Home >Technology peripherals >AI >11 common classification feature encoding techniques
The machine learning algorithm only accepts numerical input, so if we encounter categorical features, we will encode the categorical features. This article summarizes 11 common categorical variable encoding methods.
The most popular and commonly used encoding method is One Hot Enoding. A single variable with n observations and d distinct values is converted into d binary variables with n observations, each binary variable is identified by a bit (0, 1).
For example:
After encoding
new_df=pd.get_dummies(columns=[‘Sex’], data=df)2. Label EncodingAssign a uniquely identified integer to the categorical data variable. This method is very simple, but can cause problems for categorical variables that represent unordered data. For example: tags with high values can have higher priority than tags with low values. For example, in the above data, we got the following results after encoding:
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder le=LabelEncoder() df[‘Sex’]=le.fit_transform(df[‘Sex’])3. Label BinarizerLabelBinarizer is a tool class used to create a label matrix from a multi-category list. It will convert a list into a matrix with exactly the same number of columns as the number of unique values in the input set. For example, this data
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer lb = LabelBinarizer() new_df[‘Sex’]=lb.fit_transform(df[‘Sex’])
Specific values of specific categorical variables are coded as follows.
ci = (Σj != i tj / (n — 1 + R)) x (1 + εi) where ci = encoded value for ith record tj = target variable value for jth record n = number of records with the same categorical variable value R = regularization factor εi = zero mean random variable with normal distribution N(0, s)
For example, the following data:
After encoding:
To demonstrate this encoding process , we create the data set:
import pandas as pd; data = [[‘1’, 120], [‘2’, 120], [‘3’, 140], [‘2’, 100], [‘3’, 70], [‘1’, 100],[‘2’, 60], [‘3’, 110], [‘1’, 100],[‘3’, 70] ] df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = [‘Dept’,’Yearly Salary’])
and then encode:
import category_encoders as ce tenc=ce.TargetEncoder() df_dep=tenc.fit_transform(df[‘Dept’],df[‘Yearly Salary’]) df_dep=df_dep.rename({‘Dept’:’Value’}, axis=1) df_new = df.join(df_dep)
This way we get the above result.
5. Hashing
For example, the following data:
After encoding
The code is as follows:
from sklearn.feature_extraction import FeatureHasher # n_features contains the number of bits you want in your hash value. h = FeatureHasher(n_features = 3, input_type =’string’) # transforming the column after fitting hashed_Feature = h.fit_transform(df[‘nom_0’]) hashed_Feature = hashed_Feature.toarray() df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(hashed_Feature)], axis = 1) df.head(10)
6. Weight of Evidence Encoding
If P(Goods) / P(Bads) = 1, then WoE is 0. If the outcome for this group is random, then P(Bads) > P(Goods), the odds ratio is 1, and the weight of evidence (WoE) is 0. If P(Goods) > P(bad) in a group, then WoE is greater than 0.
from category_encoders import WOEEncoder df = pd.DataFrame({‘cat’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘a’, ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘c’], ‘target’: [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]}) woe = WOEEncoder(cols=[‘cat’], random_state=42) X = df[‘cat’] y = df.target encoded_df = woe.fit_transform(X, y)
Helmert Encoding将一个级别的因变量的平均值与该编码中所有先前水平的因变量的平均值进行比较。
反向 Helmert 编码是类别编码器中变体的另一个名称。它将因变量的特定水平平均值与其所有先前水平的水平的平均值进行比较。
import category_encoders as ce encoder=ce.HelmertEncoder(cols=’Dept’) new_df=encoder.fit_transform(df[‘Dept’]) new_hdf=pd.concat([df,new_df], axis=1) new_hdf
import category_encoders category_encoders.cat_boost.CatBoostEncoder(verbose=0, cols=None, drop_invariant=False, return_df=True, handle_unknown=’value’, handle_missing=’value’, random_state=None, sigma=None, a=1) target = df[[‘target’]] train = df.drop(‘target’, axis = 1) # Define catboost encoder cbe_encoder = ce.cat_boost.CatBoostEncoder() # Fit encoder and transform the features cbe_encoder.fit(train, target) train_cbe = cbe_encoder.transform(train)
James-Stein 为特征值提供以下加权平均值:
James-Stein 编码器将平均值缩小到全局的平均值。该编码器是基于目标的。但是James-Stein 估计器有缺点:它只支持正态分布。
它只能在给定正态分布的情况下定义(实时情况并非如此)。为了防止这种情况,我们可以使用 beta 分布或使用对数-比值比转换二元目标,就像在 WOE 编码器中所做的那样(默认使用它,因为它很简单)。
Target Encoder的一个更直接的变体是M Estimator Encoding。它只包含一个超参数m,它代表正则化幂。m值越大收缩越强。建议m的取值范围为1 ~ 100。
Sum Encoder将类别列的特定级别的因变量(目标)的平均值与目标的总体平均值进行比较。在线性回归(LR)的模型中,Sum Encoder和ONE HOT ENCODING都是常用的方法。两种模型对LR系数的解释是不同的,Sum Encoder模型的截距代表了总体平均值(在所有条件下),而系数很容易被理解为主要效应。在OHE模型中,截距代表基线条件的平均值,系数代表简单效应(一个特定条件与基线之间的差)。
最后,在编码中我们用到了一个非常好用的Python包 “category-encoders”它还提供了其他的编码方法,如果你对他感兴趣,请查看它的官方文档:
The above is the detailed content of 11 common classification feature encoding techniques. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!