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How to convert PHP multidimensional array into data in different formats

2023-04-19 11:37:39374browse

With the continuous development of Internet technology, PHP, as an excellent Web programming language, has been widely used. In the development process of PHP, it is very common to deal with arrays. Especially when dealing with multi-dimensional arrays, data format conversion is often required to better meet the needs of the project. This article will introduce how to convert PHP multi-dimensional arrays into data in different formats, and help readers understand it through specific code implementations.

1. The concept and structure of multidimensional arrays

In PHP, a multidimensional array refers to an array that contains another array (or multiple arrays). Compared with For one-dimensional arrays, multi-dimensional arrays can better organize and represent data. For example, the following sample code:

$students = array(

In the above code, $students is a two-dimensional array, and each element is an associative array, containing three key-value pairs, namely "name" and "age" and "sex", indicating the student's name, age, and gender. In actual development, the structure of multi-dimensional arrays can be designed and organized according to actual needs.

2. Convert multi-dimensional arrays to JSON format

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data exchange format that is easy to read and write, easy to machine parse and generate, and supports Features such as multiple data types. In web development, it is often necessary to convert PHP's multi-dimensional arrays into JSON format.

PHP provides the json_encode() function and json_decode() function, which are used to convert PHP arrays into JSON format strings and JSON format strings into PHP arrays respectively. The following is a sample code to convert $students to JSON:

$json_str = json_encode($students);
echo $json_str;

The output result is:


As can be seen from the above output result, the $students array is converted into a string in JSON format. Each element is surrounded by braces ({}), separated by commas, and surrounded by square brackets ([]).

3. Convert multi-dimensional arrays to XML format

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language used to define document structure and data content, and is scalable and readable. The advantages. In web development, it is often necessary to convert PHP's multi-dimensional arrays into XML format.

SimpleXML extension is provided in PHP for parsing and generating XML documents. By creating a SimpleXMLElement object, you can convert a PHP array into an XML format document. The following is a sample code to convert $students to XML:

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("");
foreach ($students as $student) {
    $stu = $xml->addChild("student");
echo $xml->asXML();

The output result is:


As can be seen from the above output result, the $students array is converted into an XML format document, each Each element is surrounded by a start tag and an end tag (<>). Attributes and sub-elements are displayed in markup mode and indented to express hierarchy.

4. Convert multi-dimensional array to CSV format

CSV (Comma-Separated Values) is a text file format that uses comma delimiters to separate each field in a row of data. Typically used in large data transfers, data fields are separated by commas and line files are separated by carriage returns. In web development, PHP's multi-dimensional array can also be converted to CSV format.

PHP provides the fputcsv() function, which can write a single piece of data into a CSV file. Multidimensional arrays can be written to a CSV file by looping through the array. The following is a sample code to convert $students to CSV:

$fp = fopen("students.csv","w");
foreach ($students as $student) {

As can be seen from the above code, each element in $students (that is, each associative array) is written to the CSV file, each Values ​​in the array elements are separated by commas and a carriage return character is added at the end of the write line.

5. Conclusion

As a Web programming language, PHP processing arrays is a problem often encountered in daily development. Especially when dealing with multi-dimensional arrays, the need for data format conversion is particularly significant. From a practical perspective, this article introduces how to convert PHP multi-dimensional arrays into data in JSON, XML and CSV formats. We hope it will be helpful to readers in actual project development.

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