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Memory management is the basic capability of programming languages. Memory management in JavaScript is completed through V8. The implementation of V8 follows the ECMA-262 specification, and the specification does not elaborate on memory layout and memory management related information, so its principle depends on the implementation of the interpreter. The only thing that is certain is that regardless of any programming language, the life cycle of memory is the same:
Based on this background, this article attempts to expand the memory layout of JavaScript through the memory life cycle. [Recommended learning: javascript video tutorial]
Before you start allocating memory, you need to understand the data types and data structures.
JavaScript data types are divided into basic types
and reference types
Basic types: Values at the lowest level of the language that are immutable are called primitive values. All primitive values can be tested for basic type using the typeof operator (except null, since typeof null === "object"). All primitive values have their corresponding object wrapper class (except null and undefined), which provides the methods available for primitive values. Basic types of object wrapper classes include Boolean, Number, String, and Symbol.
Reference type: Represents a mutable value in memory. Objects in JavaScript are the only mutable ones. Object, Array, functions, etc. all belong to objects. You can define properties for an object through the Object.defineProperty() method, and you can read object property information through Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor().
Basic types and reference types can be converted to each other. The behavior of conversion is called boxing
and unboxing
Boxing: Basic type=> Reference type e.g: new String('call_me')
Unboxing: Reference type=> ; Basic types e.g: new String('64').valueOf(), new String('64').toString()
The following are some common type conversions during the development process:
Difference from a memory perspective The key to basic types and application types is whether the value is variable in memory. Basic type updates will reopen space and change the pointer address. Reference type updates will not change the pointer address but will change the object pointed to by the pointer; from the code point of view, Reference types consist of basic types and {}.
When a JavaScript program is running, V8 will allocate memory to the program. This memory is called Resident Set (resident memory set)
, V8 resident memory is further subdivided into Stack
and Heap
Stack (stack) is a memory space of fixed size that is automatically allocated and automatically released by the system. The stack data structure follows the first-in-last-out principle, linear and ordered storage, small capacity, and high system allocation efficiency.
Heap (Heap) is a dynamically allocated memory space with a variable size and will not be automatically released (release depends on GC). The heap data structure is a binary tree structure with large capacity and slow speed.
A thread has only one stack memory space, and a process has only one heap space.
The default size of the stack memory space is 864KB
, which can also be viewed through node --v8-options | grep -B0 -A1 stack-size
In fact, you can often see the stack structure. When you write a piece of error reporting code, the error prompt on the console is a stack structure. Looking at the calling path from bottom to top, the top is the error location. For example, the Maxium call stack size exceeded error thrown at the top means that the current call exceeds the stack limit.
The structure in the heap is divided into New Space (New Space)
, Old Space (Old Space)
, Large object space
、Cell Space
, Property Cell Space (Property Cell Space)
and Map Space (Map Space)
, new space and The old space will be introduced in detail later.
Large object space (Large object space) : Objects larger than other space size limits are stored here. Each object has its own memory area, and objects here will not be moved by the garbage collector.
Code-space: stores compiled code blocks and is the only executable memory space.
Cell Space, Property Cell Space and Map Space: These spaces store Cell, PropertyCell and Map respectively. These spaces contain objects of the same size and have some restrictions on object types to simplify recycling.
Each space (except large object space) is composed of several Page
. A page is a contiguous memory block allocated by the operating system. The size of a memory block is 1MB
The key to distinguishing stack and heap from a memory perspective lies in whether they are released immediately after use.
I believe readers will definitely think of the relationship between data types and stacks when they see this. The conclusion from the Internet and some books is: The original value is allocated on the stack, while the object is allocated on the heap. Is this statement true? With the question in mind, we move to the second step: using the allocated memory.
Node provides the process.memoryUsage() method to describe the memory usage of the Node.js process (in bytes) Unit)
$ node > process.memoryUsage()
Assuming that the original value is allocated on the stack, and the object is allocated on the heap, it is correct, and the combined stack space is only 864KB
. If we declare a 10MB string, see if the heap memory changes.
const beforeMemeryUsed = process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024; const bigString = 'x'.repeat(10*1024*1024) // 10 MB console.log(bigString); // need to use the string otherwise the compiler would just optimize it into nothingness const afterMemeryUsed = process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024; console.log(`Before memory used: ${beforeMemeryUsed} MB`); // Before memory used: 3.7668304443359375 MB console.log(`After memory used: ${afterMemeryUsed} MB`); // After memory used: 13.8348388671875 MB
Heap memory consumption is close to 10 MB, indicating that strings are stored in the heap.
So whether small strings and other basic types are also stored in the heap, we use Google Chrome’s Memery Heap snapshot
to analyze.
Open the Google Chrome Incognito Mode Console and enter the following code, and analyze the variable changes before and after execution.
function testHeap() { const smi = 18; const heapNumber = 18.18; const nextHeapNumber = 18.18; const boolean = true; const muNull = null; const myUndefined = undefined; const symbol = Symbol("my-symbol"); const emptyString = ""; const string = "my-string"; const nextString = "my-string"; } testHeap()
#From the figure you can see the allocation of variables in the heap after the function is executed. Decimals, strings, and symbols all open up heap space, indicating that they are allocated in the heap.
There are two identical "my-string" strings, but two string spaces are not opened repeatedly, because there is a hashmap named stringTable inside v8 to cache all strings , when V8 reads the code and converts it into AST, each string encountered will be converted into a hash value and inserted into the hashmap. So when we create a string, V8 will first search the memory hash table to see if there is an identical string that has already been created. If it exists, it will be reused directly. If it does not exist, a new memory space is opened for storage. This is why strings are immutable. When modifying a string, you need to open up a new space and cannot modify the original space.
Small integers, boolean, undefined, null, and empty strings do not have additional space. There are two guesses for these data types:
Oddball. They are pre-allocated on the heap by V8 before running, regardless of whether the JavaScript program actually uses them. View the allocation of these types from the entire heap space, boolean, undefined, null, empty string are allocated in the heap memory and belong to the Oddball type. Whenever space is allocated, the corresponding memory address is always fixed (empty string @77
, null
@71, undefined
@67, true
@73). However, the small integer was not found, which proves that the small integer of the
function local variable exists on the stack, but the small integer defined in the global is allocated in the heap .
同样都是表示 Number 类型,小整数和小数在存储上有什么区别呢?
一般编程语言在区分 Number 类型时需要关心 Int、Float、32、64。在 JavaScript 中统称为 Number,但 v8 内部对 Number 类型的实现可没看起来这么简单,在 V8 内部 Number 分为 smi
和 heapNumber
,分别用于存储小整数与小数(包括大整数)。ECMAScript 标准约定 Number 需要被当成 64 位双精度浮点数处理,但事实上一直使用 64 位去存储任何数字在时间和空间上非常低效的,并且 smi 大量使用位运算,所以为了提高性能 JavaScript 引擎在存储 smi 的时候使用 32 位去存储数字而 heapNumber 使用 32 位或 64 位存储数字。
以上是局部变量在函数中的内存分布,接下来验证对象的内存分布。谷歌浏览器无痕模式 Console 中输入以下代码,并在 Class filter
中输入 TestClass 查看其内存分布情况。
function TestClass() { this.number = 123; this.number2 = 123; this.heapNumebr = 123.18; this.heapNumber2 = 123.18; this.string = "abc"; this.string2 = "abc"; this.boolean = true; this.symbol = Symbol('test') this.undefined = undefined; this.null = null this.object = { name: 'pp' } this.array = [1, 2, 3]; } let testobject = new TestClass()
和上一个案例不同的是内存中多了 smi number 类型。由于对象本身就存储在堆中,所以小整数也存储在堆中。shallow size 大小为 0,证明了小整数虽在堆中却不占内存空间。是什么原因导致小整数不占内存空间?
这和 V8 中使用 指针标记技术
|------ 32位架构 -----| |_____address_____ w1| 指针 |___int31_value____ 0| Smi |---------------- 64位架构 ----------------| |________base________|_____offset______ w1| 指针 |--------------------|___int31_value____ 0| Smi
V8 使用最低有效位来区分 Smi 和对象指针。对于对象指针,它使用第二个最低有效位来区分强引用
在 32 位架构中 Smi 值只能携带 31 位有效载荷。包括符号位,Int32类型的范围是 -(2^31) ~ 2^31 - 1, 所以Smi的范围实际上是Int31类型的范围(-(2^30) ~ 2^30 - 1)。对象指针有 30 位可用作堆对象地址有效负载。
由于单线程和 v8 垃圾回收机制的限制,内存越大回收的过程中 JavaScript 线程会阻塞且严重影响程序的性能和响应能力,出于性能以及避免空间浪费的考虑,大部分浏览器以及 Node15+ 的内存上限为 4G(4G 刚好是 2^32 byte)。以内存上限为 4G 为例,V8 中的堆布局需要保证无论是 64 位系统还是 32 位系统都只使用32位的空间来储存。在 64 位架构中 Smi 同样使用 31 位有效负载,与 32 位架构保持一致;对象指针使用 62 位有效负载,其中前 32 位表示 base(基址),其值指向 4G 内存中间段的地址。后 32 位的前 30 位表示 offset,指前后 2G 内存空间的偏移量。
v8 可以通过以下代码查看内存上限。
const v8 = require('v8') console.log('heap_size_limit:',v8.getHeapStatistics().heap_size_limit) // 查询堆内存上限设置,不同 node 版本默认设置是不一样
通过设置环境 export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=8192
或者启动时传递 --max-old-space-size
(或 --max-new-space-size
通过以上两个案例,细心的读者可能已经发现 heap number 作为函数私有变量时存在复用但作为对象的属性时不存在复用(地址不相同)。作者猜测函数中的私有变量做了类似字符串的 hashmap 优化,而作为对象属性时为了避免每次修改变量重新开辟空间而导致内存消耗大,无论数值是否相同都会重新开辟空间,修改时直接修改指针所指向的具体值。
以执行函数为例简单概括 JavaScript 的内存模型
使用完内存我们需要对内存进行释放以及归还,像 C 语言这样的底层语言一般都有底层的堆内存管理接口,比如 malloc() 和 free()。相反,JavaScript 是在创建变量(对象,字符串等)时自动进行了分配内存,并且在不使用它们时"自动"释放。释放的过程称为 垃圾回收
。释放过程不是实时的,因为其开销比较大,所以垃圾回收器会按照固定的时间间隔周期性的执行,这让 JavaScript 开发者错误的认为可以不关心垃圾回收机制及策略。
这是最初级的垃圾收集算法。此算法把"对象是否不再需要"简化定义为"对象有没有其他对象引用到它"。假设有一个对象A,任何一个对象对A的引用,那么对象A的引用计数器+1,当引用清除时,对象A的引用计数器就-1,如果对象A的计算器的值为 0,就说明对象A没有引用了,可以被回收。
function f(){ var o = {}; var o2 = {}; o.a = o2; // o 引用 o2 o2.a = o; // o2 引用 o return ""; } f();
这个算法把"对象是否不再需要"简化定义为"对象是否可达",解决了循环引用的问题。这个算法假定设置一个叫做根(root)的对象(在 Javascript 里,根是全局对象)。垃圾回收器将定期从根开始,不具备可达性的元素将被回收。可达性指的是一个变量是否能够直接或间接通过全局对象访问到,如果可以那么该变量就是可达的,否则就是不可达。
但标记清除法对比引用计数法 缺乏时效性,只有在有效内存空间耗尽了,V8引擎将会停止应用程序的运行并开启 GC 线程,然后开始进行标记工作。所以这种方式效率低,标记和清除都需要遍历所有对象,并且在 GC 时,需要停止应用程序,对于交互性要求比较高的应用而言这个体验是非常差的;通过标记清除算法清理出来的内容碎片化较为严重,因为被回收的对象可能存在于内存的各个角落,所以清理出来的内存是不连贯的。
标记压缩算法只解决了标记清除法的内存碎片化问题,但是没有解决停顿问题。为了减少全停顿的时间,V8 使用了如下优化,改进后,最大停顿时间减少到原来的1/6。
JavaScript 中的 垃圾回收策略采用分代回收的思想
。Heap(堆)内存中只有新空间(New Space)和旧空间(Old Space)由 GC 管理。
新空间(New Space):新对象存活的地方,驻留在此处的对象称为New Generation(新生代)。Minor GC 作为该空间的回收机制,该空间采用 Scavenge 算法 + 标记清除法
,它实现了 Cheney 算法。由于空间很小(1-8MB 之间)导致 Minor GC 经常被触发,所以这些对象的生命周期都很短,而且 Minor GC 过程使用并行的辅助线程,速度非常快,内存分配的成本很低。from-space
和 to-space
。内存分配发生在 from-space 空间,当 from-space 空间被填满时,就会触发 Minor GC。将还存活着的对象迁移到 to-space 空间,并将 from-space 和 to-space 的名字交换一下,交换后所有的对象都在 from-space 空间,to-space 空间是空的。一段时间后 from-space 又被填满时再次触发 Minor GC,第二次存活的对象将会被迁移到旧空间(Old Space),第一次存活下来的新对象被迁移到 to-space 空间,如此周而复始操作就形成了 Minor GC 的过程。旧空间(Old Space):在新空间(New Space)被两次 Minor GC 后依旧存活的对象会被迁移到这里,驻留在此处的对象称为Old Generation(老生代)。 Major GC 作为该空间的回收机制,该空间采用标记清除、标记压缩、增量标记算法
并不是所有内存都会被回收,当程序运行时由于某种原因未能被 GC 而造成内存空间的浪费称为 内存泄漏
var theThing = null; const replaceThing = function () { var originalThing = theThing; var unused = function () { if (originalThing) console.log("hi"); }; theThing = { longStr: new Array(1000000).join('*'), someMethod: function () { console.log("someMessage"); } }; // 如果在此处添加 `originalThing = null`,则不会导致内存泄漏。 }; setInterval(replaceThing, 1000);
这是一个非常经典的闭包内存泄漏案例,unused 中引用了 originalThing,所以强制它保持活动状态,阻止了它的回收。unused 本身并未被使用所以函数执行结束后会被 gc 回收。但 somemethod 与 unused 在同一个上下文,共享闭包范围。每次执行 replaceThing 时闭包函数 someMethod 中都会引用上一个 theThing 对象。
function foo(arg) { bar = "隐式全局变量"; } // 等同于: function foo(arg) { window.bar = "显式全局变量"; }
定义大量的全局变量会导致内存泄漏。在浏览器中全局对象是“ window”。在 NodeJs 中全局对象是“global”或“process”。此处变量 bar 永远无法被收集。
还有一种情况是使用 this 生成全局变量。
function fn () { this.bar = "全局变量"; // 这里的 this 的指向 window, 因此 bar 同样会被挂载到 window 对象下 } fn();
避免此问题的办法是在文件头部或者函数的顶部加上 'use strict', 开启严格模式使得 this 的指向为 undefined。
若必须使用全局变量存储大量数据时,确保用完后设置为 null 即可。
setInterval/setTimeout 未被清除会导致内存泄漏。在执行 clearInterval/clearTimeout 之前,系统不会释放 setInterval/setTimeout 回调函数中的变量,及时释放内存就需要手动执行clearInterval/clearTimeout。
若 setTimeout 执行完成则没有内存泄漏的问题,因为执行结束后就会立即释放内存。
当组件挂载事件处理函数后,在组件销毁时不主动将其清除,事件处理函数被认为是需要的而不会被 GC。如果内部引用的变量存储了大量数据,可能会引起页面占用内存过高,造成内存泄漏。
把 DOM 存储在字典(JSON 键值对)或者数组中,当元素从 DOM 中删除时,而 DOM 的引用还是存于内存中,则 DOM 的引用不会被 GC 回收而需要手动清除,所以存储 DOM 通常使用弱引用的方式。
旧版浏览器 (IE6–7) 因无法处理 DOM 对象和 JavaScript 对象之间的循环引用而导致内存泄漏。
If the program slowly becomes stuck or even crashes after running for a period of time, it is necessary to start troubleshooting, locating and repairing memory leaks. There are four commonly used memory leak troubleshooting methods. Type:
to check whether there is a memory leak, and use Memory
to locate the source of the leak. heapUsed
; node --inspect xxx.js
to start the service and Visit chrome://inspect
and open Memory to locate the leak source; Memory distribution is a black box for most developers. The JavaScript memory model implemented in v8 is very complicated. 99% of developers do not need to care about it. It is not even included in the ECMAScript specification. Find any information about memory layout. If you are interested, you can take a look at the source code of the v8 engine. If you have begun to specialize in JavaScript memory distribution issues at work, it means that you have the ability to start writing lower-level languages.
This article is not a conclusion based on reading the source code, but a conclusion based on memory analysis tools combined with existing theories. If there are any deficiencies, please correct them.
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The above is the detailed content of A Deep Dive into Memory Management in JavaScript. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!