRedisTemplate;

     * 前置拦截
     * @param request
     * @param response
     * @param handler
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception {
//        // 1.获取session
//        HttpSession session = request.getSession();
//        // 2.获取session中的用户
//        Object user = session.getAttribute("user");
//        // 3.判断用户是否存在
//        if(user == null){
//            // 4.不存在,拦截,返回401状态码
//            response.setStatus(401);
//            return false;
//        }
//        // 5.存在,保存用户信息到ThreadLocal
//        UserHolder.saveUser((UserDTO)user);
//        // 6.放行
//        return true;

        // 1.获取请求头中的token
        String token = request.getHeader("authorization");
        if (StrUtil.isBlank(token)) {
            // 不存在,则拦截,返回401状态码
            return false;

        // 2.通过token获取redis中的用户
        Map<Object, Object> userMap = stringRedisTemplate.opsForHash()
            .entries(RedisConstants.LOGIN_USER_KEY + token);

        // 3.判断用户是否存在
        if (userMap.isEmpty()) {
            // 4.用户不存在,则拦截,返回401状态码
            return false;

        // 5.将redis中Hash类型数据转换成UserDTO对象
        UserDTO userDTO = BeanUtil.fillBeanWithMap(userMap, new UserDTO(), false);

        // 6.用户存在,保存用户信息到ThreadLocal

        // 7.刷新token有效期
        stringRedisTemplate.expire(RedisConstants.LOGIN_USER_KEY + token, RedisConstants.LOGIN_USER_TTL, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

        // 8.放行
        return true;

     * 后置拦截器
     * @param request
     * @param response
     * @param handler
     * @param ex
     * @throws Exception
    public void afterCompletion(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
        Object handler, Exception ex) throws Exception {
        // 请求结束后移除用户,防止ThreadLocal造成内存泄漏


public class LoginInterceptor implements HandlerInterceptor {

    public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception {
        // 1.判断是否需要拦截(ThreadLocal中是否有用户)
        if (UserHolder.getUser() == null) {
            // 没有,需要拦截,设置状态码
            // 拦截
            return false;
        // 有用户,则放行
        return true;

public class MvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {

    private StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate;

     * 添加拦截器
     * @param registry
    public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
        // 登录拦截器
        registry.addInterceptor(new LoginInterceptor())
            // 排除不需要拦截的路径

        // token刷新的拦截器,order越小,执行优先级越高,所以token刷新的拦截器先执行
        registry.addInterceptor(new RefreshTokenInterceptor(stringRedisTemplate)).addPathPatterns("/**")
            // RefreshTokenInterceptor拦截器也需要放行"/user/code","/user/login",不然token过期后再重新登录就会一直被拦截

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