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How to set up a stand-alone PHP environment

2023-04-26 18:00:04589browse

With the development of Internet technology, more and more beginners have become interested in the PHP programming language. In order to quickly master PHP development, it is particularly important to be familiar with PHP environment construction. Here, we will share how to set up a stand-alone PHP environment.

1. Install Web Server

Web server is software that supports web page services. It usually corresponds to the HTTP protocol and can feed back HTTP requests sent by users to the client's web page services. Next we will introduce how to install the web server.

  1. Apache server installation

Apache server is currently the most popular web server and can run on almost all operating systems, including Windows, Linux and macOS. And it’s open source, free, and powerful. Therefore, it is recommended for beginners to use Apache server.

The installation method is as follows:

(1) Download the latest version of the Apache server

Go to the Apache official website https://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi to download the latest version Apache server program.

(2) Decompress the downloaded compressed package to a specific directory

Extract the compressed package obtained after downloading from the Apache server to a specified directory, such as the /opt directory.

(3) Configure the Apache server

Find the configuration file httpd.conf of the Apache server, usually in the conf directory, and perform basic configuration, such as listening port, server name, etc. Specific configuration parameters can be changed as needed.

(4) Run the Apache server

Run apachectl in the /bin directory to start the Apache server.

At this point, open the browser and view the web page. You will see the default Apache server welcome page, indicating that the installation is successful.

  1. Nginx server installation

Nginx server and Apache server also run in multiple operating systems and are often used for high-traffic web servers and reverse proxy servers. Support higher concurrency. If you need to solve high concurrency problems or reverse proxy services, you can choose the Nginx server.

The installation method is as follows:

(1) Download the latest version of Nginx server

Go to Nginx official website https://nginx.org/en/download.html to download the latest version Nginx server program.

(2) Decompress the downloaded compressed package to a specific directory

Extract the compressed package obtained after downloading from the Nginx server to a specified directory, such as the /opt directory.

(3) Configure Nginx server

Find the configuration file nginx.conf of the Nginx server, usually in the conf directory, and perform basic configuration, such as listening port, server name, etc. Specific configuration parameters can be changed as needed.

(4) Run Nginx server

Run nginx in the sbin directory to start the Nginx server.

At this point, open the browser and view the web page. You will see the default Nginx server welcome page, indicating that the installation is successful.

2. PHP environment installation

After installing the web server, you also need to install the PHP programming language to build a stand-alone PHP development environment.

The installation method is as follows:

(1) Download the latest version of PHP

Go to the PHP official website https://www.php.net/downloads.php to download the latest version PHP program.

(2) Unzip the downloaded compressed package to a specific directory

Extract the compressed package obtained after downloading PHP to a specified directory, such as the /opt directory.

(3) Configure PHP server

Find the PHP configuration file php.ini, usually in the conf directory, and perform basic configurations, such as code optimization, memory limits, etc. Specific configuration parameters can be changed as needed.

(4) Integrate with the Web server

If you are using the Apache server, you can use the mod_php extension to load PHP as a module of the Apache runtime. If you are using an Nginx server, you need to use the FastCGI language interface.

The specific operation method is as follows:

Apache server integration with PHP:

Go to the Apache configuration file httpd.conf and add the following code:

LoadModule php5_module modules/ libphp5.so

AddHandler php5-script .php

PHPIniDir “/opt/php”

Nginx server integrates PHP:

Go to Nginx configuration file nginx .conf, add the following code:

location ~* .php$ {


fastcgi_index index.php;

include fastcgi_params;

fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;


(5) Run PHP

Run php-fpm to start PHP. If problems occur, you can make corresponding adjustments in php-fpm.conf.

3. Use MySQL database

MySQL database is one of the relational database management systems and one of the most commonly used relational databases for Web services. It is usually used together with PHP components during the website development process. for data storage. MySQL is very convenient for managing and querying data, so it is also extremely popular.

The installation method is as follows:

(1) Download the latest version of MySQL

Go to the MySQL official website https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ to download the latest version MySQL program.

(2) Unzip the downloaded compressed package to a specific directory

Extract the compressed package obtained after downloading MySQL to a specified directory, such as the /opt directory.

(3) Configure MySQL server

Find the configuration file my.cnf of the MySQL server, usually in the conf directory, and perform basic configuration, such as modifying the MySQL user, encoding, etc. Specific configuration parameters can be changed as needed.

Find the file /etc/init.d and add start and stop scripts for MySQL. Start command: /etc/init.d/mysqld start, stop command /etc/init.d/mysqld stop.

(4) Test MySQL

Enter the mysql –uroot –p command to check whether you can successfully enter MySQL.

The above are the steps and methods for setting up a stand-alone PHP environment. After completing the above steps, we can continue to build the development and debugging environment on this machine. I hope that this article can help beginners quickly master how to set up a stand-alone PHP environment.

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