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Shared implementation of objects in Java concurrent programming

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1. Visibility

Generally, we cannot guarantee that the thread performing the read operation can see the values ​​written by other threads, because each thread has its own caching mechanism. To ensure visibility of memory write operations between multiple threads, a synchronization mechanism must be used.

public class NoVisibility {
    private static boolean ready;
    private static int number;

    private static class ReaderThread extends Thread {
        public void run() {
            while (!ready)

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new ReaderThread().start();
        number = 42;
        ready = true;

The above code seems to output 42, but in fact it may not be terminated at all, because the reading thread can never see the value of ready; it is very likely to output 0, because the reading thread sees the writing of ready value, but do not see the value written to number afterwards. This phenomenon is called "reordering". In the absence of synchronization, the compiler, processor, runtime, etc. may make some unexpected adjustments to the execution order of operations.

So, whenever data is shared between multiple threads, correct synchronization should be used.

1.1 Invalid data

Unless synchronization is used, it is very likely to obtain the invalid value of the variable. The invalid values ​​may not appear at the same time, and a thread may obtain the latest value of one variable and the invalid value of another variable. Invalid data may also lead to some confusing failures, such as unexpected exceptions, corrupted data structures, inaccurate calculations, infinite loops, etc.

1.2 Non-atomic 64-bit operations

For non-volatile long and double variables, the JVM allows a 64-bit read or write operation to be decomposed into two 32-bit operations. Therefore, it is very likely that the upper 32 bits of the latest value and the lower 32 bits of the invalid value will be read, resulting in a random value being read. Unless they are declared with the keyword volatile or protected with a lock.

1.3 Locking and Visibility

When a thread executes a synchronized code block protected by a lock, it can see the results of all previous operations of other threads in the same synchronized code block. Without synchronization, the above guarantees cannot be achieved. The meaning of locking is not limited to mutual exclusion behavior, but also includes visibility. To ensure that all threads see the latest value of a shared variable, all threads performing read or write operations must be synchronized on the same lock.

1.4 Volatile variables

When a variable is declared as a volatile type, neither the compiler nor the runtime will reorder the operations on the variable together with other memory operations. Volatile variables are not cached in registers or other places invisible to the processor, so reading a volatile variable always returns the most recently written value. The locking mechanism can ensure both visibility and atomicity, while volatile variables can only ensure visibility.

Volatile variables should be used if and only if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The writing operation to the variable does not depend on the current value of the variable, or can ensure Only use a single thread to update the value of a variable.

  • This variable will not be included in the invariance condition along with other state variables.

  • No need to lock when accessing variables.

2. Release and leakage

Publishing an object means that the object can be used in code outside the current scope. Methods of publishing objects include: references to non-private variables, references returned by method calls, publishing inner class objects that imply references to external classes, etc. When an object is released that should not be released, it is called a leak.

public class ThisEscape {
   private int status;
   public ThisEscape(EventSource source) {
      source.registerListener(new EventListener() {
         public void onEvent(Event e) {
      status = 1;

   void doSomething(Event e) {
      status = e.getStatus();

   interface EventSource {
      void registerListener(EventListener e);

   interface EventListener {
      void onEvent(Event e);

   interface Event {
      int getStatus();

Because the instance of the inner class contains an implicit reference to the outer class instance, when ThisEscape releases the EventListener, it also implicitly releases the ThisEscape instance itself. But at this time, the variable status has not been initialized, causing this reference to be leaked in the constructor. You can use a private constructor and a public factory method to avoid incorrect construction processes:

public class SafeListener {
    private int status;
    private final EventListener listener;
    private SafeListener() {
        listener = new EventListener() {
            public void onEvent(Event e) {
        status = 1;
    public static SafeListener newInstance(EventSource source) {
        SafeListener safe = new SafeListener();
        return safe;

    void doSomething(Event e) {
        status = e.getStatus();

    interface EventSource {
        void registerListener(EventListener e);

    interface EventListener {
        void onEvent(Event e);

    interface Event {
        int getStatus();

3. Thread closure

One way to avoid using synchronization is not to share. If data is accessed only within a single thread, no synchronization is required, which is called thread closure. Thread containment is a programming consideration and must be implemented in the program. Java also provides some mechanisms to help maintain thread closure, such as local variables and ThreadLocal.

3.1 Ad-hoc thread closure

Ad-hoc thread closure means that the responsibility for maintaining thread closure is entirely borne by the program implementation. Using volatile variables is a way to achieve Ad-hoc thread closure. As long as it is guaranteed that only a single thread performs write operations on shared volatile variables, then it is safe to perform "read-modify-write" operations on these variables. , the visibility of volatile variables ensures that other threads can see the latest value.

Ad-hoc thread closure is very fragile, so use it as little as possible in your program. Where possible, use other thread containment techniques such as stack containment and ThreadLocal.

3.2 Stack closure

In stack closure, objects can only be accessed through local variables. They are located on the execution thread's stack and cannot be accessed by other threads. Even though these objects are not thread-safe, they are still thread-safe. However, it's worth noting that only the person writing the code knows which objects are stack-enclosed. Without clear instructions, subsequent maintainers can easily leak these objects by mistake.

3.3 ThreadLocal类


public class ConnectionDispenser {
    static String DB_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydatabase";

    private ThreadLocal<Connection> connectionHolder
        = new ThreadLocal<Connection>() {
            public Connection initialValue() {
                try {
                    return DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL);
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unable to acquire Connection, e");

    public Connection getConnection() {
        return connectionHolder.get();


4. 不变性


  • 对象创建以后其状态就不能改变

  • 对象的所有域都是final类型

  • 对象是正确创建的,在对象创建期间,this引用没有泄露

public final class ThreeStooges {
    private final Set<String> stooges = new HashSet<String>();

    public ThreeStooges() {

    public boolean isStooge(String name) {
        return stooges.contains(name);


4.1 final域


4.2 使用volatile类型来发布不可变对象


  • 更新缓存

  • 通过判断缓存中的数值是否等于请求的数值来决定是否直接读取缓存中的结果


public class OneValueCache {
    private final BigInteger lastNumber;
    private final BigInteger[] lastFactors;

    public OneValueCache(BigInteger i, BigInteger[] factors) {
        lastNumber = i;
        lastFactors = Arrays.copyOf(factors, factors.length);

    public BigInteger[] getFactors(BigInteger i) {
        if (lastNumber == null || !lastNumber.equals(i))
            return null;
            return Arrays.copyOf(lastFactors, lastFactors.length);


public class VolatileCachedFactorizer implements Servlet {
    private volatile OneValueCache cache = new OneValueCache(null, null);

    public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse resp) {
        BigInteger i = extractFromRequest(req);
        BigInteger[] factors = cache.getFactors(i);
        if (factors == null) {
            factors = factor(i);
            cache = new OneValueCache(i, factors);
        encodeIntoResponse(resp, factors);

5 安全发布

5.1 不正确的发布


public Holder holder;
public void initialize(){
    holder = new Holder(42);


public class Holder {
    private int n;

    public Holder(int n) {
        this.n = n;

    public void assertSanity() {
        if (n != n)
            throw new AssertionError("This statement is false.");


5.2 不可变对象与初始化安全性


5.3 安全发布的常用模式


  • 在静态初始化函数里初始化一个对象引用。

  • 将对象的引用保存到volatile类型的域或者AtomicReference对象中。

  • 将对象的引用保存到某个正确构造对象的final类型域中。

  • 将对象的引用保存到一个由锁保护的域中。


  • 通过将一个键或者值放入Hashtable、synchronizedMap或者ConcurrentMap中,可以安全地将它发布给任何从这些容器中访问它的线程。

  • 通过将某个对象放入Vector、CopyOnWriteArrayList、CopyOnWriteArraySet、synchronizedList或者synchronizedSet中,可以将该对象安全地发布到任何从这些容器中访问该对象的线程。

  • By placing an object into a BlockingQueue or ConcurrentLinkedQueue, you can safely publish the object to any thread that accesses the object from these queues.

5.4 De facto immutable objects

If an object is technically mutable, but its state will not change after it is published, then this object Called de facto immutable objects. A de facto immutable object that is safely published can be safely used by any thread without additional synchronization. For example, maintain a Map object that stores the latest login time of each user:

public Map7c36a245a97922f78d3224cbec5818e1 lastLogin =
Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMapIf the value of the Date object will not change after being put into the Map, then the synchronization mechanism in synchronizedMap is enough to allow the Date value to be published safely, and no additional synchronization is required when accessing these Date values.

5.5 Mutable objects

For mutable objects, synchronization is not only needed when publishing the object, but also needs to be used every time the object is accessed to ensure the visibility of subsequent modification operations. The publishing requirements of an object depend on its mutability:

  • Immutable objects can be published by any mechanism.

  • The fact is that immutable objects must be published in a safe way.

  • Mutable objects must be released in a safe manner and must be thread-safe or protected by a lock.

5.6 Safe shared objects

When using and sharing objects in concurrent programs, you can use some practical strategies, including:

  • Thread closure. A thread-enclosed object can only be owned by one thread, the object is enclosed in that thread, and can only be modified by this thread.

  • Read-only sharing. Without additional synchronization, a shared read-only object can be accessed concurrently by multiple threads, but no thread can modify it. Shared read-only objects include immutable objects and de facto immutable objects.

  • Thread-safe sharing. A thread-safe object is synchronized internally so that multiple threads can access it through the object's public interface without further synchronization.

  • Protected object. Protected objects can only be accessed by holding a specific lock. Protected objects include objects that are encapsulated in other thread-safe objects, as well as objects that are released and protected by a specific lock.

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