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How SpringBoot uses AOP to record interface operation logs

2023-05-11 16:58:141593browse

1. Introduction to AOP

1. What is AOP

AOP: Aspect Oriented Programming

AOP focuses not on A certain class or certain methods; control a large number of resources and focus on a large number of classes and methods.

2.AOP application scenarios and common terms

  • Permission control, cache control, transaction control, distributed tracing, exception handling Wait

  • Target: target class, that is, the class that needs to be proxied. For example: UserService

  • Joinpoint: The so-called connection point refers to those methods that may be intercepted. For example: All methods

  • PointCut Pointcut: A connection point that has been enhanced. For example: addUser()

  • Advice notification/enhancement, enhance the code. For example: after, before

  • Weaving (weaving): refers to the process of applying enhanced advice to the target object target to create a new proxy object proxy.

  • Aspect: It is the combination of pointcut and notification advice

3. Characteristics of AOP

1) Reduce the coupling between modules and improve the aggregation of business code. (High cohesion and low coupling)

2) Improved code reusability

3) Improved system scalability. (Higher versions are compatible with lower versions)

4) New functions can be added without affecting the original functions

2. SpringBoot uses AOP to implement the process

1.Introduce dependencies

<!-- Spring AOP -->

2.Encapsulate the logging entity class

@ApiModel(value = "Systemlog对象", description = "")
public class Systemlog implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

      @TableId(value = "id", type = IdType.AUTO)
      private Integer id;

      private String userName;

      private Integer userId;

      private String operate;

      private String module;

      @DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
      private Date createTime;

      private String result;


3.Write annotation classes(custom log Annotation class)

 * controller层切面日志注解
 * @author hsq
public @interface SystemControllerLog {
    // 操作描述
    String operate();
    // 模块
    String module();

4. Write the aspect class of the operation log

 * @author hsq
public class SystemLogAspect {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SystemLogAspect.class);

    private ISystemlogService iSystemlogService;

    private UserService userService;

     * Controller层切点
    public void SystemControllerLog(){

     * 前置通知 用于拦截Controller层记录用户的操作的开始时间
     * @param joinPoint 切点
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public void doBefore(JoinPoint joinPoint) throws InterruptedException{


    public void doAfter(JoinPoint joinPoint) {


     * returning 自定义的变量,标识目标方法的返回值,自定义变量名必须和通知方法的形参一样
     * 特点:在目标方法之后执行的,能够获取到目标方法的返回值,可以根据这个返回值做不同的处理
    @AfterReturning(value = "SystemControllerLog()", returning = "ret")
    public void doAfterReturning(Object ret) throws Throwable {

     * 异常通知 记录操作报错日志
     * * @param joinPoint
     * * @param e
     * */
    @AfterThrowing(pointcut = "SystemControllerLog()", throwing = "e")
    public void doAfterThrowing(JoinPoint joinPoint, Throwable e) {
        logger.info("异常信息:" + e.getMessage());
     * 通知包裹了目标方法,在目标方法调用之前和之后执行自定义的行为
     * ProceedingJoinPoint切入点可以获取切入点方法上的名字、参数、注解和对象
     * @param joinPoint
    @Around("SystemControllerLog() && @annotation(systemControllerLog)")
  public Result doAfterReturning(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, SystemControllerLog systemControllerLog) throws Throwable {
        //joinPoint.proceed() 结果集
        Object[] args = joinPoint.getArgs();
        String requestJson = JSONUtil.toJsonStr(args);
        String methodName = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
        HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes()).getRequest();
        String token = request.getHeader("token");
        String userId = JWT.decode(token).getAudience().get(0);
        User user = userService.getById(userId);
        Systemlog systemlog = new Systemlog();
        systemlog.setCreateTime(new Date());
        //存入返回的结果集 joinPoint.proceed()
        Result proceed = (Result) joinPoint.proceed();

       return proceed;



5.Use the controller

 @SystemControllerLog(operate = "用户查询",module = "用户管理")
 public Result findUserList( @RequestParam Integer pageNum,
                                @RequestParam Integer pageSize,
                                @RequestParam String username,
                                @RequestParam String loveValue,
                                @RequestParam String address) {}
  @SystemControllerLog(operate = "用户修改或者添加",module = "用户管理")
  public Result addOrUpdateUser(@RequestBody User user){}

6. Database records

How SpringBoot uses AOP to record interface operation logs

The above is the detailed content of How SpringBoot uses AOP to record interface operation logs. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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