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In Java, we usually create different classes in different Within a package, for classes in the same package, they are all at the same level. But in fact there is another situation. Some classes can be defined inside another class. We call classes defined inside a class inner classes (InnerClass) or nested classes, and classes defined outside Called external class (OutClass) or host class. In other words, member variables and methods can be defined inside a class, as well as other classes. The common format for defining internal classes is as follows:
class Outer {//外部类 class Inner {//内部类 //方法和属性 } }
In the above code, Outer is an ordinary external class, and Inner is an internal class. The biggest difference between it and ordinary external classes is that its instance object cannot exist alone and must be attached to an instance object of an external class.
Internal classes can be well hidden. Generally, non-internal classes are not allowed to have private and protected permissions, but internal classes can, and internal classes also have permissions in external classes. Access permission for all elements. In short, many access rules for inner classes can refer to variables and methods.
But please note that although we use internal classes to make the program structure more compact, it destroys the object-oriented idea to a certain extent.
The existence of internal classes has the following advantages:
Internal classes enable a solution to multiple inheritance Becoming more complete: Each internal class can independently implement the interface. No matter whether the external class has implemented the interface or inherited the parent class, it has no effect on the internal class;
Both It is convenient to organize classes with certain logical relationships together and hide them from the outside world;
It is convenient to write event-driven programs of all types;
Convenient to write thread code.
Internal classes in Java can be divided into the following types:
Member internal classes
Static inner class
Partial inner class
Anonymous inner class
Although most of the time, inner classes are not used much, but we also need to understand how they are specifically used.
Compared with external classes, internal classes have the following characteristics:
Inner classes can access private members of external classes , without destroying encapsulation;
The internal class is still an independent class. After compilation, the internal class will be compiled into an independent .class file, but it will be preceded by an external class. The class name and $ symbol, the format of the file name is external class name $ internal class name.class;
Because the internal class is a member of the external class, the internal class cannot use ordinary access, but the inner class can freely access the member variables in the outer class, regardless of whether they are privately modified;
If it is a static inner class, we cannot access the members of the outer class at will Variables can only access static member variables of external classes.
When we create and define Java classes, we should follow the following requirements:
Multiple classes can be written in a java file, but only one class can be modified with the public keyword, which is called the main class;
The main class name must be consistent with the file name , during development, you should try to only write one class in one java file;
External classes have only two access levels: public and default; internal classes have 4 access levels: public, protected, private and default;
In the outer class, the inner class can be accessed directly through the class name of the inner class;
In classes other than the outer class, the inner class needs to be accessed through the complete class name of the inner class;
The inner class and the outer class cannot have the same name.
Next, we will explain to you the usage of these internal classes for the several internal classes mentioned above.
Member inner class refers to an inner class that has not been modified by static, and can also be called a non-static inner class .
Member inner classes have the following features:
In early jdk versions, Only non-static properties and methods can be defined in member inner classes, unless they are modified with final and static at the same time;
In the new version of jdk, static properties and methods can also be defined in member inner classes. Properties and methods;
Member inner classes can access all members of the outer class, including private and static members, even when nested at multiple levels;
The external class cannot directly access the members of the internal class and must access them through the instance object of the internal class;
In the static method of the external class and other classes other than the external class , the instance object of the inner class must be created through an instance of the outer class;
内部类 对象名 = new 内部类();
内部类 对象名 = new 外部类().new 内部类();
4.1 定义成员内部类
/** * 成员内部类 */ public class OuterClass { // 外部类的非静态成员 String name = "一一哥"; private String hobby = "撸码"; static int age = 30; // 非静态方法 public void show() { //这里的this是指OuterClass对象 System.out.println("show方法...name="+this.name); //如果是在外部类里面创建内部类的对象,就不需要创建外部类实例,可以直接new 内部类() //InnerClass inner = new InnerClass(); } // 定义一个成员内部类 public class InnerClass { // 也可以定义私有属性 private int a = 10; //在早期的JDK中,成员内部类中不能定义静态变量;但在新版JDK中,成员内部类中可以定义静态变量 static int b = 20; // 非静态方法 public void m1() { // 这里的this对象是InnerClass内部类对象 System.out.println("成员内部类的成员变量:" + this.a); //外部类.this.属性或方法,这个this是外部类对象 System.out.println("外部类的成员变量:" + OuterClass.this.name); //内部类中可以访问外部类的私有成员和静态成员 System.out.println("外部类的私有成员变量:" + hobby); System.out.println("外部类的静态变量:" + age); } //在早期的JDK中,成员内部类中不能定义静态方法;但在新版JDK中,成员内部类中可以定义静态方法 public static void m2() { System.out.println("调用成员内部类的静态变量:" + b); System.out.println("调用外部类的静态变量:" + age); //在静态方法中创建内部类对象,也要通过内部类 对象名 = new 外部类().new 内部类();的格式 //InnerClass innerClass = new OuterClass().new InnerClass(); } } }
4.2 定义测试类
内部类 对象名 = new 外部类().new 内部类();
public class InnerClassTest { public static void main(String[] args) { //在外部的其他类中,不能直接创建内部类对象,否则: //No enclosing instance of type OuterClass is accessible. //Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type OuterClass //(e.g. x.new A() where x is an instance of OuterClass). //InnerClass inner=new InnerClass(); //在外部的其他类中创建内部类对象,需要通过如下格式: //内部类 对象名 = new 外部类().new 内部类(); //InnerClass inner=new OuterClass().new InnerClass(); //也可以拆分成如下格式: OuterClass outer=new OuterClass(); InnerClass inner=outer.new InnerClass(); inner.m1(); InnerClass.m2(); } }
成员内部类 访问 外部类的成员(属性、方法),可以【直接访问使用】;
外部类 访问 成员内部类,需要【直接创建内部类对象后再访问】,即 new InnerClass();
外部的其他类 访问 成员内部类,需要【创建外部类对象,再创建内部类对象后访问】,即 InnerClass inner=new OuterClass().new InnerClass();
在jdk 7版本中,如果局部变量是在局部内部类中使用,必须显式地加上final关键字;在jdk 8版本中,会默认添加final关键字;
局部内部类只能访问当前方法中final类型的参数与变量。如果方法中的成员与外部类的成员同名,可以使用 .this. 的形式访问外部类成员;
局部内部类中还可以包含内部类,但这些内部类也不能使用访问控制修饰符(public、private 和 protected) 和 static修饰符;
public class PartClass { public void method() { //在方法中定义的内部类,就是局部内部类 class Inner { //属性 //方法 } } }
4.1 定义局部内部类
/** * * 局部内部类---定义在方法中的内部类 */ public class PartOuterClass { //类的成员变量 String name="一一哥"; private int age=30; static String hobby="java"; public void show() { //局部变量 //JDK 7之前,匿名内部类和局部内部类中访问外部的局部变量时,该变量需要明确地带有final修饰符 //final int num = 10; //Effectively final特性 int num = 10; //局部内部类,类似于是方法中的局部对象 class PartInnerClass{ //内部可以正常定义方法 public void m1() { //访问外部类的非静态成员,可以使用OuterClass.this.成员的格式,也可以直接访问 //System.out.println("外部类的成员变量"+name); System.out.println("外部类的成员变量"+PartOuterClass.this.name); System.out.println("外部类私有的成员变量"+age); System.out.println("外部类的静态变量"+hobby); //局部内部类,可以直接访问方法中的局部变量 System.out.println("访问局部变量"+num); } //在新版的jdk中,也可以定义静态的属性和方法,老版的jdk则不行 static int b=10; public static void m2() { System.out.println("外部类的静态变量,hobby="+hobby+",b="+b); } } //创建局部内部类对象 PartInnerClass inner = new PartInnerClass(); inner.m1(); //在当前类中,局部内部类可以直接访问静态成员 PartInnerClass.m2(); } }
在JDK 7之前,匿名内部类和局部内部类中访问外部的局部变量时,该变量需要明确地带有final修饰符。但从JDK 8之后,我们可以不带final修饰符,而是由系统默认添加了。
4.2 定义测试类
public class PartInnerClassTest { public static void main(String[] args) { //创建外部类对象,调用方法,执行局部内部类 PartOuterClass outer=new PartOuterClass(); outer.show(); } }
4.3 Effectively final特性
一般情况下,Java中的局部内部类和匿名内部类访问局部变量时,该变量必须由 final修饰,以保证内部类和外部类的数据一致性。但从 Java 8开始,我们可以不加 final修饰符,而是由系统默认添加,当然这在 Java 8以前是不允许的。Java将这个新的特性称为 Effectively(有效的、实际的) final 功能。
另外在 Lambda表达式中,使用局部变量时也要求该变量必须是 final 修饰的,所以 effectively final特性在 Lambda表达式的上下文中非常有用。
其实effectively final特性,只是让我们不用显式地把变量声明为final修饰的,它给我们自动添加了final修饰词,但并没有取消final,主要是减少了一点不必要的操作,给开发节省了点时间。
匿名内部类就是指没有类名的内部类,必须在创建时使用 new 语句来声明。匿名内部类不能在Outer Class外部类中定义,而是要在某个方法的内部,通过匿名类(Anonymous Class)的形式来定义。 匿名内部类本身就是一个对象。
通常情况下,如果一个方法的参数是接口类型,且该接口只需要实现一次,那么我们就可以通过匿名内部类的形式来进行定义。另外如果该接口的实现每次都不同,也可以使用匿名内部类的形式进行定义。我们也可以把这种定义形式叫做 “接口回调” 。匿名内部类的代码格式使得代码更加简洁、紧凑,模块化程度也更高。
如果匿名内部类位于方法中,则该类只能访问方法中 final 类型的局部变量和参数;
new (){
4.1 定义接口
/** * 点击监听事件 */ public interface OnClickListener { //点击事件 void onClick(); }
4.2 定义Button按钮类
/** * * 局部内部类---定义在方法中的内部类 */ public class Button { //处理案例点击的监听事件 public void setOnClickListener(OnClickListener listener) { listener.onClick(); } }
4.3 定义测试类
/** * 匿名内部类测试 */ public class AnonyInnerClassTest { public static void main(String[] args) { //外部变量 int num=20; //测试匿名内部类 Button btn=new Button(); //模拟处理按钮的点击事件 btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {//这里就是一个匿名内部类 //在匿名内部类中,可以允许使用非静态代码块进行成员初始化操作。 int i; { // 非静态代码块,在构造方法之后执行 i = 100; //成员初始化 } @Override public void onClick() { System.out.println("按钮被点击啦...i="+i+",num="+num); } }); } }
静态内部类和成员内部类的定义类似,但要使用static修饰,所以称为静态内部类(Static Nested Class)。
内部类 对象名 = new 外部类.内部类();
4.1 定义静态内部类
/** * 外部类和内部类 */ public class OuterClass { //普通属性,属于外部类 static int outerNum=10; //定义一个静态的内部类,如果不带static,就是一个普通的内部类。 //内部类的使用,和普通类一样,里面可以正常定义属性、方法、构造方法等。 //static前面可以带public等任意访问修饰符,也可以不带! static class InnerClass{ //私有属性无法在类的外部直接访问 //private int innerNum=20; int innerNum=20; public void printNum() { //定义外部类对象 OuterClass outer=new OuterClass(); //这里的this是指InnerClass内部类对象! System.out.println("innerNum="+this.innerNum+",outerAge="+outer.outerAge+",outerNum="+OuterClass.outerNum); } } }
4.2 定义测试类
/** * 测试访问内部类 */ public class InnerClassTest { public static void main(String[] args) { //创建内部类对象,格式为“外部类.内部类 对象名 = new 外部类.内部类的构造方法” OuterClass.InnerClass inner = new OuterClass.InnerClass(); //调用内部类的方法 inner.printNum(); //访问外部类属性 System.out.println("outerNum="+OuterClass.outerNum); //访问内部类属性 System.out.println("innerNum="+inner.innerNum); } }
如果静态内部类 访问 外部类 的静态属性、静态方法等,访问方式是【直接访问】;
如果外部类或外部的其他类来 访问 静态内部类,访问方式是【外部类.内部类 对象名 = new 外部类.内部类的构造方法】,创建出内部类对象后再访问。
The above is the detailed content of How to use Java internal classes. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!