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How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value

2023-05-10 21:46:101815browse

Text file merging

Running effect:
Before running: There are 9 files under this path.

How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value

After running: a merge.txt file is generated

How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value

File content display

How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value

Code part
The function of this part of the code is very simple. It is to merge text files one by one and write them into a total merge.txt file. folder, I learned how to append content to files, so I wrote this demo.
To put it simply, it is to get each file (text file, I filtered it.) to get an input stream, and then within a loop, write the information of one file each time into the merged file. The loop ends and the files are merged. It's finished.

package com.filemerge;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;

public class FileMerge {
	public static void fileMerge(String path){
		File target = new File(path);    //待合并文件夹目录
		File output = new File(path+File.separator+"merge.txt");  //合并文件夹位置
		String[] names = target.list((dir,name)->name.contains(".txt"));  //过滤非文本文件,返回值为一个 String 数组
		BufferedReader reader = null;
		BufferedWriter writer = null;
		//OutputStreamWriter 不要记错了!
		try {
			writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(output,true)));
			for (String name : names) {
				reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(target+File.separator+name)));
				String line = null;
				while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
				writer.newLine();  //每个文件进行换行分隔内容!
			System.out.println("File merge successfully!");
		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
		} catch (IOException e) {
		} finally {
			try {
			} catch (IOException e) {

Test code:

package com.filemerge;

public class Test {
	public static void main(String[] args) {

Image file merging (key points)

If you have finished reading the text file merging above, you might as well read a little more , also read the code of the image file below. If there are any errors, please point them out. (There is also some knowledge about pictures, I don’t know who can point it out.)

The code is as follows: Merge Picture Tool Class

package dragon;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;

public class ImageMerge {
	public static final String mergePath = "D:/DragonDataFile/beauty"; 
	public static final String outputPath = "D:/DragonDataFile/merge";
	private ImageMerge() {}
	 * 思路如下:首先获取文件夹下面的所有图片文件信息,
	 * 然后使用输入输出流依次将文件进行合并操作。
	 * 这里的信息是指的文件大小,最重要的是文件的大小,
	 * 考虑其它因素,不记录文件名,所以拆分时,会丢失文件名,
	 * 但是不影响图片的显示。
	public static void imageMerge() throws IOException {
		File mergeFile = new File(ImageMerge.mergePath);
		File outputFile = new File(ImageMerge.outputPath);
		if (!initPath(mergeFile, outputFile)) {      // 无法创建 mergePath
			throw new FileNotFoundException("无法创建文件夹: "+ImageMerge.mergePath);
		try (//创建输出文件
			BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(outputFile, System.currentTimeMillis()+".jpeg")))){
			File[] files = mergeFile.listFiles();
			recordImageInfo(files, outputFile);   //记录文件信息,保存于图片的文件夹下,可能更好点。
			for (File file : files) {				
				try (
					BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))){
					int hasRead = 0;
					byte[] b = new byte[1024];
					while ((hasRead = bis.read(b)) != -1) {
						bos.write(b, 0, hasRead);
	//初始化路径,如果 mergePath 不存在
	private static boolean initPath(File mergeFile, File outputFile) {
		boolean mk_mergeFile = false, mk_outputFile = false;
		if (!mergeFile.exists()) {           // mergePath 不存在
			mk_mergeFile = mergeFile.mkdirs(); 
		} else {
			mk_mergeFile = true;
		if (!outputFile.exists()) {
			mk_outputFile = outputFile.mkdirs();
		} else {
			mk_outputFile = true;
		return mk_mergeFile && mk_outputFile;
	private static void recordImageInfo(File[] files, File outputFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
		try (
				BufferedWriter bos = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(outputFile,"mergeImageInfo.txt"), true)))){
			for (File file : files) {     
				String record = file.length()+" ";

Image separation tool class

package dragon;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;

public class ImageSeparate {
	private static final String separatePath = "D:/DragonDataFile/separate";
	private ImageSeparate() {}
	 * 合并后文件夹下面有两个文件(应该每一批合并文件,一个单独的文件夹):
	 * 合并后文件,合并文件信息(大小)。
	 * 思路:首先读取合并文件信息,然后依据大小依次从文件中取出
	 * 对应大小的字节数,写入一个文件中。
	 * @throws IOException 
	 * */
	public static void imageSeparate() throws IOException {
		File separateFile = new File(ImageSeparate.separatePath);
		if (initPath(separateFile)) {     //无法创建文件夹
			throw new FileNotFoundException("无法创建文件夹: "+ImageSeparate.separatePath);
		File outputFile = new File(ImageMerge.outputPath);
		//下面获取的都是 String 数组,但是正常情况下应该都是只有一个 String 的字符串
		File[] infoFile = outputFile.listFiles(f->f.getName().contains(".txt"));
		File[] mergeFile = outputFile.listFiles(f->!f.getName().contains(".txt"));
		// 获取信息文件信息(图片的长度)
		List<Long> fileInfo = getFileInfo(infoFile[0]);
		try (
			BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(mergeFile[0]))){
				String filename = System.currentTimeMillis()+UUID.randomUUID().toString()+".jpeg";
				try (
					BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(separateFile, filename)))){
					long record = 0;
					int hasRead = 0;
					byte[] b = new byte[1024];
					 * 这里处理比较麻烦,我说明一下:
					 * 一次性去读 len 长度的数据,考虑到有时候文件会非常大,这个数据对内存的压力很大,
					 * 所以舍弃了,如果文件很小,倒也是一个很好的方式(简便)。
					 * 这里采用逐次读取的方式:(一般图片都会大于 1024 字节的,这个不考虑)
					 * 当读取一次后,判断剩余的字节数是否小于 1024,如果小于的话,就直接
					 * 一次性读取这些字节数,并写入文件中,然后跳出循环,本次文件读取完成。
					 * */
					while ((hasRead = bis.read(b)) != -1) {						
						record += (long)hasRead;
						if (len-record < 1024) {
							long tail = len-record;
							bis.read(new byte[(int)tail]);
							bos.write(b, 0, (int)tail);
				} catch (IOException e) {
	private static List<Long> getFileInfo(File file) throws NumberFormatException, IOException{
		List<Long> fileInfo = new LinkedList<>();
		try (
			BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)))){
			String line = null;
			while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
				//将数据转换为 long 再存入集合,或许使用 DataInputStream 更好吧
				//注意,如果这个文件里面被修改了,可能会引发 RuntimeException
				String[] str = line.split(" ");
		return fileInfo;
	//初始化 拆分文件位置
	private static boolean initPath(File file) {
		return file.mkdirs();

Test class

package dragon;

import java.io.IOException;

public class Client {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, NumberFormatException, ClassNotFoundException {
		//	ImageSeparate.imageSeparate();

Each class contains many comments , should still be able to express the meaning clearly, there are a few points that need to be explained.

Running effect:

Test preparation pictures: Pay attention to the path of the folder and the first picture.

How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value

Test preparation picture information: Pay attention to the file size and occupied space information.

How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value

Merge effect: Pay attention to the paths of the merged pictures and merged files.
The merged file will produce a separate text file, which stores the size information of the image, because this information is needed to restore the image, otherwise the image may not be recovered.

Note: When I saw this result, I felt amazing. Although 37 pictures were merged, it could still display the information of the first picture normally. This may be related to the storage of the picture itself. It has to do with form (I have no knowledge of this).

How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value

Text file information screenshot:
Note: I store it in row units, one data per row, read This is also the case, it feels more convenient. Never modify any information in this file, otherwise the image information will not be restored.

How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value

Recover the picture: Pay attention to the picture in the lower right corner, because I did not retain the file name, so the file of the picture was generated The name is generated by rewriting. I also noticed that my file name is relatively long. You can refer to the blog link at the beginning. Here is the image name generated using the UUID of the milliseconds of the current date. It is indeed relatively long. But it won't be repeated, which is what I need.

How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value

Console input information:
I will combine the read picture information (size data of each picture) and the data generated when restoring the picture The picture file name is printed out, which makes debugging more convenient and looks good, ha!

How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value

Some details

The merging of pictures is a simple merging of files. It just gets the input stream of each file and writes it in sequence. in an output stream. (A byte stream is used here, and character streams cannot be used for pictures!)

for (File file : files) {				
	try (
		BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))){
		int hasRead = 0;
		byte[] b = new byte[1024];
		while ((hasRead = bis.read(b)) != -1) {
			bos.write(b, 0, hasRead);


先看下面这张图片,假定这是(合并后图片中)某个图片 的信息,我们需要在一个完整的输入流中,完整的取出来这一部分,不能多也不能少! 注意是顺序读取数据。再强调一下,这是中间某一张图片,也就是这个图表示某一个图片的数据,但是不是整个文件的数据,也就是说,这个图片下面还有数据,最下面那个小于 1024 byte,只是表示这张图片还剩下少于 1024 byte得数据。


byte[] b = new byte[1024];
while ((hasRead = bis.read(b)) != -1) {
	bos.write(b, 0, hasRead);

How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value


设置一个字节计数器,在每次读取(1024byte)之后,下一次读取之前,判断当前图片的大小和当前读入的字节数的差值是否大于 1024 字节,即是否满足一次完整的读取,如果满足的条件,就继续读取写入操作,如果不足 1024字节,说明不能再进行读取写入了(因为当前图片下面还有其它图片数据,所以仍然是可以读取 1024 字节的,只是属于当前图片的字节数,不足 1024 字节了,即不能进行一次完整的读取了。)所以,如果不足以进行一次完整的读取,那就只读当前还需要的字节,只需要读取一次就行了,读取之后将数据写入输出流,退出当前循环,进行下一张图片的读取。 可以画图观察一下,就会理解了。

	try (
		BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(separateFile, filename)))){
		long record = 0;
		int hasRead = 0;
		byte[] b = new byte[1024];
		 * 这里处理比较麻烦,我说明一下:
		 * 一次性去读 len 长度的数据,考虑到有时候文件会非常大,这个数据对内存的压力很大,
		 * 所以舍弃了,如果文件很小,倒也是一个很好的方式(简便)。
		 * 这里采用逐次读取的方式:(一般图片都会大于 1024 字节的,这个不考虑)
		 * 当读取一次后,判断剩余的字节数是否小于 1024,如果小于的话,就直接
		 * 一次性读取这些字节数,并写入文件中,然后跳出循环,本次文件读取完成。
		 * */
		while ((hasRead = bis.read(b)) != -1) {						
			record += (long)hasRead;
			if (len-record < 1024) {
				long tail = len-record;
				bis.read(new byte[(int)tail]);
				bos.write(b, 0, (int)tail);
	} catch (IOException e) {


没有保存图片的类型,恢复图片时,只能强行指定文件的后缀名为 jpeg,这样做不是很好的做法。

String filename = System.currentTimeMillis()+UUID.randomUUID().toString()+".jpeg";


new File(outputFile, System.currentTimeMillis()+".jpeg")

所以我对上面代码进行了改进,在保存图片的大小信息的同时,保存图片的后缀名信息(一般都是有的,但是如果没有的话,我就指定一个 “.none” 作为后缀名了)。一开始我是准备还是直接按照如下形式存储:
图片大小 [空格分隔] 图片后缀名
但是实际处理过程中,这样感觉还是比较麻烦的,因为存储的数据都是字符信息了,Java是没有办法直接使用的,显示转换太麻烦了,所以我决定不使用这种方式了,转而使用Java的对象序列化。因为同时需要大小和后缀名两个属性,而且两个属性之间也是具有很强关系的(一对一),干脆封装一下,做成一个Java类,这样使用起来很方便,而且两个属性之间也建立了联系,序列化恢复也比较方便。而且对象序列化还带来一个好处,Java的对象序列化是二进制序列化,区别于 json 这种字符序列化,二进制是机器读取的,我们就算打开了也是乱码,所以,可以避免这个文件被别人给修改了。(一般是不会去修改二进制文件的吧,哈!)


package dragon;

import java.io.Serializable;

 * 文件信息模型类:
 * 记录文件的大小和后缀名,因为总是
 * 需要使用这个,就把它封装起来使用吧。
 * */
public class FileInfo implements Serializable{
	 * 序列化 id
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	private long len;
	private String suffix;
	public FileInfo(long len, String suffix) {
		this.len = len;
		this.suffix = suffix;
	public long getLen() {
		return this.len;
	public String getSuffix() {
		return this.suffix;

    //重写 toString 方法,方便打印调试代码
	public String toString() {
		return "FileInfo [len=" + len + ", suffix=" + suffix + "]";

对于原来的图片合并和分隔方法,都进行了一点改进,所以命名规则上都在原来的类前面加了一个 Enhance (增强、改进)。


package dragon;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

public class EnhanceImageMerge {
	public static final String mergePath = "D:/DragonDataFile/beauty"; 
	public static final String outputPath = "D:/DragonDataFile/merge";
	private EnhanceImageMerge() {}
	 * 思路如下:首先获取文件夹下面的所有图片文件信息,
	 * 然后使用输入输出流依次将文件进行合并操作。
	 * 这里的信息是指的文件大小,最重要的是文件的大小,
	 * 考虑其它因素,不记录文件名,所以拆分时,会丢失文件名,
	 * 但是不影响图片的显示。
	public static void imageMerge() throws IOException {
		File mergeFile = new File(EnhanceImageMerge.mergePath);
		File outputFile = new File(EnhanceImageMerge.outputPath);
		if (!initPath(mergeFile, outputFile)) {      // 无法创建 mergePath
			throw new FileNotFoundException("无法创建文件夹: "+EnhanceImageMerge.mergePath);
		File[] files = mergeFile.listFiles();
		String suffix = recordImageInfo(files, outputFile);   //记录文件信息,保存于图片的文件夹下,可能更好点。
		try (//创建输出文件
			BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(outputFile, System.currentTimeMillis()+suffix)))){
			for (File file : files) {				
				try (
					BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))){
					int hasRead = 0;
					byte[] b = new byte[1024];
					while ((hasRead = bis.read(b)) != -1) {
						bos.write(b, 0, hasRead);
	//初始化路径,如果 mergePath 不存在
	private static boolean initPath(File mergeFile, File outputFile) {
		boolean mk_mergeFile = false, mk_outputFile = false;
		if (!mergeFile.exists()) {           // mergePath 不存在
			mk_mergeFile = mergeFile.mkdirs(); 
		} else {
			mk_mergeFile = true;
		if (!outputFile.exists()) {
			mk_outputFile = outputFile.mkdirs();
		} else {
			mk_outputFile = true;
		return mk_mergeFile && mk_outputFile;
	private static String recordImageInfo(File[] files, File outputFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
		try (                            //二进制保存的数据,无法直接阅读,不加扩展名了      
			ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(outputFile, "fileinfo"), true))){
			List<FileInfo> fileInfos = new LinkedList<>(); 
			for (File file : files) {
				String filename = file.getName();    //记录文件的大小和扩展名信息 如果没有的话,默认设置为 none。
				long len = file.length();            
				String suffix = filename.lastIndexOf(".") != -1 ? filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf(".")) : ".none";
				FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(len, suffix);
			oos.writeObject(fileInfos);   //直接将集合序列化,序列化单个对象,读取的时候太麻烦了
		String firstFileName = files[0].getName();
		return firstFileName.lastIndexOf(".") != -1 ? firstFileName.substring(firstFileName.lastIndexOf(".")) : ".none";

注意:对象序列化的时候,如果每次序列化一个对象的话,那么读取的时候,就无法判断怎么结束了,因为程序不知道该读取多少次才结束,而且似乎不能使用读取结果为 null 来判断,那样会引发一个 EOFException。
我去查阅资料,有人推荐了,在序列化的最后,添加一个 null 对象,这确实是一个很好的方法,但是感觉还是不好。
另一种方式就是直接序列化一个List 集合,这样确实是方便多了,存入一个集合,读取回来了还是一个集合,可以直接操作了,还省去将对象再组装成集合的时间。(对象序列化,我只是了解,用过那么一两次,不是很熟。)


private static String recordImageInfo(File[] files, File outputFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
	try (                            //二进制保存的数据,无法直接阅读,不加扩展名了      
		ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(outputFile, "fileinfo"), true))){
		List<FileInfo> fileInfos = new LinkedList<>(); 
		for (File file : files) {
			String filename = file.getName();    //记录文件的大小和扩展名信息 如果没有的话,默认设置为 none。
			long len = file.length();            
			String suffix = filename.lastIndexOf(".") != -1 ? filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf(".")) : ".none";
			FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(len, suffix);
		oos.writeObject(fileInfos);   //直接将集合序列化,序列化单个对象,读取的时候太麻烦了
	String firstFileName = files[0].getName();
	return firstFileName.lastIndexOf(".") != -1 ? firstFileName.substring(firstFileName.lastIndexOf(".")) : ".none";


package dragon;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;

public class EnhanceImageSeparate {
	private static final String separatePath = "D:/DragonDataFile/separate";
	private EnhanceImageSeparate() {}
	 * 合并后文件夹下面有两个文件(应该每一批合并文件,一个单独的文件夹):
	 * 合并后文件,合并文件信息(大小)。
	 * 思路:首先读取合并文件信息,然后依据大小依次从文件中取出
	 * 对应大小的字节数,写入一个文件中。
	 * @throws IOException 
	 * @throws ClassNotFoundException 
	 * @throws NumberFormatException 
	 * */
	public static void imageSeparate() throws IOException, NumberFormatException, ClassNotFoundException {
		File separateFile = new File(EnhanceImageSeparate.separatePath);
		if (initPath(separateFile)) {     //无法创建文件夹
			throw new FileNotFoundException("无法创建文件夹: "+EnhanceImageSeparate.separatePath);
		File outputFile = new File(ImageMerge.outputPath);
		//下面获取的都是 String 数组,但是正常情况下应该都是只有一个 String 的字符串
		File[] infoFile = outputFile.listFiles(f->!f.getName().contains("."));   //序列化文件是没有后缀名的
		File[] mergeFile = outputFile.listFiles(f->f.getName().contains(".")); //图片文件都是有后缀名的
		// 获取信息文件信息(图片的长度)
		List<FileInfo> fileInfos = getFileInfo(infoFile[0]);
		mergeOperation(fileInfos, mergeFile[0], separateFile);
	 * 执行文件合并操作
	 * @param fileInfos 文件信息集合
	 * @param 需要合并文件的文件夹
	 * @param separateFile 合并操作后的文件夹
	 * @throws IOException 
	 * @throws FileNotFoundException 
	 * */
	private static void mergeOperation(List<FileInfo> fileInfos, File mergeFile, File separateFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
		try (
			BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(mergeFile))){
				long len = fileInfo.getLen();
				String filename = System.currentTimeMillis()+UUID.randomUUID().toString()+fileInfo.getSuffix();
				try (
					BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(separateFile, filename)))){
					long record = 0;
					int hasRead = 0;
					byte[] b = new byte[1024];
					 * 这里处理比较麻烦,我说明一下:
					 * 一次性去读 len 长度的数据,考虑到有时候文件会非常大,这个数据对内存的压力很大,
					 * 所以舍弃了,如果文件很小,倒也是一个很好的方式(简便)。
					 * 这里采用逐次读取的方式:(一般图片都会大于 1024 字节的,这个不考虑)
					 * 当读取一次后,判断剩余的字节数是否小于 1024,如果小于的话,就直接
					 * 一次性读取这些字节数,并写入文件中,然后跳出循环,本次文件读取完成。
					 * */
					while ((hasRead = bis.read(b)) != -1) {						
						record += (long)hasRead;
						if (len-record < 1024) {
							long tail = len-record;
							bis.read(new byte[(int)tail]);
							bos.write(b, 0, (int)tail);
				} catch (IOException e) {

	//抑制一下 unchecked 警告
	private static List<FileInfo> getFileInfo(File file) throws NumberFormatException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException{
		try (
			ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))){
			return (List<FileInfo>) ois.readObject(); //强制类型转换一下,读取出来的数据都是 Object 类型
	//初始化 拆分文件位置
	private static boolean initPath(File file) {
		return file.mkdirs();

注意: 分隔还原图片时,图片的后缀名部分代码为:

String filename = System.currentTimeMillis()+UUID.randomUUID().toString()+fileInfo.getSuffix();


//抑制一下 unchecked 警告
private static List<FileInfo> getFileInfo(File file) throws NumberFormatException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException{
	try (
		ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))){
		return (List<FileInfo>) ois.readObject(); //强制类型转换一下,读取出来的数据都是 Object 类型


package dragon;

import java.io.IOException;

public class Client {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, NumberFormatException, ClassNotFoundException {
	//	 EnhanceImageSeparate.imageSeparate();

改进后代码运行结果 执行合并方法时,打印的图片对象模型的信息

How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value


注意观察右边的 fileinfo 文件,因为是二进制数据,我就没有给它加上文件后缀名,加上了也是无法直接阅读的,里面存储的是图片对象模型集合的序列化信息。

How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value



How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value


How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value


How to solve the problem of merging java files and modifying md5 value

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