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Thirty Python functions solve 99% of data processing tasks!

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Thirty Python functions solve 99% of data processing tasks!

We know that Pandas is the most widely used data analysis and manipulation library in Python. It provides many functions and methods to quickly solve data processing problems in data analysis.

In order to better master the use of Python functions, I took the customer churn data set as an example to share the 30 most commonly used functions and methods in the data analysis process. The data can be downloaded at the end of the article.

The data is as follows:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("Churn_Modelling.csv")

Result output

(10000, 14)
Index(['RowNumber', 'CustomerId', 'Surname', 'CreditScore', 'Geography','Gender', 'Age', 'Tenure', 'Balance', 'NumOfProducts', 'HasCrCard','IsActiveMember', 'EstimatedSalary', 'Exited'],dtype='object')

1. Delete column

df.drop(['RowNumber', 'CustomerId', 'Surname', 'CreditScore'], axis=1, inplace=True)

Result output

Description: "axis ” parameter is set to 1 for columns and 0 for rows. Set the "inplace=True" parameter to True to save changes. We subtracted 4 columns, so the number of columns was reduced from 14 to 10.

0FranceFemale 42 20.011
0 1101348.88 1
(10000, 10)

2. Select specific columns

We read partial column data from the csv file. The usecols parameter can be used.

df_spec = pd.read_csv("Churn_Modelling.csv", usecols=['Gender', 'Age', 'Tenure', 'Balance'])


You can use the nrows parameter to create a data frame containing the first 5000 rows of the csv file. You can also use the skiprows parameter to select lines from the end of the file. Skiprows=5000 means we will skip the first 5000 rows when reading the csv file.

df_partial = pd.read_csv("Churn_Modelling.csv", nrows=5000)

4. Sample

After creating the data frame, we may need a small sample to test the data. We can use the n or frac parameter to determine the sample size.

df= pd.read_csv("Churn_Modelling.csv", usecols=['Gender', 'Age', 'Tenure', 'Balance'])
df_sample = df.sample(n=1000)
df_sample2 = df.sample(frac=0.1)

5. Check for missing values

The isna function determines missing values ​​in a data frame. By using isna with the sum function we can see the number of missing values ​​in each column.


6. Use loc and iloc to add missing values

Use loc and iloc to add missing values. The difference between the two is as follows:

  • loc: Select with label
  • iloc: select index

We first create 20 random indexes for selection.

missing_index = np.random.randint(10000, size=20)

We will use loc to change some values ​​to np.nan (missing values).

df.loc[missing_index, ['Balance','Geography']] = np.nan

20 values ​​are missing in the "Balance" and "Geography" columns. Let's do another example using iloc.

df.iloc[missing_index, -1] = np.nan

7. Fill in missing values

The fillna function is used to fill in missing values. It provides many options. We can use a specific value, an aggregate function such as mean, or the previous or next value.

avg = df['Balance'].mean()
df['Balance'].fillna(value=avg, inplace=True)

fillna The method parameter of the function can be used to fill missing values ​​based on the previous or next value in the column (for example, method="ffill"). It can be very useful for sequential data such as time series.

8. Delete missing values

Another way to deal with missing values ​​is to delete them. The following code will delete rows with any missing values.

df.dropna(axis=0, how='any', inplace=True)

9. Select rows based on conditions

In some cases, we need observations (i.e. rows) that fit certain conditions

france_churn = df[(df.Geography == 'France') & (df.Exited == 1)]

10. Use queries to describe conditions

Query functions provide a more flexible way to pass conditions. We can describe them using strings.

df2 = df.query('80000 < Balance < 100000')
df2 = df.query('80000 < Balance < 100000'
df2 = df.query('80000 < Balance < 100000')

11. Use isin to describe conditions

Conditions may have multiple values. In this case, it's better to use the isin method instead of writing the values ​​individually.


Thirty Python functions solve 99% of data processing tasks!

12.Groupby Function

Pandas Groupby function is a versatile and easy-to-use function that helps in getting an overview of your data. It makes it easier to explore data sets and reveal underlying relationships between variables.

We will do several examples of group ratio functions. Let's start simple. The following code will group rows based on the combination of Geography and Gender, and then give the average flow of each group


13.Groupby combined with aggregate functions

agg function allows multiple applications to be applied to the group an aggregate function, with a list of functions passed as arguments.


14. Apply different aggregation functions to different groups

df_summary = df[['Geography','Exited','Balance']].groupby('Geography').agg({'Exited':'sum', 'Balance':'mean'})
df_summary.rename(columns={'Exited':'# of churned customers', 'Balance':'Average Balance of Customers'},inplace=True)

In addition, the "NamedAgg function" allows renaming the columns in the aggregation

import pandas as pd
df_summary = df[['Geography','Exited','Balance']].groupby('Geography').agg(Number_of_churned_customers = pd.NamedAgg('Exited', 'sum'),Average_balance_of_customers = pd.NamedAgg('Balance', 'mean'))

Thirty Python functions solve 99% of data processing tasks!

15.Reset index

Have you noticed the data format in the above picture? We can change this by resetting the index.


Thirty Python functions solve 99% of data processing tasks!

16. Reset and delete the original index

In some cases, we need to reset the index and delete the original index at the same time.


17. Set specific column as index

We can set any column in the data frame as index.


18.Insert new column

group = np.random.randint(10, size=6)
df_new['Group'] = group

19.where function

It is used to replace values ​​in rows or columns based on conditions. The default replacement value is NaN, but we can also specify a replacement value.

df_new['Balance'] = df_new['Balance'].where(df_new['Group'] >= 6, 0)

20. Rank Function

The rank function assigns a ranking to a value. Let's create a column that ranks customers based on their balance.

df_new['rank'] = df_new['Balance'].rank(method='first', ascending=False).astype('int')

21. Number of unique values ​​in a column

It comes in handy when working with categorical variables. We may need to check the number of unique categories. We can check the size of the sequence returned by the value count function or use the nunique function.


22. Memory usage

Using the function memory_usage, these values ​​show the memory in bytes.


Thirty Python functions solve 99% of data processing tasks!



低基数意味着列与行数相比几乎没有唯一值。例如,地理列具有 3 个唯一值和 10000 行。


df['Geography'] = df['Geography'].astype('category')





pandas 不是一个数据可视化库,但它使得创建基本绘图变得非常简单。

我发现使用 Pandas 创建基本绘图更容易,而不是使用其他数据可视化库。


Thirty Python functions solve 99% of data processing tasks!


pandas 可能会为浮点数显示过多的小数点。我们可以轻松地调整它。

df['Balance'].plot(kind='hist', figsize=(10,6),
title='Customer Balance')



  • get_option:返回当前选项
  • set_option:更改选项 让我们将小数点的显示选项更改为 2。
pd.set_option("display.precision", 2)


  • max_colwidth:列中显示的最大字符数
  • max_columns:要显示的最大列数
  • max_rows:要显示的最大行数



ser= pd.Series([2,4,5,6,72,4,6,72])



Thirty Python functions solve 99% of data processing tasks!



Thirty Python functions solve 99% of data processing tasks!


我们可以通过使用返回 Style 对象的 Style 属性来实现此目的,它提供了许多用于格式化和显示数据框的选项。例如,我们可以突出显示最小值或最大值。


df_new.style.highlight_max(axis=0, color='darkgreen')

Thirty Python functions solve 99% of data processing tasks!

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