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How to solve the problem that after the vue3 project is packaged and published to the server, the access page displays blank

2023-05-17 08:19:376573browse

    After the vue3 project is packaged and published to the server, the access page displays blank

    1. Process the publicPath in the vue.config.js file

    The processing is as follows:

    const { defineConfig } = require('@vue/cli-service')
    module.exports = defineConfig({
        publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? './' : '/',
        outputDir: 'dist',
        indexPath: 'index.html',
        lintOnSave: false,
        transpileDependencies: true,

    2. Process the index.js file in the router folder

    The processing is as follows: Use the modified part

    import { createRouter, createWebHistory, createWebHashHistory  } from 'vue-router';
    import routes from "./routes";
    const router = createRouter({
        //history: createWebHistory(process.env.BASE_URL),//默认时
        history: createWebHashHistory(process.env.BASE_URL),//修改后
    export default router;

    to solve the above two steps. Solve the problem that the access page displays a blank page after the vue3 project is packaged and released to the server

    The problem of a blank page being displayed when packaging the project and some solution ideas

    We will package it after the project development is completed

    npm run build

    The files generated by packaging will be in the dist folder

    But sometimes a blank page will appear when opening index.html

    How to solve the problem that after the vue3 project is packaged and published to the server, the access page displays blank

    Next we start from Analyze from several aspects:

    1. The overall resource path when packaging

    According to the actual situation, it is necessary to judge whether it is / or ./

    How to solve the problem that after the vue3 project is packaged and published to the server, the access page displays blank

    Configure in vue-ui:

    How to solve the problem that after the vue3 project is packaged and published to the server, the access page displays blank

    ##Configure in vue.config.js:

    module.exports = {
    //基本路径 文件打包后放的位置
    // 放置生成的静态资源 (js、css、img、fonts) 的 (相对于 outputDir 的) 目录。资源放的目录
    assetsDir: “./static”,
    // 指定生成的 index.html 的输出路径 (相对于 outputDir)。也可以是一个绝对路径 index的路劲和名字
    indexPath: ‘./index.html',
    productionSourceMap: false,

    2. Routing mode

    Yes Hash or historical mode

    Recommended hash mode has higher compatibility# The path will not be sent to the server in the future to avoid some errors

    const router = new VueRouter({

    3. Reasons for switching between development and production environments

    Because when we develop the environment

    npm run serve simulates the local server

    Packaging it into a dist folder causes the content in some changes such as the port to not be requested, resulting in a blank page

    We can simply deploy the local server and let dist run

    Create the folder

    • Initialize npm in the folder terminal npm init -y

    • Install express npm i express -S

    • Copy dist to a new folder

    • Create app.js and write code

    Enable gzip to reduce the file size and make the transfer faster

    • Installation corresponding Package npm install compression -p

    • Import package const compression = require('compression')

    • Enable middleware app.use(compression( ))

    Use PM2 management application

    • Install npm i pm2 -g

    • Start the project: pm2 start .\app.js --Custom name

    • View running project pm2 ls

    • Restart project pm2 restart custom name (ID)

    • Stop project pm2 stop custom name (ID)

    • Delete project pm2 delete custom name (ID )

    How to solve the problem that after the vue3 project is packaged and published to the server, the access page displays blank


    const express = require('express')
    const app = express()
    const compression = require('compression')
    app.use(compression()) // 一定要把这一行写在 静态资源托管之前
    app.listen(80,()=> {
      console.log('server running at')

    It’s not a problem to run dist here and give it to the backend brother

    4. Some optimizations can be made before executing the build

    Set local services and built entry files in vue.confjg.js respectively

    module.exports = {
        config.when(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',config=>{
    // 在项目的根目录创建一个vue.config.vue文件,添加上 chainWebpack,修改args里的参数配置,重新返回就可以  这里是 判断是开发版本 还是 发布版本
          config.plugin('html').tap(args => {
            args[0].isProd = true
            return args
        config.when(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',config=>{
          config.plugin('html').tap(args => {
            args[0].isProd = false
            return args

    • main-dev.js The main entrance to the development version

    • main-prod.js The main entrance to the release version is here to improve and delete unnecessary dependencies based on the development version. Item is changed to use cdn introduction, configuration routing lazy loading plug-in...

    The above is the detailed content of How to solve the problem that after the vue3 project is packaged and published to the server, the access page displays blank. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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