Home >Database >Mysql Tutorial >How to implement MySQL to automatically increase partitions every day
About three million pieces of data are stored in the tb_3a_huandan_detail table every day. The query is too slow. I learned about it online and found that table partitioning can be done. Since the data is large, we decided to do a scheduled task to be executed every day and automatically partitioned.
1. Before automatically adding partitions, you must first manually divide the table into several partitions
ALTER TABLE tb_3a_huandan_detail PARTITION BY RANGE (TO_DAYS(ServiceStartTime)) ( PARTITION p20160523 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DAYS('2016-05-23')), PARTITION p20160524 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DAYS('2016-05-24')), PARTITION p20160525 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DAYS('2016-05-25')), PARTITION p20160526 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DAYS('2016-05-26')), PARTITION p20160527 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DAYS('2016-05-27')) )
2. The partitions are stored as follows:
DELIMITER $$ USE `nres`$$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `create_Partition_3Ahuadan`$$ CREATE DEFINER=`nres`@`%` PROCEDURE `create_Partition_3Ahuadan`() BEGIN /* 事务回滚,其实放这里没什么作用,ALTER TABLE是隐式提交,回滚不了的。*/ DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION ROLLBACK; START TRANSACTION; /* 到系统表查出这个表的最大分区,得到最大分区的日期。在创建分区的时候,名称就以日期格式存放,方便后面维护 */ SELECT REPLACE(partition_name,'p','') INTO @P12_Name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS WHERE table_name='tb_3a_huandan_detail' ORDER BY partition_ordinal_position DESC LIMIT 1; SET @Max_date= DATE(DATE_ADD(@P12_Name+0, INTERVAL 1 DAY))+0; /* 修改表,在最大分区的后面增加一个分区,时间范围加1天 */ SET @s1=CONCAT('ALTER TABLE tb_3a_huandan_detail ADD PARTITION (PARTITION p',@Max_date,' VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DAYS (''',DATE(@Max_date),''')))'); /* 输出查看增加分区语句*/ SELECT @s1; PREPARE stmt2 FROM @s1; EXECUTE stmt2; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt2; /* 取出最小的分区的名称,并删除掉 。 注意:删除分区会同时删除分区内的数据,慎重 */ /*select partition_name into @P0_Name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS where table_name='tb_3a_huandan_detail' order by partition_ordinal_position limit 1; SET @s=concat('ALTER TABLE tb_3a_huandan_detail DROP PARTITION ',@P0_Name); PREPARE stmt1 FROM @s; EXECUTE stmt1; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt1; */ /* 提交 */ COMMIT ; END$$ DELIMITER ;
3. Add scheduled events
DELIMITER || CREATE EVENT Partition_3Ahuadan_event ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 day STARTS '2016-05-27 23:59:59' DO BEGIN CALL nres.`create_Partition_3Ahuadan`; END || DELIMITER ;
The above is the detailed content of How to implement MySQL to automatically increase partitions every day. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!