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What is the difference between the efficiency of converting int to string and converting string to int in java?

2023-05-12 08:46:161193browse

    Comparison of the efficiency of converting int to string and converting string to int

    Converting string to int, two methods


    The second method is to look at the source code and implement the first method.

    What is the difference between the efficiency of converting int to string and converting string to int in java?

    The comment probably means this

          *指定的{@ String String}的值。 这个说法是
          * #parseInt(java.lang.String)}方法。 结果是一个
          换句话说,这个方法返回一个{@code Integer}
          * <blockquote>
          * {@code new Integer(Integer.parseInt(s))}
          * </ blockquote>
          * @param是要解析的字符串。
          * @返回一个保存值的{整数}对象
          * @exception NumberFormatException如果字符串不能被解析

    The parseInt() method is implemented in valueOf(). The time comparison of the second kind is much faster than the first kind.

     Integer.parseInt(str) : 21
     Integer.valueOf(str).intValue() : 14

    int There are generally three methods for converting strings

    • The first one: number ""

    • The second one: string.valueOf()

    • The third type: .toString()

    • Let’s talk about the first type first, which is simple and crude.

    • The second method: the bottom layer still uses the .toString() method

    • The third method is toString()

    Upload the code.

    int num = 888888;
            //(1)num + ""
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();//得到开始运行时系统时间
            for(int i=0; i<100000; i++){
                String str = num + "";
            long end = System.currentTimeMillis();//得到结束运行时系统时间
            System.out.println("num + \"\" : " + (end - start));
            start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            for(int i=0; i<100000; i++){
                String str = String.valueOf(num);
            end = System.currentTimeMillis();
            System.out.println("String.valueOf(num) : " + (end - start));
            start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            for(int i=0; i<100000; i++){
                String str = Integer.toString(num);
            end = System.currentTimeMillis();
            System.out.println("Integer.toString(num) : " + (end - start));

    The result is

    num "" : 82
    String.valueOf(num) : 32
    Integer.toString(num) : 9

    After many repeated tests, toString() is the fastest and num "" is the slowest. The source code is like this when using String.valueOf().

    public static String valueOf(Object obj) {
        return (obj == null) ? "null" : obj.toString();

    That is to say, when using it, there is no need to judge whether the passed object is null, but pay special attention to that if the passed object is empty, a null string will be returned instead of a null value. , this place needs to be kept in mind.

    Analysis of string to int problem

    I believe that many students have encountered such a problem during interviews, asking to encapsulate a function to convert the String type to the int type. This seemingly simple problem actually hides many details, and it is not easy to truly encapsulate this function. What the interviewer wants to examine is not actually the difficulty of the algorithm itself. The algorithm of this question is actually not difficult at all. What the interviewer wants to examine is how carefully the programmer writes the code and considers whether the problem is comprehensive. In other words, we must try our best to to make the code robust. Below we analyze the details hidden in this problem step by step.


    First of all, we do not consider any exception handling. Assuming that the data passed in by the caller of the function is correct, it is easy to write the following code:

        public int strToInt(String str) {
            int number = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<str.length(); i++) {
                number *= 10;
                number += (str.charAt(i) - &#39;0&#39;);
            return number;

    The above code will traverse each character of the string, convert it into the corresponding integer, and then integrate it into the integer data number one by one.

    If you submit such a code to the interviewer, the result will definitely not be satisfactory. Because you have not considered the robustness of the program. The functions we encapsulate are equivalent to API interfaces and are provided to all developers. It is inevitable that other developers will not pass in some strange parameters, and this code has no response to abnormal parameters. If any processing is done, once the exception parameter is passed in, the program will crash directly. Below we will improve this function step by step and improve its robustness.

    1. For the incoming string is an empty object or the string is an empty string
        public int strToInt(String str) throws NumberFormatException{
            if (str == null || str.contentEquals("")) { // 如果传入的字符串为空对象或者传入的字符串为空字符串,则抛出异常
                throw new NumberFormatException("null or empty string"); // 这里直接利用java封装好的异常类,当然我们也可以自己封装异常类,面试官要考察的不是对异常类的封装,而是你要知道要处理异常情况
            int number = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<str.length(); i++) {
                number *= 10;
                number += (str.charAt(i) - &#39;0&#39;);
            return number;

    First of all, whether the string is empty or whether it is an empty string, if so, Then throw an exception directly. Here we use the Java-encapsulated exception class NumberFormatException. Of course, we can also encapsulate the exception class ourselves. What the interviewer wants to examine is not the encapsulation of the exception class, but that you need to know how to handle exceptions.

    2. Processing of the sign bit

    We'd better ask the interviewer in advance whether it is possible that the incoming number is a negative number. When it is a positive number, whether the sign bit is allowed? If so, we have to deal with the sign bit. The first character of a negative number is "-". We only need to determine whether the first character is "-" to know whether the incoming number is a negative number. If it is a positive number The signed bit is allowed. The first character there may be " ". We also need to handle it accordingly:

        public int strToInt(String str) throws NumberFormatException{
            if (str == null || str.contentEquals("")) { // 如果传入的字符串为空对象或者传入的字符串为空字符串,则抛出异常
                throw new NumberFormatException("null or empty string"); // 这里直接利用java封装好的异常类,当然我们也可以自己封装异常类,面试官要考察的不是对异常类的封装,而是你要知道要处理异常情况
            boolean negative = false; // negative为true表示是负数,反之为正数
            int pos = 0;
            if (str.charAt(0) == &#39;-&#39;) { // 如果为负数
                negative = true;
                pos++; // 调过第一位符号位
            } else if (str.charAt(0) == &#39;+&#39;) {
                pos++; // 调过第一位符号位
            int number = 0;
            while (pos < str.length()) {
                number *= 10;
                number += (str.charAt(pos) - &#39;0&#39;);
            return negative ? -number : number; // 如果为负数则返回对应的负数
    3. Processing of wrong characters

    The caller of the function may A messy string will be passed in, such as "abc23123". In this case, we have to deal with it accordingly. We should throw an exception to the caller to inform the caller that the string passed in is an illegal string:

        public int strToInt(String str) throws NumberFormatException{
            if (str == null || str.contentEquals("")) { // 如果传入的字符串为空对象或者传入的字符串为空字符串,则抛出异常
                throw new NumberFormatException("null or empty string"); // 这里直接利用java封装好的异常类,当然我们也可以自己封装异常类,面试官要考察的不是对异常类的封装,而是你要知道要处理异常情况
            boolean negative = false; // negative为true表示是负数,反之为正数
            int pos = 0;
            if (str.charAt(0) == &#39;-&#39;) { // 如果为负数
                negative = true;
                pos++; // 调过第一位符号位
            } else if (str.charAt(0) == &#39;+&#39;) {
                pos++; // 调过第一位符号位
            int number = 0;
            while (pos < str.length()) {
                if (str.charAt(pos) >= &#39;0&#39; && str.charAt(pos) <= &#39;9&#39;) { // 只有字符在&#39;0&#39;到&#39;9&#39;的范围内,才算正确的字符
                    number *= 10;
                    number += (str.charAt(pos) - &#39;0&#39;);
                } else {
                    throw new NumberFormatException("invalid string"); // 当字符是其他字符时,抛出异常告知调用者传入的字符串错误
            return negative ? -number : number; // 如果为负数则返回对应的负数
    4. Processing of integer data out of range

    The string passed in by the caller may be a very long string, and the conversion to an integer may exceed the storage range of the integer, such as "12345678674324334" , in this case, we need to throw an exception to inform the caller that the incoming string exceeds the range of the integer:

        public int strToInt(String str) throws NumberFormatException{
            if (str == null || str.contentEquals("")) { // 如果传入的字符串为空对象或者传入的字符串为空字符串,则抛出异常
                throw new NumberFormatException("null or empty string"); // 这里直接利用java封装好的异常类,当然我们也可以自己封装异常类,面试官要考察的不是对异常类的封装,而是你要知道要处理异常情况
            boolean negative = false; // negative为true表示是负数,反之为正数
            int pos = 0;
            if (str.charAt(0) == &#39;-&#39;) { // 如果为负数
                negative = true;
                pos++; // 调过第一位符号位
            } else if (str.charAt(0) == &#39;+&#39;) {
                pos++; // 调过第一位符号位
            int limit = negative ? (-Integer.MIN_VALUE) : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            int mult = limit / 10; // 记录最大数/10,让number和这个数比较,如果大于它,则number * 10肯定也就大于最大数
            int number = 0;
            while (pos < str.length()) {
                if (str.charAt(pos) >= &#39;0&#39; && str.charAt(pos) <= &#39;9&#39;) { // 只有字符在&#39;0&#39;到&#39;9&#39;的范围内,才算正确的字符
                    if (number > mult) {// 让number和mult比较,如果大于它,则number * 10肯定也就大于最大数
                        throw new NumberFormatException("input string beyond int size");
                    number *= 10;
                    int digit = str.charAt(pos) - &#39;0&#39;;
                    if (number > limit - digit) { // 这里不能用number + digit > limit来判断,因为number + digit可能超出整数的存储范围,相加后的数可能是一个负数,但是limit - digit肯定不会超出
                        throw new NumberFormatException("input string beyond int size");
                    } else {
                        number += digit;
                } else {
                    throw new NumberFormatException("invalid string"); // 当字符是其他字符时,抛出异常告知调用者传入的字符串错误
            return negative ? -number : number; // 如果为负数则返回对应的负数

    In the above code, when we judge whether number will exceed the maximum integer, the first is Let's compare the value of (maximum integer/10) first, instead of multiplying it by 10 and comparing it with the maximum integer. This is because if number * 10 exceeds the integer range, it will cause data overflow, and the resulting value may be one Negative numbers, and the value of (maximum integer/10) will not cause data overflow. This is also a small detail. Maybe you think this function is perfect, but now I want to tell you that the above writing is wrong.

    为什么呢?这要从整数的范围说起,整数的取值范围是(-2^31)至(2^31 - 1),从绝对值的角度看,最小负数相比于最大正数大1。所以上面代码中(-Integer.MIN_VALUE)会超出整形的范围,造成数据溢出,也就是说上面的代码对负数最小范围的限制的处理是错误的。那么怎么解决这个问题呢?


        public int strToInt(String str) throws NumberFormatException{
            if (str == null || str.contentEquals("")) { // 如果传入的字符串为空对象或者传入的字符串为空字符串,则抛出异常
                throw new NumberFormatException("null or empty string"); // 这里直接利用java封装好的异常类,当然我们也可以自己封装异常类,面试官要考察的不是对异常类的封装,而是你要知道要处理异常情况
            boolean negative = false; // negative为true表示是负数,反之为正数
            int pos = 0;
            if (str.charAt(0) == &#39;-&#39;) { // 如果为负数
                negative = true;
                pos++; // 调过第一位符号位
            } else if (str.charAt(0) == &#39;+&#39;) {
                pos++; // 调过第一位符号位
            int limit = negative ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : (-Integer.MAX_VALUE);
            int mult = limit / 10;
            int number = 0;
            while (pos < str.length()) {
                if (str.charAt(pos) >= &#39;0&#39; && str.charAt(pos) <= &#39;9&#39;) { // 只有字符在&#39;0&#39;到&#39;9&#39;的范围内,才算正确的字符
                    if (number < mult) {
                        throw new NumberFormatException("input string beyond int size");
                    number *= 10;
                    int digit = str.charAt(pos) - &#39;0&#39;;
                    if (number < limit + digit) {
                        throw new NumberFormatException("input string beyond int size");
                    } else {
                        number -= digit;
                } else {
                    throw new NumberFormatException("invalid string"); // 当字符是其他字符时,抛出异常告知调用者传入的字符串错误
            return negative ? number : -number;

    OK,现在我们把能够想到的异常情况处理了。再来考虑一个问题,为什么整形数据的范围是(-2^31)至(2^31 - 1),最小负数的绝对值比最大正数的绝对值要大1呢?




         * A constant holding the minimum value an {@code int} can
         * have, -2<sup>31</sup>.
        public static final int   MIN_VALUE = 0x80000000;
         * A constant holding the maximum value an {@code int} can
         * have, 2<sup>31</sup>-1.
        public static final int   MAX_VALUE = 0x7fffffff;



    • 原码:符号位加上真值的绝对值, 即用第一位表示符号, 其余位表示值。

    • 反码:正数的反码是其本身;负数的反码是在其原码的基础上, 符号位不变,其余各个位取反。

    • 补码:补码的表示方法是:正数的补码就是其本身;负数的补码是在其原码的基础上, 符号位不变, 其余各位取反, 最后+1。 (即在反码的基础上+1)



    数据 原码 反码 补码
    10 00001010 00001010 00001010
    -10 10001010 11110101 11110110




    为什么对一个数进行求补运算,可以得到其相反值呢?我们先来分析一下求补运算的定义,现将所有的二进制取反,然后+1,首先一个数和它所有位取反得到的数相加,其结果肯定是11111111,这是因为它们每一位都不一样,然后将结果+1,即11111111 + 1,结果是1 00000000,最高位的1已经溢出,换种方式说,如果以f(n)表示对n进行求补运算,那么对于任意的范围内的数,可以得到:

    n + f(n) = 1 00000000

    f(n) = 1 00000000 - n




    f(n) = 1 00000000 - n


    f(f(n)) = f(1 00000000 - n) = 1 00000000 - (1 00000000 - n) = n

    其中,1 00000000 - n表示n对应负数的补码,对其进行求补运算得到的就是n,正数的补码就是其原码。

    由上可知:如果数值以补码的形式保存,对一个数进行求补运算,可以得到其相反值,即:f(n) = -n



    f(n) = -n

    那么现在我们需要计算m - n,应该要怎么计算呢?如果以补码的方式存储,那么就有:

    m - n = m + (-n) = m + f(n)





    The above is the detailed content of What is the difference between the efficiency of converting int to string and converting string to int in java?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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