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Google Bard is open for applications

2023-03-22 10:36:265523browse

After OpenAI released ChatGPT and Baidu released Wen Xinyiyan, Google finally announced that its own conversational AI service Bard will be open for internal testing!

Google Bard application address for internal testing:


Currently only supported In English, you need to use an American agent to apply. In addition, you only know English and cannot program. You will be given multiple answers at once.

Google Bard is open for applications

#Bard is an independent web page, still in the experimental stage. The upper left corner of the official website is marked with "Experiment". It is currently only open to testing in the United States and the United Kingdom, and will gradually Expand to more countries.

Users in these areas can log in to their Google account and choose to join the waiting list to wait for the good news.

Speaks only English, does not know programming, and can output multiple replies at the same time

The function of Bard is similar to ChatGPT. You can let it provide suggestions and use concise and easy-to-understand words to explain obscure terminology, or spark creativity by outlining a blog post.

Google said its latest blog post was based on the outline and editorial suggestions provided by Bard.

From a functional point of view, ChatGPT is proficient in multiple languages, while Bard can only conduct English conversations for the time being; ChatGPT can generate large sections of usable code, but this function of Bard is not available because it is still learning. programming ability.

Additionally, Google intentionally limits Bard’s ability to retain context.

In terms of the form of generated content, ChatGPT can only respond to one at a time, while Bard creates several different versions at once for users to choose from.

If you want to verify the information, you can click a "Google it" button below Bard's reply, and a new tab will open to search.

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