Home >Web Front-end >Vue.js >What is the method of componentizing Vue3 echarts and using hooks for resizing?
hook is essentially a function that encapsulates the Composition API used in the setup function
<template> <div ref="echart" :></div> </template> <script setup> import * as echarts from "echarts"; import useResize from "@/hooks/useResize"; // hook 代码见下方 const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance(); // 获取实例中的proxy let echart; let echartInstance; const props = defineProps({ // 数据 data: { type: Array, default: [ { value: 40, name: "rose 1" }, { value: 38, name: "rose 2" }, { value: 32, name: "rose 3" }, ], }, // 高度 height: { type: [Number, String], default: "300px", }, // 宽度 width: { type: [Number, String], default: "100%", }, }); const { data } = toRefs(props); const data1 = reactive({ option: { legend: { top: "bottom", }, toolbox: { show: false, feature: { mark: { show: true }, dataView: { show: true, readOnly: false }, restore: { show: true }, saveAsImage: { show: true }, }, }, tooltip: { trigger: "item", formatter: "{b} : {c} ({d}%)", }, series: [ { name: "Nightingale Chart", type: "pie", radius: [10, 120], center: ["50%", "45%"], roseType: "area", itemStyle: { borderRadius: 8, }, data: data.value, }, ], }, }); const { option } = toRefs(data1); // 观察 data ,重新绘制 watch( data, (newValue) => { option.value.series[0].data = newValue; }, { deep: true } ); watch( option, (newValue) => { echartInstance.setOption(newValue, true); }, { deep: true } ); onMounted(() => { echart = proxy.$refs.echart; // 获取的DOM根节点 echartInstance = echarts.init(echart, "macarons"); // 初始化 echart echartInstance.setOption(option.value, true); // 绘制 // notMerge 可选。是否不跟之前设置的 option 进行合并。默认为 false。即表示合并。合并的规则,详见 组件合并模式。如果为 true,表示所有组件都会被删除,然后根据新 option 创建所有新组件。 // setOption 见 https://echarts.apache.org/zh/api.html#echartsInstance.setOption }); function resize() { echartInstance.resize(); } // 暴露函数 (供hook调用) defineExpose({ resize, }); useResize(); </script>
export default function () { let proxy onMounted(() => { proxy = getCurrentInstance(); // 获取实例中的proxy window.addEventListener('resize', resize) }) onBeforeUnmount(() => { window.removeEventListener('resize', resize) }) function resize() { proxy.exposed.resize() } }
First install echarts, this I won’t introduce it, just tell me how to use it.
<!-- 创建一个div去显示echarts --> <div ref="main" ></div>rrree
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