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What are the commonly used Linux terminal commands?

2023-05-20 16:20:44867browse
  1. Command line daily shortcut keys

CTRL + U         剪切光标前的内容

CTRL + K         剪切光标至行末的内容

CTRL + Y        粘贴

CTRL + E        移动光标到行末

CTRL + A        移动光标到行首

ALT + F         跳向下一个空格

ALT + B         跳回上一个空格

ALT + Backspace 删除前一个单词

CTRL + W        剪切光标后一个单词

Shift + Insert  向终端内粘贴文本
  1. Use htop to view and manage processes

  2. What are the commonly used Linux terminal commands?

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