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What is the difference between php and html?

2023-03-29 10:11:302889browse

In website development, PHP and HTML are two very important languages. Although they are both used to build websites, there are obvious differences between them. In this article, we will discuss the differences between PHP and HTML.

  1. The definition and use of PHP and HTML

First, let us understand the definition and use of PHP and HTML. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language used to create web pages. It is used to describe the content and structure of web pages. HTML is a static language whose main purpose is to define the layout, structure and content of web pages. HTML pages usually include standard markup such as headings, paragraphs, links, images, etc. HTML is the basis of websites. Without HTML, there would be no web pages.

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open source server-side scripting language. PHP is a dynamic language whose main purpose is to create dynamic web pages, web applications, and web services. PHP is a language that works with servers to access databases, generate dynamic content, send and receive cookies, session management, and more. PHP is mainly used for web page interaction, including form submission, database operations and user login.

  1. The difference between PHP and HTML code

Although PHP and HTML are both part of page development, their codes and their structures are very different. HTML code is static and consists of a series of tags and elements. HTML code contains tags such as , , , <body>, <p>, <img>, etc. </p> <p>PHP code is dynamic and contains some special syntax, such as: <?php and ?>. In PHP code, you can use variables, loops, conditional statements, etc. PHP code is used to handle interactive information in dynamic web pages, such as reading and storing user data. PHP code must be included in the <?php ?> tag so that it can be parsed and executed correctly in the HTML page. </p> <ol start="3"><li>The roles of server-side and client-side</li></ol> <p>HTML is often called a client-side language, as HTML code is executed directly in the user's browser. On the client, HTML can be parsed and rendered into the final web page, which allows users to see the content and structure of the web page. But in PHP, all the code is processed on the server, therefore, PHP is called a server-side language. </p> <p>The PHP script must be run on the server and then the processed results are returned to the client. When a user accesses a PHP page, PHP receives the request, executes the PHP code, connects to the database, generates HTML code, and finally sends the HTML code back to the client browser. </p> <ol start="4"><li>How to write PHP and HTML</li></ol> <p>Writing HTML code is very simple and only requires a text editor. The syntax of HTML code is also relatively simple. It is a way to mark various elements in a web page. But writing PHP code requires certain programming skills and knowledge. PHP code involves modular programming, database linking, user data verification, error handling and other technologies. </p> <ol start="5"><li>Summary</li></ol> <p>To sum up, there are obvious differences between PHP and HTML. HTML is often used for the creation of static web pages, while PHP is used for the development of dynamic websites and web applications. Although they are used together for website development, their syntax and functions are different, and the way users use them is also different. Therefore, when writing website code, developers must clearly distinguish the roles of PHP and HTML, and choose the appropriate language to implement their designs. </p> <p>In short, whether it is PHP or HTML, they are an essential part of building a complete website. Correctly understanding their differences and skillfully using them will help create efficient, functional and stable websites. </p><p>The above is the detailed content of What is the difference between php and html?. 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