Home >Operation and Maintenance >Nginx >An article explaining the configuration of front-end Nginx and HTTPS security principles in detail
This article brings you relevant knowledge about Nginx. It mainly introduces how to configure the front-end Nginx and the HTTPS security principle. Interested friends can take a look at it together. I hope it will be helpful to you. help.
For a front-end development, although server development and deployment is not the main business, independent development of front-end projects can only be run after being mounted on the server. You cannot always count on it to run. Wei will do the job. Moreover, as a programmer, it is impossible not to know anything about project deployment.
This article will talk about the basic nginx service that a front-end developer should master.
For the use of nginx with CI, see my article: juejin.cn/post /718351…
Features: Users actively contact the distribution device, and the distribution device determines the distribution target server. At this time, the user is unknown to the server.
A router is an example of a forward proxy, on one side with the user, with a maximum bandwidth limit.
Reverse proxy is generally deployed on the service side. It is much more flexible and can be used for load offloading and expansion. Function etc. But for users, the reverse proxy server is equivalent to the target server, that is, the user can obtain the resources of the target server by directly accessing the reverse proxy server. At this time, the server is unknown to the user , improving security.
nginx is a high-performance HTTP and reverse proxy web server
An example of using nginx is a virtual host: multiple domain names are bound to one host , different resources are forwarded by nginx.
Decompress the installation package and enter the directory
Installation dependencies
yum install -y gcc yum install -y pcre-devel yum install -y zlib zlib-devel
Start the installation (installation directory /usr/local/nginx)
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx make make install
Successful installation, check the installation directory
Test run
Execute./sbin /nginx
(You can also use the global nginx command)
You can see that the process has been started
ps -ef | grep nginx
For testing, first turn off the firewall:
systemctl stop firewalld.service
For official online use, you can configure the firewall release port.
Configure nginx configuration file:
vim ./conf/nginx.conf
The location root directory location is a vue application that has been built:
nginx -s reload
Browser view (use the ip addr command to view the ip)
The above is before It is also mentioned in the article. Let’s talk about the use of configuration files in more depth.
The minimum set of configuration files is one that can support nginx The minimum set of configuration items that run normally, together with comments, are written below for your reference:
// ./conf/nginx.conf worker_process 1; // 并行执行的任务数,一般按照CPU内核配置 events: { worker_connections 1024; // 配置单个worker进程最大的连接数,nginx 默认连接数是1024 } http { // 支持 http 协议访问的服务 include mime.types; // 当前目录下的配置的文件类型文件,使用默认即可。图片音频会自动解析给浏览器,不能解析的一律按照二进制流下载 default_type application/octet-stream; // 默认文件类型 二进制流下载 sendfile on; // 是否允许目标服务器绕过 nginx 服务器直接返回结果给用户 keepalive_timeout 65; // 超时时间 server { // 隶属于 http 的一个 服务器 listen 10087; // 端口 server_name localhost; // 服务部署的ip地址,可以是域名 charset utf-8; location / { // 配置 uri root /root/web/dist; // 自定义的资源目录,可以是绝对目录;若前边不加 /, 则表示相对目录,相对的是 nginx 主目录 index index.html index.htm; } error_page 404 404.html; // 404页面配置,相对路由 error_page 500 502 503 504 50x.html; // 同上 location = /50x.html { root html; // 50x 时,资源指向 html目录下寻找 } location = /404.html { root html; // 同上 } } // end server } // end http
Assuming we have two resource directories, you can understand it as The build directories of the two projects:
/root/web/vue/dist /root/web/react/dist
We use configuration files to control different access URLs and distribute them to these two resources respectively.
server { listen 80; server_name www.vue.com; location / { root /root/web/vue/dist; index index.html index.htm; } } server { listen 8080; server_name www.react.com; location / { root /root/web/react/dist; index index.html index.htm; } }
这样,访问 www.vue.com 就会进入 vue 的项目,访问 www.react.com:8080 会进入 react 的项目。
注意:https 的域名需要在云端配置 ip 绑定为 nginx 的服务器。
server_name 支持模糊匹配和通配符匹配。
所有 .xxx.com 结尾的都可以匹配到
使用场景:访问同一个域名,但是目标地址可以是多个,根据使用情况和空闲程度自动分配一个使用。upstream 用于设置多台分发主机的集合。
http { ... upstream my_server { server 10.123.345.456:8000; server 10.123.345.457:8000; } server { location / { proxy_pass http://my_server; } }}
这样配置后,实际访问 访问时,系统会在 456 和 457 两个 ip服务选择一个分发,雨露均沾。
server 10.123.345.456:8000 weight=8; server 10.123.345.457:8000 weight=1; server 10.123.345.457:8000 backup; // 标识备用机,实在是没有可用的机器时启用复制代码
server 10.123.345.456:8000 down;复制代码
http { ... upstream my_server { server 10.123.345.456:8000; server 10.123.345.457:8000; } server { location / { proxy_pass http://my_server; } location ~.*\.(js|png|jpg|svg|css)$ { // 静态资源 root html; index index.html index.htm; } }}
http { ... upstream my_server { server 10.123.345.456:8000; server 10.123.345.457:8000; } server { location / { rewrite ^/([0-9]+).html$ /index/pageNum=$1 break; proxy_pass http://my_server; } } }
上边就使用了一个 rewrite 来配置了转发。
这个例子隐藏了页面的分页信息:访问 /2.html 就相当于访问了 /index/pageNum=2 路径。
防盗链也是资源节省优化的必备配置。nginx 中根据 http 请求头的 referer 判断来源可以做到拦截。
location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ { valid_referers none blocked xxx.com; if ($invalid_referer) { return 403; }}
不是 xxx.com,则返回 403 禁止访问。如果访问的URL没有referer,则也会被禁止访问。
假设有个页面 : 403.html
, 需要配置禁止访问时显示:
error_page 403 /403.html location = /403.html { root html; // 资源指向 html目录下寻找}
或者在 return 403 时设置:rewrite
yum install keepalived
global_defs { router_id lb111}vrrp_instance_test { // 自定义 test 实例 state MASTER // 主 interface eth01 // 你机器上网卡的名字 virtual_router_id 33 // 虚拟路由id,主从要一样 priority 100 // 优先级高的机器就为 master advert_int 1 // 间隔检测时间 authentication { // 认证配置,同一组保持一致即可 auth_type PASS auth_pass 1111 } virtual_ipaddress { // 本台机器的虚拟地址 }}
global_defs { router_id lb110 // 修改路由号}vrrp_instance_test { // 同一个实例 state BACKUP // 从 interface eth01 virtual_router_id 33 priority 50 // 减低优先级 advert_int 1 authentication { auth_type PASS auth_pass 1111 } virtual_ipaddress { // 本台机器的虚拟地址 }}
systemctl start keepalived
我们让 MASTER 机器关机后,再ping一下,发现仍然可以,此时在备份及使用指令 ip addr
查看,可以看到 有一个 的虚拟ip。这说明高可用生效了,这种配置叫 ip漂移。
上述情况只能保证 keepalived 进程挂掉时起作用,更高级的用法是跑一个脚本,检测本机的 nginz 服务进程,如果服务异常,则 kill 掉本机的 keepalived 进程。
http 协议往往是不安全的,即使有防火墙,但是没办法防御消息在传输过程中被劫持:
此时,中间人获取不到CA的私钥,所以用户端浏览器就不认这个中间人,以此达到鉴伪。用户只要使用的是正版操作系统和正规浏览器,就能保证数字证书的获取。这期间使用了 TLS 算法生成了两组随机数,通过非对称加密,客户端和服务端达成一致,生成了一个只有他们自己知道的对称加密规则,我这里借用b站 技术蛋老师的解释图:
这里讲一下 nginx 如何配置 https。你需要有一个服务的公网ip(假设 123.456.789.111)和购买的域名(假设 www.abc.com )并申请好了域名解析和数字证书(.key 和 .pem 文件):
server { listen 443 ssl; server_name localhost; // 域名已经和ip绑定,写 localhost也是能解析的 ssl_certificate xxxx.pem; ssl_certificate_key xxxx.key; underscores_in_headers on; // 允许请求头出现下划线 root html;}
跟其他技术的配置文件一样,nginx 也能使用变量:
location / { set $name "zhangsan"; return 200 "$name"; }
上面就设置了一个变量叫 name,并且直接返回 200 的请求,在页面上显示 name 的值。其格式是:
set $变量名 变量值
当然了,nginx 也自带了一些变量,可以直接使用,比如:
完整的原始的请求行,例如:GET /nginx/index?a=1&b=2 HTTP/1.1$request_uri
完整的原始请求URI,访问的URL除去域名(或IP)和 port, 如: /nginx/index?a=1&b=2$args
请求行中的全部参数 例如:a=1&b=2$remote_addr
nginx 配置文件的变量可以统一设置在文件的顶部,这样在整个文件中都可以使用同一个变量:
set $my_var "hello";
location / { set $my_var 10; add_header X-Test $my_var; // 成功响应时,添加响应头 add_header X-Total $my_var*2; }
set $uri "/root/web/vue/dist"; server { listen 80; server_name www.test.com; location / { root $uri; index index.html index.htm; }}
在 CI 中修改配置文件:set $uri "/root/web/react/dist",重启 nginx 后即可。
可以配置 nginx,高速浏览器不要缓存:
location / { add_header Cache-Control "no-cache, must-revalidate"}
The above is the detailed content of An article explaining the configuration of front-end Nginx and HTTPS security principles in detail. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!