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How to use Golang to implement a basic forum application

2023-04-05 10:29:03681browse

In recent years, Golang (Go) as a language has received more and more attention and application. Due to its efficiency, simplicity, concurrency and other characteristics, Golang is increasingly favored by developers and enterprises. In terms of developing web applications, Golang also shows its advantages and charm. This article will introduce how to use Golang to implement a basic forum application.

  1. Preliminary preparation

Before starting the project, we need to set up the Golang development environment. You can download and install the latest from https://golang.org/dl/ version of Golang. At the same time, we also need to install some web frameworks (such as beego, gin, etc.) and database drivers and other dependencies.

  1. Framework selection

When implementing a forum application, we need to use a Web framework to help us simplify the development process. Currently commonly used Golang Web frameworks include beego, gin, echo, etc. Here we choose the beego framework to implement.

beego is a high-performance Web framework that provides support for MVC, RESTful API and other development models. Beego also provides an integrated development model, such as built-in ORM, Session and other components, which can help us quickly build Web applications. Using the beego framework can greatly reduce our development costs and time.

  1. Database selection

For applications such as forums, we need to use a database to store user information, post information, comments and other data. Commonly used databases in Golang include MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, etc. Here, we choose MySQL as our database. MySQL provides powerful relational database capabilities and also supports high concurrent access.

  1. Project Framework

Under the beego framework, we can use the tool bee provided by beego to generate our Web application skeleton. Bee is a command line tool based on beego that can help us quickly create beego projects. It can be installed through the following command:

go get github.com/beego/bee/v2

After installing bee, we can create our project through the following command:

bee new forum

The above command will create a forum application based on the beego framework. After generating the framework of the forum application through this command, we need to set the routing in the initialization function of main.go, as follows:

func init() {
    beego.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})
    beego.Router("/topic", &controllers.TopicController{})
    beego.Router("/topic/add", &controllers.TopicController{})
    beego.Router("/topic/view/:id", &controllers.TopicController{})
    beego.Router("/topic/delete/:id", &controllers.TopicController{})
    beego.Router("/topic/update/:id", &controllers.TopicController{})
    beego.Router("/comment/add", &controllers.CommentController{})
    beego.Router("/comment/delete/:id", &controllers.CommentController{})

We use RESTful style routing.

  1. Database operation

In our application, we need to access and operate the database. In Golang, we can use the database/sql package to perform SQL database operations, and we also need to cooperate with the corresponding database driver. In the MySQL database, we can use the go-sql-driver/mysql library to achieve this. The sample code is as follows:

dsn := "root:123456@tcp(" // 数据库链接信息
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", dsn)
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()

// 查询
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT * FROM topic WHERE id=?", id)
if err != nil {
defer rows.Close()

// 插入
result, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO topic (title, content, created) VALUES (?, ?, NOW())", title, content)
if err != nil {

In the above code, we establish a connection with the database through dsn and define our SQL statements for operation.

  1. Template engine

In implementing web applications, we usually need to use a template engine to render the page. The beego framework comes with a template engine and has predefined some commonly used template functions, which can easily implement page rendering. In this project, we use the template engine that comes with beego.

For example, in views/topic.tpl, you can render the post list:

{{ if .Topics }}
{{ range $index, $value := .Topics }}
    <td>{{ $index }}</td>
    <td><a href="/topic/view/{{ $value.Id }}">{{ $value.Title }}</a></td>
    <td>{{ $value.Created }}</td>
    <td><a href="/topic/update/{{ $value.Id }}">编辑</a> | <a href="/topic/delete/{{ $value.Id }}">删除</a></td>
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
    <td colspan="4" style="text-align: center;"><i>暂无数据</i></td>
{{ end }}
  1. Implement the forum application function

Through the above preparation and use With the component functions provided by the beego framework, we can easily implement a basic forum application. For this project, we need to implement the following functions:

  • User registration and login
  • Post, reply, edit and delete posts
  • Comments, delete comments

Here, we mainly introduce the implementation methods of posting, replying, editing posts and deleting posts.

  • Posting

The posting function is one of the core functions of the forum application. The implementation steps are as follows:

  1. Add the corresponding access route to the route. As follows:
beego.Router("/topic/add", &controllers.TopicController{}, "get:Add")
beego.Router("/topic/add", &controllers.TopicController{}, "post:Post")
  1. Implement the Add and Post methods in controllers/TopicController. As follows:
func (c *TopicController) Add() {
    c.TplName = "topic_add.tpl"

func (c *TopicController) Post() {
    // 获取参数
    title := c.GetString("title")
    content := c.GetString("content")

    // 写入数据库
    if title != "" && content != "" {
        _, err := models.AddTopic(title, content)
        if err != nil {
            c.Redirect("/", 302)
        } else {
            c.Redirect("/", 302)
    } else {
        c.Redirect("/", 302)

In the Add method, we will render the theme template for users to add posts. In the Post method, we obtain the form parameters passed by the front-end page and write them to the database.

  • Reply

The reply function is another important function of the forum application. The implementation steps are as follows:

  1. Add the corresponding access route to the route. As follows:
beego.Router("/comment/add", &controllers.CommentController{}, "post:Add")
  1. Implement the Add method in controllers/CommentController. As follows:
func (c *CommentController) Add() {
    // 获取参数
    tid, _ := c.GetInt("tid")
    comment := c.GetString("comment")

    // 写入数据库
    if tid > 0 && comment != "" {
        _, err := models.AddComment(tid, comment)
        if err != nil {

    c.Redirect("/topic/view/"+fmt.Sprintf("%d", tid), 302)

In the Add method, we obtain the form parameters passed by the front-end page, store the reply content in the database, and jump to the corresponding post details page.

  • Edit Post

In forum applications, users often need to edit their own posts. The implementation steps are as follows:

  1. Add the corresponding access route to the route. As follows:
beego.Router("/topic/update/:id", &controllers.TopicController{}, "get:Update")
beego.Router("/topic/update/:id", &controllers.TopicController{}, "post:Edit")
  1. Implement the Update and Edit methods in controllers/TopicController. As follows:
func (c *TopicController) Update() {
    id, _ := c.GetInt(":id")
    topic, err := models.GetTopicById(id)
    if err != nil {
        c.Redirect("/", 302)
    } else {
        c.Data["Topic"] = topic
        c.TplName = "topic_edit.tpl"

func (c *TopicController) Edit() {
    // 获取参数
    id, _ := c.GetInt("id")
    title := c.GetString("title")
    content := c.GetString("content")

    // 更新数据库
    if title != "" && content != "" {
        err := models.EditTopic(id, title, content)
        if err != nil {
        } else {
            c.Redirect("/", 302)
    } else {
        c.Redirect("/", 302)

In the Update method, we obtain the corresponding post content based on the post's id and render it into the page for the user to edit the post. In the Edit method, we update the content of the post by getting the parameters passed by the front-end page.

  • 删除帖子


  1. 在路由中增加相应的访问路由。如下:
beego.Router("/topic/delete/:id", &controllers.TopicController{}, "get:Delete")
  1. 在控制器controllers/TopicController中实现Delete方法。如下:
func (c *TopicController) Delete() {
    id, _ := c.GetInt(":id")
    err := models.DeleteTopic(id)
    if err != nil {
    c.Redirect("/", 302)


  1. 总结


The above is the detailed content of How to use Golang to implement a basic forum application. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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