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What should I do if Vue3 cannot access the store?

2023-04-12 09:17:541601browse

Vue is a popular front-end framework, and its latest version Vue3.0 is officially released. Many developers encountered the problem of being unable to access the store after upgrading to Vue3.0. This article explains how to resolve this issue.

Step one: Check the Vue version

Vue3.0 uses a new API and is therefore incompatible with previous versions. If your application has been upgraded to Vue 3.0, make sure you have updated all Vue plugins and libraries. If you are using Vue2.X version, you need to upgrade to Vue3.0 version.

Step 2: Check Vue Router

The problem of not being able to access the store may be caused by incorrect configuration of Vue Router. Check whether your Vue Router configuration is correct and make sure you use the correct Router to update Vue3.0. If your application uses multiple router objects, make sure the store is configured correctly in each router object.

Step 3: Use provide/inject

In Vue3.0, the provide and inject methods have replaced the $parent and $attrs methods in Vue2.X. If your component references a store in another component, you can use provide to pass the store object down. As shown below:

const app = createApp({
  provide() {
    return {
      store: this.$store

In the child component, you can use inject to obtain the store object, as shown below:

const appChild = createApp({
  inject: ['store']

Step 4: Use Composition API

Composition API It is a new API introduced in Vue3.0, which uses functional programming style to organize component logic. Use the Composition API in components to better interact with the store. In a component, you can use the following code to get the store object:

import { reactive } from 'vue';
import { useStore } from 'vuex';

export default {
  setup() {
    const store = useStore();
    const state = reactive({
      count: store.state.count
    return {

Using the Composition API can better organize the logic of the component and better interact with the store.


If your application cannot access the store after upgrading to Vue3.0, you can check the Vue version, Vue Router configuration, use the provide/inject method, use the Composition API, etc. And debug one by one. By following the above steps, you will be able to solve the problem of not being able to access the store and make your application run well on Vue3.0.

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