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How to use static, this, super, and final in Java

2023-04-18 15:40:031086browse

1. static

Please take a look at the following program first:

public class Hello{    public static void main(String[] args){ //(1)      System.out.println("Hello,world!");   //(2)    }  }

Having seen this program, it will be familiar to most people who have studied Java. Even if you have not learned Java but have learned other high-level languages, such as C, you should be able to understand the meaning of this code. It simply outputs "Hello, world" and has no other use. However, it shows the main usage of the static keyword.

At 1, we defined a static method named main, which means telling the Java compiler that my method can be used without creating an object of this type. Do you still know how you run this program? Generally, we type the following command at the command line (underline means manual input):

javac Hello.java
java Hello

This is the process you run. The first line is used to compile the Hello.java file. After execution, if you look at the current situation, you will find that there is an additional Hello.class file, which is the Java binary bytes generated by the first line. code. The second line is the most common way to execute a Java program. The execution results are as you would expect. In 2, you may wonder why it is necessary to output like this. Okay, let's break this statement down. (If you do not have Java documentation installed, please go to Sun's official website to browse the J2SE API) First of all, System is a core class located in the java.lang package. If you look at its definition, you will find this line: public static final PrintStream out; Then go further and click on the PrintStream hyperlink. On the METHOD page, you will see a large number of defined methods. Search for println and there will be a line like this:

public void println(String x).

Okay, now you should understand why we call it like that. out is a static variable of System, so it can be used directly, and the class to which out belongs has a println method.

Static method

Usually, a method is defined as static in a class, which means that this method can be called without an object of this class. As shown below:

class Simple{
static void go(){
public class Cal{
public static void main(String[] args){

Calling a static method is "class name. Method name", the use of static methods is very simple as shown above. Generally speaking, static methods often provide some utilities for other classes in the application. A large number of static methods in Java class libraries are defined for this purpose.

Static variables

Static variables are similar to static methods. All such instances share this static variable, which means that only a block of storage space is allocated when the class is loaded. All such objects can control this block of storage space. Of course, final is another matter. Look at the following code:

class Value{
  static int c=0;
  static void inc(){
class Count{
  public static void prt(String s){
  public static void main(String[] args){
    Value v1,v2;
    v1=new Value();
    v2=new Value();
    prt("v1.c="+v1.c+"  v2.c="+v2.c);
    prt("v1.c="+v1.c+"  v2.c="+v2.c);  

The results are as follows:

v1.c=0 v2.c=0
v1.c=1 v2.c=1

This can prove that they share a storage area. Static variables are somewhat similar to the concept of global variables in C. It is worth discussing the initialization of static variables. We modify the above program:

class Value{
  static int c=0;
  Value(int i){
  static void inc(){
class Count{  public static void prt(String s){    System.out.println(s);  }    Value v=new Value(10);    static Value v1,v2;    static{      prt("v1.c="+v1.c+"  v2.c="+v2.c);      v1=new Value(27);      prt("v1.c="+v1.c+"  v2.c="+v2.c);      v2=new Value(15);      prt("v1.c="+v1.c+"  v2.c="+v2.c);    }
public static void main(String[] args){    Count ct=new Count();    prt("ct.c="+ct.v.c);    prt("v1.c="+v1.c+"  v2.c="+v2.c);    v1.inc();    prt("v1.c="+v1.c+"  v2.c="+v2.c);    prt("ct.c="+ct.v.c);  }}

The running results are as follows:

v1.c=0  v2.c=0
v1.c=27  v2.c=27
v1.c=15  v2.c=15
v1.c=10  v2.c=10
v1.c=11  v2.c=11

This program demonstrates various features of static initialization. If you are new to Java, the results may surprise you. You may be confused by the braces after static. The first thing I want to tell you is that variables defined statically will take precedence over any other non-static variables, regardless of the order in which they appear. As shown in the program, although v appears before v1 and v2, the result is that v1 and v2 are initialized before v. Following static{ is a piece of code, which is used to explicitly initialize static variables. This code will only be initialized once, when the class is loaded for the first time. If you can read and understand this code, it will help you understand the static keyword. When it comes to inheritance, the static variables of the parent class will be initialized first, then those of the subclass, and so on. Non-static variables are not the subject of this article and will not be discussed in detail here. Please refer to the explanation in Think in Java.

Static class

Usually an ordinary class is not allowed to be declared static, only an inner class can. At this time, the inner class declared as static can be used directly as a normal class without instantiating an outer class. As shown in the following code:

public class StaticCls{
  public static void main(String[] args){
    OuterCls.InnerCls oi=new OuterCls.InnerCls();
class OuterCls{
  public static class InnerCls{

The output result will be as you expected:


The same as the ordinary class. For other uses of inner classes, please refer to the relevant chapters in Think in Java, which will not be explained in detail here.

2. this & super





public class DemoThis{
  private String name;
  private int age;
  DemoThis(String name,int age){
    setName(name); //你可以加上this来调用方法,像这样:this.setName(name);但这并不是必须的
  public void setName(String name){
  public void setAge(int age){
  public void print(){
    System.out.println("Name="+name+" Age="+age);//在此行中并不需要用this,因为没有会导致混淆的东西
  public static void main(String[] args){
    DemoThis dt=new DemoThis("Kevin","22");


class Person{
  public int c;
  private String name;
  private int age;
  protected void setName(String name){
  protected void setAge(int age){
  protected void print(){
    System.out.println("Name="+name+" Age="+age);
public class DemoSuper extends Person{
  public void print(){
  public static void main(String[] args){
    DemoSuper ds=new DemoSuper();


Name=kevin Age=22




class Person{
  public static void prt(String s){
    prt("A Person.");
  Person(String name){
    prt("A person name is:"+name);
public class Chinese extends Person{
    super();  //调用父类构造函数(1)
    prt("A chinese.");//(4)
  Chinese(String name){
    prt("his name is:"+name);
  Chinese(String name,int age){
    prt("his age is:"+age);
  public static void main(String[] args){
    Chinese cn=new Chinese();
    cn=new Chinese("kevin");
    cn=new Chinese("kevin",22);







import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class Bat{
    final PI=3.14;          //在定义时便给址值
    final int i;            //因为要在构造函数中进行初始化,所以此处便不可再给值
    final List list;        //此变量也与上面的一样
        list=new LinkedList();
    Bat(int ii,List l){
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Bat b=new Bat();
        b.list.add(new Bat());
        //b.list=new ArrayList();
        System.out.println("I="+b.i+" List Type:"+b.list.getClass());
        b=new Bat(23,new ArrayList());
        b.list.add(new Bat());
        System.out.println("I="+b.i+" List Type:"+b.list.getClass());


I=100 List Type:class java.util.LinkedList
I=23 List Type:class java.util.ArrayList


public class INClass{
   void innerClass(final String str){
        class IClass{
        IClass ic=new IClass();
  public static void main(String[] args){
      INClass inc=new INClass();






final class final{
    final String str="final Data";
    public String str1="non final data";
    final public void print(){
        System.out.println("final method.");
    public void what(){
public class FinalDemo {   //extends final 无法继承 
    public static void main(String[] args){
        final f=new final();


The above is the detailed content of How to use static, this, super, and final in Java. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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