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Java code writing skills example analysis

2023-04-18 22:58:031470browse

Development Tools

I don’t know how many “old” programmers are still using Eclipse. These programmers are either stuck in the old ways or simply don’t know the existence of other good development tools. Eclipse The phenomenon of memory lag and the appearance of various accidental and inexplicable abnormalities tell us that it is time to look for new development tools.

Change IDE

I don’t want to explain more about what kind of IDE to change. If you want to become an excellent Java programmer, please change IntelliJ IDEA. Benefits of using IDEA, search Google.

Don’t tell me that the shortcut keys are not easy to use

Changing IDE is not the focus of this article, so I don’t want to spend too much space writing about why I changed IDE. Here, I can only tell you that changing IDE is just to write Java code better and faster. The reasons are omitted.

Don't tell me shortcut keys don't work, please try new things.

Based on the idea of ​​microservices, the actual project is built in the B2C e-commerce scenario. The core technology stack is Spring Boot Dubbo. In the future, it will be restructured into Spring Cloud Alibaba.


Bean is one of the most used models. I will explain bean in a large space. I hope readers can understand it well.

domain package name

According to the "experience" of many Java programmers, a database table corresponds to a domain object, so when many programmers write code, the package name is : com.xxx.domain. This writing seems to have become a constraint in the industry. The database mapping object should be domain. But you are wrong. Domain is a domain object. Often when we do traditional Java software Web development, these domains are anemic models with no behavior or insufficient domain model behavior. Therefore, based on this theory Generally speaking, these domains should be an ordinary entity object, not a domain object, so please change the package name to: com.xxx.entity.

If you still don’t understand what I’m saying, please take a look at a book called “IMPLEMENTING DOMAIN-DRIVEN DESIGN” by Vaughn Vernon. The book explains the anemia model and domain I believe you will benefit a lot from the difference between models.


For data transmission, we should use DTO objects as transmission objects. This is what we agreed on, because I have been doing mobile API design work for a long time, and there are many people Tell me, they think these objects become DTO objects only when transmitting data to the mobile phone (input or output). Please note! This understanding is wrong. As long as they are objects used for network transmission, we all think that they can be regarded as DTO objects. For example, in an e-commerce platform, when a user places an order, the order data will be sent to OMS or ERP. System, the return values ​​and input parameters of these connections are also called DTO objects.

We agree that if an object is a DTO object, the name will be changed to XXDTO, for example, the order is issued to OMS: OMSOrderInputDTO.

DTO conversion

As we know, DTO is a model object for the system to interact with the outside world, so there must be a step to convert the DTO object into a BO object or an ordinary entity object. Let the service layer handle it.


For example, adding a member operation, because it is for demonstration, I only consider some simple data of the user. When the background administrator clicks to add a user, only the user's name and age need to be passed. That's it. After the backend receives the data, it will add three fields: creation time, update time and default password, and then save the database.

public class UserApi {
    private UserService userService;
    public User addUser(UserInputDTO userInputDTO){
        User user = new User();
        return userService.addUser(user);

We only focus on the conversion code in the above code, please ignore other content:

User user = new User();

Please use the tool

The above code, logically speaking, is not The problem is, this way of writing irritates me. There are only two fields in the example. If there are 20 fields, how should we do it? Set data one by one? Of course, if you do this, there will definitely be no problem, but it is definitely not an optimal approach.

There are many tools on the Internet that support shallow copy or deep copy Utils. For example, we can use org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils#copyProperties to refactor and optimize the code:

public User addUser(UserInputDTO userInputDTO){
    User user = new User();
    return userService.addUser(user);

BeanUtils.copyProperties is a shallow copy method. When copying properties, we only need to copy the DTO object Just set the attribute values ​​of the two objects to be converted to the same name and ensure they are of the same type. If you have been using set for attribute assignment when doing DTO conversion, then please try this way to simplify the code and make the code clearer!

The semantics of conversion

The above conversion process, readers After reading it, I definitely feel that it is much more elegant, but when we write Java code, we need to consider more semantic operations. Look at the above code again:

User user = new User();

Although this code simplifies and optimizes the code very well, But there is a problem with its semantics. We need to implement a transformation process, so the code is changed to the following:

 public User addUser(UserInputDTO userInputDTO){
         User user = convertFor(userInputDTO);
         return userService.addUser(user);
 private User convertFor(UserInputDTO userInputDTO){
         User user = new User();
         return user;

This is a better semantic writing method. Although it is more troublesome, it is more readable. Greatly increased, when writing code, we should try to put the semantic level into a method, such as:

User user = convertFor(userInputDTO);
return userService.addUser(user);


如上所述,是一种重构方式,读者可以参考 Martin Fowler 的《Refactoring Imporving the Design of Existing Code》(重构 改善既有代码的设计) 这本书中的 Extract Method 重构方式。


当实际工作中,完成了几个 API 的 DTO 转化时,我们会发现,这样的操作有很多很多,那么应该定义好一个接口,让所有这样的操作都有规则的进行。

如果接口被定义以后,那么 convertFor 这个方法的语义将产生变化,它将是一个实现类。


public interface DTOConvert<S,T> {
    T convert(S s);

虽然这个接口很简单,但是这里告诉我们一个事情,要去使用泛型,如果你是一个优秀的 Java 程序员,请为你想做的抽象接口,做好泛型吧。


public class UserInputDTOConvert implements DTOConvert {
public User convert(UserInputDTO userInputDTO) {
User user = new User();
return user;


public class UserApi {
    private UserService userService;
    public User addUser(UserInputDTO userInputDTO){
        User user = new UserInputDTOConvert().convert(userInputDTO);
        return userService.addUser(user);

review code

如果你是一个优秀的 Java 程序员,我相信你应该和我一样,已经数次重复 review 过自己的代码很多次了。

我们再看这个保存用户的例子,你将发现,API 中返回值是有些问题的,问题就在于不应该直接返回 User 实体,因为如果这样的话,就暴露了太多实体相关的信息,这样的返回值是不安全的,所以我们更应该返回一个 DTO 对象,我们可称它为 UserOutputDTO:

public UserOutputDTO addUser(UserInputDTO userInputDTO){
        User user = new UserInputDTOConvert().convert(userInputDTO);
        User saveUserResult = userService.addUser(user);
        UserOutputDTO result = new UserOutDTOConvert().convertToUser(saveUserResult);
        return result;

这样你的 API 才更健全。

不知道在看完这段代码之后,读者有是否发现还有其他问题的存在,作为一个优秀的 Java 程序员,请看一下这段我们刚刚抽象完的代码:

User user = new UserInputDTOConvert().convert(userInputDTO);

你会发现,new 这样一个 DTO 转化对象是没有必要的,而且每一个转化对象都是由在遇到 DTO 转化的时候才会出现,那我们应该考虑一下,是否可以将这个类和 DTO 进行聚合呢,看一下我的聚合结果:

public class UserInputDTO {
private String username;
private int age;
    public String getUsername() {
        return username;
    public void setUsername(String username) {
        this.username = username;
    public int getAge() {
        return age;
    public void setAge(int age) {
        this.age = age;
    public User convertToUser(){
        UserInputDTOConvert userInputDTOConvert = new UserInputDTOConvert();
        User convert = userInputDTOConvert.convert(this);
        return convert;
    private static class UserInputDTOConvert implements DTOConvert<UserInputDTO,User> {
        public User convert(UserInputDTO userInputDTO) {
            User user = new User();
            return user;

然后 API 中的转化则由:

User user = new UserInputDTOConvert().convert(userInputDTO);
User saveUserResult = userService.addUser(user);


User user = userInputDTO.convertToUser();
User saveUserResult = userService.addUser(user);

我们再 DTO 对象中添加了转化的行为,我相信这样的操作可以让代码的可读性变得更强,并且是符合语义的。


再来看 DTO 内部转化的代码,它实现了我们自己定义的 DTOConvert 接口,但是这样真的就没有问题,不需要再思考了吗?

我觉得并不是,对于 Convert 这种转化语义来讲,很多工具类中都有这样的定义,这中 Convert 并不是业务级别上的接口定义,它只是用于普通 bean 之间转化属性值的普通意义上的接口定义,所以我们应该更多的去读其他含有 Convert 转化语义的代码。

我仔细阅读了一下 GUAVA 的源码,发现了 com.google.common.base.Convert 这样的定义:

public abstract class Converter<A, B> implements Function<A, B> {
    protected abstract B doForward(A a);
    protected abstract A doBackward(B b);

从源码可以了解到,GUAVA 中的 Convert 可以完成正向转化和逆向转化,继续修改我们 DTO 中转化的这段代码:

private static class UserInputDTOConvert implements DTOConvert<UserInputDTO,User> {
        public User convert(UserInputDTO userInputDTO) {
                User user = new User();
                return user;


private static class UserInputDTOConvert extends Converter<UserInputDTO, User> {
         protected User doForward(UserInputDTO userInputDTO) {
                 User user = new User();
                 return user;

         protected UserInputDTO doBackward(User user) {
                 UserInputDTO userInputDTO = new UserInputDTO();
                 return userInputDTO;

看了这部分代码以后,你可能会问,那逆向转化会有什么用呢?其实我们有很多小的业务需求中,入参和出参是一样的,那么我们变可以轻松的进行转化,我将上边所提到的 UserInputDTO 和 UserOutputDTO 都转成 UserDTO 展示给大家。


public class UserDTO {
    private String username;
    private int age;
    public String getUsername() {
            return username;
    public void setUsername(String username) {
            this.username = username;
    public int getAge() {
            return age;
    public void setAge(int age) {
            this.age = age;
    public User convertToUser(){
            UserDTOConvert userDTOConvert = new UserDTOConvert();
            User convert = userDTOConvert.convert(this);
            return convert;
    public UserDTO convertFor(User user){
            UserDTOConvert userDTOConvert = new UserDTOConvert();
            UserDTO convert = userDTOConvert.reverse().convert(user);
            return convert;
    private static class UserDTOConvert extends Converter<UserDTO, User> {
            protected User doForward(UserDTO userDTO) {
                    User user = new User();
                    return user;
            protected UserDTO doBackward(User user) {
                    UserDTO userDTO = new UserDTO();
                    return userDTO;


 public UserDTO addUser(UserDTO userDTO){
         User user =  userDTO.convertToUser();
         User saveResultUser = userService.addUser(user);
         UserDTO result = userDTO.convertFor(saveResultUser);
         return result;

当然,上述只是表明了转化方向的正向或逆向,很多业务需求的出参和入参的 DTO 对象是不同的,那么你需要更明显的告诉程序:逆向是无法调用的:

private static class UserDTOConvert extends Converter<UserDTO, User> {
         protected User doForward(UserDTO userDTO) {
                 User user = new User();
                 return user;

         protected UserDTO doBackward(User user) {
                 throw new AssertionError("不支持逆向转化方法!");

看一下 doBackward 方法,直接抛出了一个断言异常,而不是业务异常,这段代码告诉代码的调用者,这个方法不是准你调用的,如果你调用,我就”断言”你调用错误了。

关于异常处理的更详细介绍,可以参考我之前的文章:如何优雅的设计 Java 异常(http://lrwinx.github.io/2016/04/28/%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95%E4%BC%98%E9%9B%85%E7%9A%84%E8%AE%BE%E8%AE%A1java%E5%BC%82%E5%B8%B8/) ,应该可以帮你更好的理解异常。

Bean 的验证

如果你认为我上边写的那个添加用户 API 写的已经非常完美了,那只能说明你还不是一个优秀的程序员。我们应该保证任何数据的入参到方法体内都是合法的。


很多人会告诉我,如果这些 API 是提供给前端进行调用的,前端都会进行验证啊,你为什还要验证?

其实答案是这样的,我从不相信任何调用我 API 或者方法的人,比如前端验证失败了,或者某些人通过一些特殊的渠道(比如 Charles 进行抓包),直接将数据传入到我的 API,那我仍然进行正常的业务逻辑处理,那么就有可能产生脏数据!


jsr 303验证

hibernate 提供的 jsr 303 实现,我觉得目前仍然是很优秀的,具体如何使用,我不想讲,因为谷歌上你可以搜索出很多答案!

再以上班的 API 实例进行说明,我们现在对 DTO 数据进行检查:

public class UserDTO {
    private String username;
    private int age;

API 验证:

    public UserDTO addUser(@Valid UserDTO userDTO){
            User user =  userDTO.convertToUser();
            User saveResultUser = userService.addUser(user);
            UserDTO result = userDTO.convertFor(saveResultUser);
            return result;

我们需要将验证结果传给前端,这种异常应该转化为一个 api 异常(带有错误码的异常)。

public UserDTO addUser(@Valid UserDTO userDTO, BindingResult bindingResult){

     User user =  userDTO.convertToUser();
     User saveResultUser = userService.addUser(user);
     UserDTO result = userDTO.convertFor(saveResultUser);
     return result;
private void checkDTOParams(BindingResult bindingResult){
             //throw new 带验证码的验证错误异常

BindingResult 是 Spring MVC 验证 DTO 后的一个结果集

检查参数后,可以抛出一个“带验证码的验证错误异常”,具体异常设计可以参考如何优雅的设计 Java 异常(http://lrwinx.github.io/2016/04/28/%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95%E4%BC%98%E9%9B%85%E7%9A%84%E8%AE%BE%E8%AE%A1java%E5%BC%82%E5%B8%B8/)。

拥抱 lombok

上边的 DTO 代码,已经让我看的很累了,我相信读者也是一样,看到那么多的 Getter 和 Setter 方法,太烦躁了,那时候有什么方法可以简化这些呢。

请拥抱 lombok,它会帮助我们解决一些让我们很烦躁的问题

去掉 Setter 和 Getter

其实这个标题,我不太想说,因为网上太多,但是因为很多人告诉我,他们根本就不知道 lombok 的存在,所以为了让读者更好的学习,我愿意写这样一个例子:

public class UserDTO {
    private String username;
    private int age;
    public User convertToUser(){
        UserDTOConvert userDTOConvert = new UserDTOConvert();
        User convert = userDTOConvert.convert(this);
        return convert;
    public UserDTO convertFor(User user){
        UserDTOConvert userDTOConvert = new UserDTOConvert();
        UserDTO convert = userDTOConvert.reverse().convert(user);
        return convert;
    private static class UserDTOConvert extends Converter<UserDTO, User> {
        protected User doForward(UserDTO userDTO) {
            User user = new User();
            return user;
        protected UserDTO doBackward(User user) {
            throw new AssertionError("不支持逆向转化方法!");

看到了吧,烦人的 Getter 和 Setter 方法已经去掉了。

但是上边的例子根本不足以体现 lombok 的强大。我希望写一些网上很难查到,或者很少人进行说明的 lombok 的使用以及在使用时程序语义上的说明。


bean 中的链式风格

什么是链式风格?我来举个例子,看下面这个 Student 的 bean:

public class Student {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public Student setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;
        return this;
    public int getAge() {
        return age;
    public Student setAge(int age) {
        return this;

仔细看一下 set 方法,这样的设置便是 chain 的 style,调用的时候,可以这样使用:

Student student = new Student()

相信合理使用这样的链式代码,会更多的程序带来很好的可读性,那看一下如果使用 lombok 进行改善呢,请使用 @Accessors(chain = true),看如下代码:

@Accessors(chain = true)
public class Student {
    private String name;
    private int age;

这样就完成了一个对于 bean 来讲很友好的链式操作。


静态构造方法的语义和简化程度真的高于直接去 new 一个对象。比如 new 一个 List 对象,过去的使用是这样的:

List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

看一下 guava 中的创建方式:

List<String> list = Lists.newArrayList();

Lists 命名是一种约定(俗话说:约定优于配置),它是指 Lists 是 List 这个类的一个工具类,那么使用 List 的工具类去产生 List,这样的语义是不是要比直接 new 一个子类来的更直接一些呢,答案是肯定的,再比如如果有一个工具类叫做 Maps,那你是否想到了创建 Map 的方法呢:

HashMap<String, String> objectObjectHashMap = Maps.newHashMap();

好了,如果你理解了我说的语义,那么,你已经向成为 Java 程序员更近了一步了。

再回过头来看刚刚的 Student,很多时候,我们去写 Student 这个 bean 的时候,他会有一些必输字段,比如 Student 中的 name 字段,一般处理的方式是将 name 字段包装成一个构造方法,只有传入 name 这样的构造方法,才能创建一个 Student 对象。

接上上边的静态构造方法和必传参数的构造方法,使用 lombok 将更改成如下写法(@RequiredArgsConstructor 和 @NonNull):

@Accessors(chain = true)
@RequiredArgsConstructor(staticName = "ofName")
public class Student {
    @NonNull private String name;
    private int age;


Student student = Student.ofName("zs");

这样构建出的 bean 语义是否要比直接 new 一个含参的构造方法(包含  name 的构造方法)要好很多。

当然,看过很多源码以后,我想相信将静态构造方法 ofName 换成 of 会先的更加简洁:

@Accessors(chain = true)
@RequiredArgsConstructor(staticName = "of")
public class Student {
        @NonNull private String name;
        private int age;


Student student = Student.of("zs");


Student student = Student.of("zs").setAge(24);


使用 builder

今天其实要说的是一种变种的 builder 模式,那就是构建 bean 的 builder 模式,其实主要的思想是带着大家一起看一下 lombok 给我们带来了什么。

看一下 Student 这个类的原始 builder 状态:

public class Student {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    public String getName() {
            return name;
    public void setName(String name) {
            this.name = name;
    public int getAge() {
            return age;
    public void setAge(int age) {
            this.age = age;
    public static Builder builder(){
            return new Builder();
    public static class Builder{
            private String name;
            private int age;
            public Builder name(String name){
                    this.name = name;
                    return this;
            public Builder age(int age){
                    this.age = age;
                    return this;
            public Student build(){
                    Student student = new Student();
                    return student;


Student student = Student.builder().name("zs").age(24).build();

这样的 builder 代码,让我是在恶心难受,于是我打算用 lombok 重构这段代码:

public class Student {
    private String name;
    private int age;


Student student = Student.builder().name("zs").age(24).build();


正如我们所知的,在程序中调用 rest 接口是一个常见的行为动作,如果你和我一样使用过 spring 的 RestTemplate,我相信你会我和一样,对他抛出的非 http 状态码异常深恶痛绝。

所以我们考虑将 RestTemplate 最为底层包装器进行包装器模式的设计:

public abstract class FilterRestTemplate implements RestOperations {
        protected volatile RestTemplate restTemplate;
        protected FilterRestTemplate(RestTemplate restTemplate){
                this.restTemplate = restTemplate;

然后再由扩展类对 FilterRestTemplate 进行包装扩展:

public class ExtractRestTemplate extends FilterRestTemplate {
    private RestTemplate restTemplate;
    public ExtractRestTemplate(RestTemplate restTemplate) {
            this.restTemplate = restTemplate;

    public <T> RestResponseDTO<T> postForEntityWithNoException(String url, Object request, Class<T> responseType, Object... uriVariables)
                    throws RestClientException {
            RestResponseDTO<T> restResponseDTO = new RestResponseDTO<T>();
            ResponseEntity<T> tResponseEntity;
            try {
                    tResponseEntity = restTemplate.postForEntity(url, request, responseType, uriVariables);
            }catch (Exception e){
            return restResponseDTO;

包装器 ExtractRestTemplate 很完美的更改了异常抛出的行为,让程序更具有容错性。在这里我们不考虑 ExtractRestTemplate 完成的功能,让我们把焦点放在 FilterRestTemplate 上,“实现 RestOperations 所有的接口”,这个操作绝对不是一时半会可以写完的,当时在重构之前我几乎写了半个小时,如下:

public abstract class FilterRestTemplate implements RestOperations {
    protected volatile RestTemplate restTemplate;
    protected FilterRestTemplate(RestTemplate restTemplate) {
            this.restTemplate = restTemplate;
    public <T> T getForObject(String url, Class<T> responseType, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException {
            return restTemplate.getForObject(url,responseType,uriVariables);
    public <T> T getForObject(String url, Class<T> responseType, Map<String, ?> uriVariables) throws RestClientException {
            return restTemplate.getForObject(url,responseType,uriVariables);
    public <T> T getForObject(URI url, Class<T> responseType) throws RestClientException {
            return restTemplate.getForObject(url,responseType);
    public <T> ResponseEntity<T> getForEntity(String url, Class<T> responseType, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException {
            return restTemplate.getForEntity(url,responseType,uriVariables);

我相信你看了以上代码,你会和我一样觉得恶心反胃,后来我用 lombok 提供的代理注解优化了我的代码(@Delegate):

public abstract class FilterRestTemplate implements RestOperations {
    protected volatile RestTemplate restTemplate;


是不是很简洁,做一个拥抱 lombok 的程序员吧。




项目开发阶段,有一个关于下单发货的需求:如果今天下午 3 点前进行下单,那么发货时间是明天,如果今天下午 3 点后进行下单,那么发货时间是后天,如果被确定的时间是周日,那么在此时间上再加 1 天为发货时间。



很多人可能看到这个需求,就动手开始写 Calendar 或 Date 进行计算,从而完成需求。

而我给的建议是,仔细考虑如何写代码,然后再去写,不是说所有的时间操作都用 Calendar 或 Date 去解决,一定要看场景。

对于时间的计算我们要考虑 joda-time 这种类似的成熟时间计算框架来写代码,它会让代码更加简洁和易读。

请读者先考虑这个需求如何用 Java 代码完成,或先写一个你觉得完成这个代码的思路,再来看我下边的代码,这样,你的收获会更多一些:

final DateTime DISTRIBUTION_TIME_SPLIT_TIME = new DateTime().withTime(15,0,0,0);
private Date calculateDistributionTimeByOrderCreateTime(Date orderCreateTime){
    DateTime orderCreateDateTime = new DateTime(orderCreateTime);
    Date tomorrow = orderCreateDateTime.plusDays(1).toDate();
    Date theDayAfterTomorrow = orderCreateDateTime.plusDays(2).toDate();
    return orderCreateDateTime.isAfter(DISTRIBUTION_TIME_SPLIT_TIME) ? wrapDistributionTime(theDayAfterTomorrow) : wrapDistributionTime(tomorrow);
private Date wrapDistributionTime(Date distributionTime){
    DateTime currentDistributionDateTime = new DateTime(distributionTime);
    DateTime plusOneDay = currentDistributionDateTime.plusDays(1);
    boolean isSunday = (DateTimeConstants.SUNDAY == currentDistributionDateTime.getDayOfWeek());
    return isSunday ? plusOneDay.toDate() : currentDistributionDateTime.toDate() ;

读这段代码的时候,你会发现,我将判断和有可能出现的不同结果都当做一个变量,最终做一个三目运算符的方式进行返回,这样的优雅和可读性显而易见,当然这样的代码不是一蹴而就的,我优化了 3 遍产生的以上代码。读者可根据自己的代码和我写的代码进行对比。


如果你做了 3 年+的程序员,我相信像如上这样的需求,你很轻松就能完成,但是如果你想做一个会写 Java 的程序员,就好好的思考和重构代码吧。

写代码就如同写字一样,同样的字,大家都会写,但是写出来是否好看就不一定了。如果想把程序写好,就要不断的思考和重构,敢于尝试,敢于创新,不要因循守旧,一定要做一个优秀的 Java 程序员。





业务驱动技术 or 技术驱动业务

业务驱动技术 or 技术驱动业务 ?其实这是一个一直在争论的话题,但是很多人不这么认为,我觉得就是大家不愿意承认罢了。我来和大家大概分析一下作为一个 Java 程序员,我们应该如何判断自己所处于的位置.

业务驱动技术: 如果你所在的项目是一个收益很小或者甚至没有收益的项目,请不要搞其他创新的东西,不要驱动业务要如何如何做,而是要熟知业务现在的痛点是什么?如何才能帮助业务盈利或者让项目更好,更顺利的进行。

技术驱动业务: 如果你所在的项目是一个很牛的项目,比如淘宝这类的项目,我可以在满足业务需求的情况下,和业务沟通,使用什么样的技术能更好的帮助业务创造收益,比如说下单的时候要进队列,可能几分钟之后订单状态才能处理完成,但是会让用户有更流畅的体验,赚取更多的访问流量,那么我相信业务愿意被技术驱动,会同意订单的延迟问题,这样便是技术驱动业务。




一直在做 Java 后端的项目,经常会有一些变动,我相信大家也都遇到过。



Having said so much, what I mean is that as long as you think it is reasonable, please change the state mode to the strategy mode. All modes are not imagined out of thin air, they are all based on reconstruction.

There is no silver bullet in Java programming. Please embrace business changes and keep thinking about refactoring, and you will have a better code design!

Are you really good?

I'm so sorry that I chose such a boring title.

A popular programming method abroad is called pair programming. I believe that many domestic companies do not do this. I will not talk about the benefits of pair programming. In fact, it is a code review while improving each other. process. Since you can't do this, how can you keep improving in your own world?

"When developing, I always think that the code I make is correct and the writing method is perfect." I believe this is the voice of most people. Let's go back to the question just now, how to do it on my own What about continuous improvement in the world?

The answer is:

  • Look more at the source code of mature frameworks

  • Look back at your own code

  • Diligently refactoring

Are you really good? If you study the source code every week, look back at your code, and then refactor diligently, I think you are really good.

Even if you are just getting started, if you persist, you will be a programmer who can really write Java code.



I don’t want to discuss more UML related knowledge, but I think if you really know how to write Java, please learn to express yourself first, UML is what you speak language, to be an excellent Java programmer, please learn at least these two UML diagrams:

  • Class diagram

  • Sequence diagram

clean code

The above is the detailed content of Java code writing skills example analysis. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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