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JavaScript reference type time Date and array Array_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:42:231105browse

Javascript reference type time Date

The Date type in JavaScript is built on the java.util.Date class in early Java. For this purpose, the Date type uses the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 0:00 UTC January 1, 1970 to save the date. Under the conditions of using this data storage format, the date saved by the Date type can be accurate to 285,616 years before or after January 1, 1970.

Create date object

In javascript, you can use the Date() constructor to create a date object, such as:

Copy code The code is as follows:

var date=new Date();

When no date parameter is passed to the constructor, an object holding the current date and time will be created.

Of course, if you want to create a date object based on a specific date and time, you can also do so. You just need to pass the parameters that can represent the date into the constructor.

The common date formats accepted by the Date() constructor are:

"Month/Day/Year", such as 2/27/2014;
"English month name day, year", such as February 27, 2014;
"Year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond", such as 2014,1,27,11,22,22

The following creates a date object in the above format:

var date1=new Date("2/27/2014"); 
alert(date1); //Thu Feb 27 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0800
var date2=new Date("February 27,2014");
alert(date2); //Thu Feb 27 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0800
var date3=new Date(2014,1,27,11,24,0);
alert(date3); //Thu Feb 27 2014 11:24:00 GMT+0800
var date4=new Date(2014,1,27);
alert(date4); //Thu Feb 27 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0800
var date5=new Date("2014,1,27,11,24,0");
alert(date5); //Invalid Date

Through the above examples, you may notice the difference between them:

First, when creating a date object using the first two methods, it must be passed in as a string as a parameter; when using the third method to create it, it cannot be passed in as a string, and each value must be Individual values ​​are passed in.

Second, one thing must be paid special attention to. When using the third method to create a date, its month starts from 0, that is, January corresponds to 0, and so on; while the first two methods are normal. Month representation, that is, February corresponds to 2.

Third, when using the third way to express, the year and month are required, and when other parameters are omitted, they will be expressed as 0.
Note: The first two methods will get the same result as the shown calling Date.parse() method; the third method will get the same result as the shown calling Date.UTC() method.

Inherited methods

Date type also inherits toString(), toLocaleString() and valueOf() methods. The format of the values ​​obtained by calling these methods will vary between browsers. Specifically, you can try calling it yourself.

Date formatting method

The Date type also has some methods specifically used to format dates into strings, as follows:

toDateString() - displays the day of the week, month, day and year in a specific and implemented format;

toTimeString() - displays hours, minutes, seconds, time zone in an implementation-specific format;

toLocaleDateString() - displays the day of the week, month, day, year in region-specific format;

toLocaleTimeString() - displays hours, minutes, seconds in a reality-specific format;

toUTCString() - displays the complete UTC date in a display-specific format

The above method may be relatively infrequently used, so we will not introduce it in depth.

Date/Time Component Methods

Javascript reference type array Array

[Overview of 22 methods of arrays]

Arrays in JavaScript are quite different from arrays in most other languages. Although JavaScript arrays, like arrays in other languages, are ordered lists of data, unlike other languages, each item of a JavaScript array can hold any type of data. In other words, you can use the first position of the array to save the string, the second position to save the value, and the third position to save the object. Moreover, the size of the JavaScript array can be dynamically adjusted, that is, it can automatically grow as data is added to accommodate the new data.

Array: Each item in the array can save any type of data, and the size of the array is dynamically adjusted (can contain up to 4294967295 items, approximately 4.3 billion items)

[1.1] Array creation:

[1.1.1] Use the Array constructor (when using the Array constructor, you can also omit the New operator)

e.g. var colors = new Array();
var colors = new Array(20);
var colors = new Array('red','blue','green');
var colors = Array(3);

[Note] If a numerical value is passed, an array containing the given number of items will be created according to the numerical value;

If a parameter of another type is passed, a one-item array containing that value will be created

e.g. var colors = new Array(3);//包含三项的数组
var colors = new Array('Greg');//包含一项,且该项为"Greg"的数组  


e.g. var colors = ['red','blue','green'];
var colors = [];
[不可用] var colors = [1,2,];


[不可用] var colors = [,,,];





e.g. var colors = ['red','blue','green'];
colors.length = 2;
colors.length = 4;


e.g. colors[colors.length] = 'black';


e.g. var colors = ['red','blue','green'];
colors[99] = 'black';


[1.3.1]if(value instanceof Array){}:问题在于它假定只有一个全局执行环境,如果网页中包含多个框架,那实际上就存在两个以上不同的全局环境,从而存在两个以上不同版本的Array构造函数。如果从一个框架向另一个框架传入一个数组,那么传入的数组与在第二个框架中原生创建的数组分别具有各自不同的构造函数。






e.g. var colors = ['red','blue','green'];     



var person1 = {
 toLocaleString: function(){
 return 'Nikolaos';
 toString: function(){
 return 'Nicholas';
var person2 = {
 toLocaleString: function(){
 return 'Grigorios';
 toString: function(){
 return 'Greg';
var people = [person1,person2];


e.g. var colors = ['red','green','blue'];














[比较函数] (使用:e.g. array1.sort(compare);)

function compare(value1,value2){
 if(value1 < value2){
 return -1;
 }else if(value1 > value2){
 return 1;
 return 0;


function compare(value1,value2){
return value2 - value1;


function compare(){
return Math.random() - 0.5;






e.g. var numbers = [1,2];

[]slice():基于当前数组中的一个或多个项创建一个新数组,接受一个或两个参数,即要返回项的起始和结束位置 ,最后返回新数组(slice()不影响原数组)






var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];
console.log(numbers.slice(-3));//-3+5=2 -> [3,4,5]







var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];
    console.log(numbers.splice(0,2),numbers);//[1,2] [3,4,5]
    var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];
    console.log(numbers.splice(1,0,11,12),numbers);//[] [1,11,12,2,3,4,5]
    var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];
    console.log(numbers.splice(1,3,11,12),numbers);//[2,3,4] [1,11,12,5]
    var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];
    console.log(numbers.splice(-4,3,11,12),numbers);//-4+5=1 -> [2,3,4] [1,11,12,5]
    var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5];
    console.log(numbers.splice(-4,-3,11,12),numbers);//-4+5=1 -> [] [1,11,12,2,3,4,5]





var person = {name: 'Nicholas'};
var people = [{name: 'Nicholas'}];
var morePeople = [person];
alert(morePeople.indexOf({name: 'Nicholas'}));//-1,因为不是同一个引用


function allIndexOf(array,value){
 var result = [];
 var pos = array.indexOf(value);
 if(pos === -1){
  return -1;
 while(pos > -1){
  pos = array.indexOf(value,pos+1);
 return result;
 var array = [1,2,3,3,2,1];







 var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0];
 var sum = 0;
 var everyResult = numbers.every(function(item,index,array){
  return (item>2);
 var filterResult = numbers.filter(function(item,index,array){
  return (item>2)
 var forEachResult = numbers.forEach(function(item,index,array){
  sum += item;
  return (item>2)
 var mapResult = numbers.map(function(item,index,array){
  return (item*2)
 var som =  numbers.some(function(item,index,array){
  return (item>2)
 console.log(forEachResult,sum);//undefined 45 
 [tips] function logArray(value,index,array){
  [2,5,,,,,9].forEach(logArray)//2 5 9




var sum = values.reduce(function(prev,cur,index,array){
    return prev+cur;
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