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How to implement the prompt function before deleting elements in jquery

2023-04-10 09:46:17592browse

jQuery is a widely used JavaScript library that is widely used to add dynamic effects and interactivity to websites. When writing a website, you often need to implement the function of deleting elements. When we use JavaScript to delete an element, we may want to prompt the user to confirm whether it really needs to be deleted. This article will discuss how to implement a prompt before deleting an element in jQuery.

  1. Manually add a confirmation window

The easiest way is to manually add a JavaScript confirmation window. In the JavaScript code that deletes the element, we can use the confirm function to generate a confirmation window. Here is an example:

if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this element?")) {
  //delete the element

This code will generate a confirmation window asking the user to select the "OK" or "Cancel" button. If the user selects the OK button, the element is deleted. Otherwise, the deletion code is not executed. This method is simple and easy to understand, but requires manually writing JavaScript code.

  1. Using jQuery UI dialog box

jQuery UI is a jQuery extension library that provides a large number of user interface plug-ins. One of them is the dialog plugin. This plugin can be used to display a large amount of information or warning boxes, including deletion confirmation windows.

To use the jQuery UI dialog plugin, we need to add the jQuery UI library to the website and use the following code when removing elements:

if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this element?")) {
  //delete the element
} else {
  e.preventDefault(); //prevent the default action (i.e. delete)

This code will generate a jQuery UI dialog based on Confirmation window for the plugin. The user can click the "OK" or "Cancel" button. If the user selects the OK button, the element is deleted. Otherwise, the deletion code is not executed.

  1. Prompt box using jQuery plug-in

In addition to the jQuery UI dialog plug-in, there are other jQuery plug-ins that can be used to add deletion confirmation prompts. One of them is the jQuery tooltip plugin.

This plug-in can be used to add various types of prompt boxes to the website. Different parameters can be configured, including the color, display time and text of the prompt box. Here is sample code for adding a delete confirmation prompt using this plugin:

$(".delete-button").click(function() {
  var element = $(this).parent();

    title: 'Confirm!',
    content: 'Are you sure you want to delete this element?',
    buttons: {
      confirm: function () {
        //delete the element
      cancel: function () {
        //do nothing

This code will add a delete button to the website. When the user clicks the delete button, a confirmation prompt box pops up. If the user selects the OK button, the element is deleted. Otherwise, the deletion code is not executed.


The above are several commonly used methods to add a confirmation prompt when using jQuery to delete elements. What these methods have in common is that they all require some JavaScript code to implement. However, using jQuery UI and jQuery plugins makes the implementation much simpler and more beautiful. Regardless of your approach, you should make sure to prompt the user before deleting an element. This is a good interaction practice that improves user experience and avoids unnecessary errors.

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