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Detailed explanation of this in JavaScript_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:41:131346browse

It is said that JavaScript is a very flexible language, but in fact it can also be said that it is a confusing language. It combines functional programming and object-oriented programming, coupled with dynamic language features, it is extremely powerful (in fact, it cannot be compared with C, ^_^).

The topic here is this , let’s not go too far. this itself is originally very simple, always pointing to the current instance of the class, this cannot be assigned a value. This premise is that this cannot be separated from the class/object, which means this is a common keyword in object-oriented languages. To put it at the extreme, if you write JS using a functional style instead of an object-oriented style, there will be much less this in all your code, or even none. Keep this in mind, when you use this, you should be developing using the object/class approach, otherwise this is just a side effect of the function call.

this in JS

Created inside function
Points to the object bound to the function when called (a mouthful)
this cannot be assigned, but can be changed by call/apply

When I used this in the past, I was often worried and unsure. You didn’t know who it pointed to? Here is a list of all the places it is used

this and constructor
this and object
this and function
of the global environment this and DOM/events
this can be changed by call/apply
New bind and this
in ES5 ES6 arrow function and this

1. this and constructor

This itself is what needs to be used in the constructor when defining a class, so it is natural to be together with the constructor.

 * 页签
 * @class Tab
 * @param nav {string} 页签标题的class
 * @param content {string} 页面内容的class
function Tab(nav, content) {
  this.nav = nav
  this.content = content
Tab.prototype.getNav = function() {
  return this.nav;
Tab.prototype.setNav = function(nav) {
  this.nav = nav;
Tab.prototype.add = function() {

According to JavaScript convention, this should be attached to attributes/fields, and methods should be placed on the prototype.

2. this and objects

Objects in JS can be created without classes. Some people may be surprised that classes are templates for objects, and objects are copied from templates. How to create objects without classes? JS does, and you can write tens of thousands of lines of functional code without writing a single class. By the way, OOP talks about object-oriented programming, not class-oriented programming, right ^_^.

var tab = {
  nav: '',
  content: '',
  getNav: function() {
    return this.nav;
  setNav: function(n) {
    this.nav = n;

3. this and function

First of all, it makes no sense to put this and independent functions together. As mentioned before, this should be related to object-oriented. A pure function is just a low-level abstraction, encapsulation and reuse. As follows

function showMsg() {
showMsg() // undefined

Define showMsg and then call it as a function. this.message is undefined. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use this in pure functions, but sometimes it is written like this, and the calling method is call/apply

function showMsg() {
var m1 = {
  message: '输入的电话号码不正确'
var m2 = {
  message: '输入的身份证号不正确'
showMsg.call(m1) // '输入的电话号码不正确'
showMsg.call(m2) // '输入的身份证号不正确'

You can save some code in this way. For example, when two classes/objects have similar methods, you don’t have to write two copies. You only need to define one and then bind it to their respective prototypes and objects. At this time, you are actually still using objects or classes (method 1/2), just indirectly.

4. this

of the global environment

As mentioned earlier, this is "pointing to the object bound to the function when it is called." This sentence is awkward but absolutely correct. There is not a single redundant word. There are different host objects in the global environment. It is window in the browser environment and global in the node environment. Here we focus on this in the browser environment.

In the browser environment, this within a non-function points to window

alert(window=== this) // true
Therefore, you will see many open source JS libs written like this

(function() {
// ...
Or write like this

(function() {
// ...

For example, underscore and requirejs, the general idea is to pass the global variable window into the anonymous function and cache it to avoid direct access. As for why caching is needed, this has something to do with the JS scope chain. The performance of reading the outer identifier will be worse. Please check the relevant knowledge yourself, otherwise it would be too far-fetched.

It’s quite confusing in browsers. Variables declared directly using var within non-functions default to global variables and are hung on the window as attributes by default.

var andy = '刘德华'
alert(andy === window.andy) // true
alert(andy === this.andy) // true
alert(window.andy === this.andy) // true

Because of this feature, some written test questions such as

var x = 10;
function func() {
var obj = {
  x: 20,
  fn: function() {
var fn = obj.fn
func() // 10
fn() // 10

没错,最终输出的都是全局的 10。永远记住这一点:判断 this 指向谁,看执行时而非定义时,只要函数(function)没有绑定在对象上调用,它的 this 就是 window。

5. this 和 DOM/事件

W3C 把 DOM 实现成了各种节点,节点嵌套一起形成 DOM tree。节点有不同类型,如文本节点,元素节点等10多种。元素节点又分成了很多,对写HTML的人来说便是很熟悉的标签(Tag),如 div,ul,label 等。 看 W3C 的 API 文档,会发现它完全是按照面向对象方式实现的各种 API,有 interface,extends 等。如

看到了吧,这是用 Java 写的,既然是用面向对象方式实现的API,一定有类/对象(废话^_^),有 类/对象,则一定有 this (别忘了这篇文章的中心主题)。所有的 HTML tag 类命名如 HTMLXXXElement,如

前面说过 this 是指向当前类的实例对象,对于这些 tag 类来说,不看其源码也知它们的很多方法内部用到的 this 是指向自己的。 有了这个结论,写HTML和JS时, this 就清晰了很多。


<!-- this 指向 div -->
<div onclick="alert(this)"></div>


<div id="nav"></div>
  nav.onclick = function() {
    alert(this) // 指向div#nav


$('#nav').on('click', function() {
  alert(this) // 指向 nav

以上三个示例可以看到,在给元素节点添加事件的时候,其响应函数(handler)执行时的 this 都指向 Element 节点自身。jQuery 也保持了和标准一致,但却让人迷惑,按 “this 指向调用时所在函数所绑定的对象” 这个定义,jQuery 事件 handler 里的 this,应该指向 jQuery 对象,而非 DOM 节点。因此你会发现在用 jQuery 时,经常需要把事件 handler 里的 element 在用 $ 包裹下变成 jQuery 对象后再去操作。比如

$('#nav').on('click', function() {
  var $el = $(this) // 再次转为 jQuery 对象,如果 this 直接为 jQuery 对象更好
  $el.attr('data-x', x)
  $el.attr('data-x', x)


<div id="nav" onclick="getId()">ddd</div>
  function getId() {

点击 div 后,为什么 id 是 undefined,不说是指向的 当前元素 div 吗? 如果记住了前面提到的一句话,就很清楚为啥是 undefined,把这句话再贴出来。

判断 this 指向谁,看执行时而非定义时,只要函数(function)没有绑定在对象上调用,它的 this 就是 window

这里函数 getId 调用时没有绑定在任何对象上,可以理解成这种结构

div.onclick = function() {

getId 所处匿名函数里的 this 是 div,但 getId 自身内的 this 则不是了。 当然 ES5 严格模式下还是有个坑。

6. this 可以被 call/apply 改变

call/apply 是函数调用的另外两种方式,两者的第一个参数都可以改变函数的上下文 this。call/apply 是 JS 里动态语言特性的表征。动态语言通俗的定义



动态语言多从世界第二门语言 LISP 发展而来,如死去的 SmallTalk/VB,目前还活着的 Perl/Python, 以及还流行的 Ruby/JavaScript。JS 里动态数据类型的体现便是弱类型,执行的时候才去分析标识符的类型。函数动态执行体现为 eval,call/aply。方法重写则体现在原型重写。不扯远,这里重点说下 call/apply 对 this 的影响。

var m1 = {
  message: 'This is A'
var m2 = {
  message: 'This is B'
function showMsg() {
showMsg() // undefined
showMsg.call(m1) // 'This is A'
showMsg.call(m2) // 'This is B'

可以看到单独调用 showMsg 返回的是 undefined,只有将它绑定到具有 message 属性的对象上执行时才有意义。发挥想象力延伸下,如果把一些通用函数写好,可以任意绑定在多个类的原型上,这样动态的给类添加了一些方法,还节省了代码。这是一种强大的功能,也是动态语言的强表现力的体现。

经常会听到转向 Ruby 或 Python 的人提到“编程的乐趣”,这种乐趣是源自动态语言更接近人的思维(而不是机器思维),更符合业务流程而不是项目实现流程。同样一个功能,动态语言可以用更小的代码量来实现。动态语言对程序员生产力的提高,是其大行其道的主要原因。


JS 里的 call/apply 在任何一个流行的 lib 里都会用到,但几乎就是两个作用

配合写类工具实现OOP,如 mootools, ClassJS, class.js,
修复DOM事件里的 this,如 jQuery, events.js

关于 call 和 apply 复用:利用apply和arguments复用方法

关于 call 和 apply 的性能问题参考: 冗余换性能-从Backbone的triggerEvents说开了去

7. ES5 中新增的 bind 和 this

上面 6 里提到 call/apply 在 JS 里体现动态语言特性及动态语言的流行原因,其在 JS 用途如此广泛。ES5发布时将其采纳,提了一个更高级的方法 bind。

var modal = {
  message: 'This is A'
function showMsg() {
var otherShowMsg = showMsg.bind(modal)
otherShowMsg() // 'This is A'

因为是ES5才加的,低版本的IE不支持,可以修复下Function.prototype。bind 只是 call/apply 的高级版,其它没什么特殊的。

8. ES6 箭头函数(arrow function) 和 this

ES6 在今年的 6月18日 正式发布(恰京东店庆日同一天,^_^),它带来的另一种类型的函数 - 箭头函数。箭头函数的一个重要特征就是颠覆了上面的一句话,再贴一次

判断 this 指向谁,看执行时而非定义时,只要函数(function)没有绑定在对象上调用,它的 this 就是 window

是的,前面一直用这句话来判断 this 的指向,在箭头函数里前面半句就失效了。箭头函数的特征就是,定义在哪,this 就指向那。即箭头函数定义在一个对象里,那箭头函数里的 this 就指向该对象。如下

var book = {
  author: 'John Resig',
  init: function() {
    document.onclick = ev => {
      alert(this.author) ; // 这里的 this 不是 document 了

对象 book 里有一个属性 author, 有一个 init 方法, 给 document 添加了一个点击事件,如果是传统的函数,我们知道 this 指向应该是 document,但箭头函数会指向当前对象 book。

箭头函数让 JS 回归自然和简单,函数定义在哪它 this 就指向哪,定义在对象里它指向该对象,定义在类的原型上,指向该类的实例,这样更容易理解。


函数的上下文 this 是 JS 里不太好理解的,在于 JS 函数自身有多种用途。目的是实现各种语言范型(面向对象,函数式,动态)。this 本质是和面向对象联系的,和写类,对象关联一起的, 和“函数式”没有关系的。如果你采用过程式函数式开发,完全不会用到一个 this。 但在浏览器端开发时却无可避免的会用到 this,这是因为浏览器对象模型(DOM)本身采用面向对象方式开发,Tag 实现为一个个的类,类的方法自然会引用类的其它方法,引用方式必然是用 this。当你给DOM对象添加事件时,回调函数里引用该对象就只能用 this 了。



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