The six principles of design patterns: 1. The single responsibility principle, the core of which is to control the granularity of classes, decouple objects, and improve their cohesion; 2. The opening and closing principle, which can be achieved through "abstract constraints" , encapsulation changes" to achieve; 3. The Liskov substitution principle mainly explains some principles about inheritance; 4. The dependency inversion principle reduces the coupling between clients and implementation modules; 5. The interface isolation principle is to constrain the interface , Reduce the dependence of classes on interfaces; 6. Demeter's law requires limiting the width and depth of communication between software entities.
The operating environment of this tutorial: windows7 system, java8 version, DELL G3 computer.
Regarding design patterns, I have read many design pattern books a long time ago, and I have read some of them several times. I have always hoped that I can use these design patterns when coding. However, in daily coding, the singleton is used most, followed by the observer and builder patterns (builder), which are used more frequently, and the others are rarely used.
The reason why they are not used is that they still cannot understand the idea of design patterns and cannot connect these design patterns with the problems encountered in coding, so they cannot use design patterns.
In fact, the design patterns are proposed to solve a common problem. So when you think about which design pattern to adopt, you should first ask yourself what is the current problem? Choose the appropriate design pattern based on the problem.
After you become familiar with design patterns, you will find that there is an inclusive relationship between some design patterns, and they are even very similar, but different design patterns solve different problems.
When we design a module, we can consider it from the following perspectives:
What is the relationship between this module and other modules?
# Which parts of the module are unchanged, which parts are constantly changing, and how?
#What is the relationship between classes? Why do we need to rely on them? How can we not rely on them?
# Do you want to add an interface? What problem does the interface exist to solve?
Of course, this article does not teach you how to use design patterns. Rather, it explains the design principles of design patterns. Design patterns also follow some rules when they are designed.
The six principles of design patterns are as follows:
Single responsibility principle (classes, methods, interfaces)
Opening and closing principle (open for extension, closed for modification)
Rich substitution principle (relationship between base class and subclass )
Dependency inversion principle (rely on abstract interfaces, not concrete objects)
Interface isolation principle (interfaces are subdivided according to functions)
Dimiter's Law (closeness relationship between classes)
There are brackets next to each design principle to explain or describe the scope of application. Each principle is described in detail below.
Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) is also called the single function principle. The responsibility here refers to the reason for the change of the class. The single responsibility principle stipulates that a class should have and only one reason for its change, otherwise the class should be split (There should never be more than one reason for a class to change).
This principle states that objects should not assume too many responsibilities. If an object assumes too many responsibilities, there will be at least the following two disadvantages:
Changes in one responsibility may weaken or inhibit the ability of this class to implement other responsibilities;
When the client needs a certain responsibility of the object, it must not Not including all other unnecessary responsibilities leads to redundant code or wasted code.
Advantages of the Single Responsibility Principle
The core of the Single Responsibility Principle is to control the granularity of classes. Decouple objects and improve their cohesion. If you follow the single responsibility principle, you will have the following advantages.
Reduce the complexity of the class. If a class is responsible for only one responsibility, its logic is definitely much simpler than if it is responsible for multiple responsibilities.
#Improve the readability of the class. The complexity is reduced, and the readability is naturally improved.
public interface UserService { public void login(String username, String password); public void register(String email, String username, String password); public void logError(String msg); public void sendEmail(String email); }
这段代码很显然存在很大的问题,UserService 既要负责用户的注册和登录,还要负责日志的记录和邮件的发送,并且后者的行为明显区别于前者。<br>
假设我要修改发送邮件的逻辑就得修改这个类,这时候 qa 还得回归登录注册逻辑,这样明显不合理。
public interface UserService { public void login(String username, String password); public void register(String email, String username, String password); }
LogService :只负责日志<br>
public interface LogService { public void logError(String msg); }
EmailService: 只负责发送邮件
public interface EmailService { public void sendEmail(String email); }
比如 android 中图片下载后显示到 imageView 中,我提供如下的方法:
loadImage(String url, ImageView view) { // 下载图片,展示图片 }
对于 loadImage 这个方法,参数 url 是ok 的,但是参数 ImageView 却是不合理的。因为这里做了两个操作,下载图片,展示图片。应该将这个方法在进行拆分:
// 下载图片 loadImage(String url) { } // 显示图片 displayImage(String url, ImageView view) { // 调用 getBitmap (url) 获取图片 // 获取图片后将其设置到 view 中。 } // 根据 url 获取图片, getBitmap(String url) { }
// 矩形 public class Rectangle { public double getWidth() { return width; } public double getHeight() { return height; } }
// 面积计算器 public class AreaCalculator { public double area(Rectangle shape){ return shape.getWidth() * shape.getHeight(); } }
// 圆形 public class Circular { public double getRadius(){ return radius; } }
public class AreaCalculator { public double area(Object shape){ if(shape instanceof Rectangle) { Rectangle rectangle = (Rectangle) shape; return rectangle.getWidth() * rectangle.getHeight(); } else if (shape instanceof Circular) { Circular circular = (Circular) shape; return circular.getRadius() * circular.getRadius() * Math.PI; } else { throw new RuntimeException("There is no such type."); } } }
public interface Shape { public double getArea(); } public class Rectangle implements Shape{ public double getWidth() { return width; } public double getHeight() { return height; } public double getArea() { return getWidth() * getHeight(); } }
这样,当需求变更,需要计算圆形面积的时候,我们只需创建一个圆形的类,并实现 Shape 接口即可:<br>
public class Circular implements Shape { public double getRadius(){ return radius; } public double getArea() { return getRadius() * getRadius() * Math.PI; } }
When calculating the area of triangles and quadrilaterals..., we only need to let them implement the Shape interface without modifying the source code.
The Richter Substitution Principle mainly explains some principles about inheritance, that is, when should inheritance be used and what When should not use inheritance, and the principles underlying it. Liskov substitution is originally the basis for inheritance reuse. It reflects the relationship between base classes and subclasses, supplements the opening and closing principle, and regulates the specific steps to achieve abstraction.
The role of Liskov substitution principle
The main functions of Liskov substitution principle are as follows.
The Liskov substitution principle is one of the important ways to realize the opening and closing principle.
#It overcomes the shortcomings of poor reusability caused by overriding the parent class in inheritance.
#It is the guarantee of the correctness of the action. That is, the extension of the class will not introduce new errors into the existing system, reducing the possibility of code errors.
Enhance the robustness of the program, and achieve very good compatibility when changing, improve the maintainability and scalability of the program, and reduce the time required to change requirements. introduced risks.
How to implement the Liskov substitution principle (inheritance)
In layman terms, the Liskov substitution principle That is: subclasses can extend the functions of the parent class, but they cannot change the original functions of the parent class. In other words: when a subclass inherits a parent class, try not to override the parent class's methods except adding new methods to complete new functions.
Based on the above understanding, the definition of the Liskov substitution principle can be summarized as follows:
Subclasses can implement the abstract methods of the parent class, but cannot override the parent class. Non-abstract methods of the class
Subclasses can add their own unique methods
When a method of a subclass overrides a method of a parent class, the preconditions of the method (i.e., the input parameters of the method) are looser than the method of the parent class
When a method of a subclass implements a method of a parent class (overwriting/overloading or implementing an abstract method), the postconditions of the method (i.e. the output/return value of the method) are stricter or equal to those of the parent class
Although it is simple to write new functions by overriding the parent class method, the reusability of the entire inheritance system will be relatively poor, especially when polymorphic comparison is used. Frequently, the probability of program running errors will be very high.
If the program violates the Liskov substitution principle, the object of the inherited class will have a runtime error where the base class appears.
The correction method at this time is: cancel the original inheritance relationship and redesign the relationship between them.
Regarding the example of Liskov substitution principle, the most famous one is "a square is not a rectangle". Of course, there are many similar examples in life. For example, penguins, ostriches and kiwis are classified as birds from a biological perspective; but from a class inheritance relationship, because they cannot inherit the "bird" ability to fly function, so they cannot be defined as subclasses of "bird". Similarly, since "balloon fish" cannot swim, it cannot be defined as a subcategory of "fish"; "toy cannon" cannot blow up enemies, so it cannot be defined as a subcategory of "cannon", etc.
The best way for squares and rectangles is to add another parent class, and they inherit from this parent class at the same time.
The dependency inversion principle is one of the important ways to realize the opening and closing principle. It reduces the gap between customers and implementation modules. coupling between.
Because in software design, details are changeable, while the abstraction layer is relatively stable, so an architecture built on abstraction is much more stable than an architecture built on details. . The abstract here refers to the interface or abstract class, and the details refer to the specific implementation class.
The purpose of using interfaces or abstract classes is to formulate specifications and contracts without involving any specific operations, and leave the task of showing details to their implementation classes.
The functions of dependence and inversion principles
The main functions of the dependence inversion principle are as follows.
The dependency inversion principle can reduce the coupling between classes.
#The dependency inversion principle can improve the stability of the system.
#The dependency inversion principle can reduce the risks caused by parallel development.
#The dependency inversion principle can improve the readability and maintainability of code.
分析:本程序反映了 “顾客类”与“商店类”的关系。商店类中有 sell() 方法,顾客类通过该方法购物以下代码定义了顾客类通过韶关网店 ShaoguanShop 购物
class Customer { public void shopping(ShaoguanShop shop) { //购物 System.out.println(shop.sell()); } }
但是,这种设计存在缺点,如果该顾客想从另外一家商店(如婺源网店 WuyuanShop)购物,就要将该顾客的代码修改如下:
class Customer { public void shopping(WuyuanShop shop) { //购物 System.out.println(shop.sell()); } }
解决方法是:定义“婺源网店”和“韶关网店”的共同接口 Shop,顾客类面向该接口编程,其代码修改如下:
class Customer { public void shopping(Shop shop) { //购物 System.out.println(shop.sell()); } } class Customer { public void shopping(Shop shop) { //购物 System.out.println(shop.sell()); } }
这样,不管顾客类 Customer 访问什么商店,或者增加新的商店,都不需要修改原有代码了,其类如下图所示:
package principle; public class DIPtest { public static void main(String[] args) { Customer wang=new Customer(); System.out.println("顾客购买以下商品:"); ShaoguanShop()); WuyuanShop()); } } //商店 interface Shop { public String sell(); //卖 } //韶关网店 class ShaoguanShop implements Shop { public String sell() { return "韶关土特产:香菇、木耳……"; } } //婺源网店 class WuyuanShop implements Shop { public String sell() { return "婺源土特产:绿茶、酒糟鱼……"; } } //顾客 class Customer { public void shopping(Shop shop) { //购物 System.out.println(shop.sell()); } }
顾客购买以下商品: 韶关土特产:香菇、木耳…… 婺源土特产:绿茶、酒糟鱼……
接口隔离原则(Interface Segregation Principle,ISP)要求程序员尽量将臃肿庞大的接口拆分成更小的和更具体的接口,让接口中只包含客户感兴趣的方法。
2002 年罗伯特·C.马丁给“接口隔离原则”的定义是:客户端不应该被迫依赖于它不使用的方法(Clients should not be forced to depend on methods they do not use)。该原则还有另外一个定义:一个类对另一个类的依赖应该建立在最小的接口上(The dependency of one class to another one should depend on the smallest possible interface)。
接口隔离原则是为了约束接口、降低类对接口的依赖性,遵循接口隔离原则有以下 5 个优点。
public interface UserService { public void login(String username, String password); public void register(String email, String username, String password); public void logError(String msg); public void sendEmail(String email); }
迪米特法则(Law of Demeter,LoD)又叫作最少知识原则(Least Knowledge Principle,LKP),产生于 1987 年美国东北大学(Northeastern University)的一个名为迪米特(Demeter)的研究项目,由伊恩·荷兰(Ian Holland)提出,被 UML 创始者之一的布奇(Booch)普及,后来又因为在经典著作《程序员修炼之道》(The Pragmatic Programmer)提及而广为人知。
迪米特法则的定义是:只与你的直接朋友交谈,不跟“陌生人”说话(Talk only to your immediate friends and not to strangers)。其含义是:如果两个软件实体无须直接通信,那么就不应当发生直接的相互调用,可以通过第三方转发该调用。其目的是降低类之间的耦合度,提高模块的相对独立性。
所以,在运用迪米特法则时要注意以下 6 点。
不暴露类的属性成员,而应该提供相应的访问器(set 和 get 方法)。
package principle; public class LoDtest { public static void main(String[] args) { Agent agent=new Agent(); agent.setStar(new Star("林心如")); agent.setFans(new Fans("粉丝韩丞")); agent.setCompany(new Company("中国传媒有限公司")); agent.meeting();; } } //经纪人 class Agent { private Star myStar; private Fans myFans; private Company myCompany; public void setStar(Star myStar) { this.myStar=myStar; } public void setFans(Fans myFans) { this.myFans=myFans; } public void setCompany(Company myCompany) { this.myCompany=myCompany; } public void meeting() { System.out.println(myFans.getName()+"与明星"+myStar.getName()+"见面了。"); } public void business() { System.out.println(myCompany.getName()+"与明星"+myStar.getName()+"洽淡业务。"); } } //明星 class Star { private String name; Star(String name) {; } public String getName() { return name; } } //粉丝 class Fans { private String name; Fans(String name) {; } public String getName() { return name; } } //媒体公司 class Company { private String name; Company(String name) {; } public String getName() { return name; } }
粉丝韩丞与明星林心如见面了。 中国传媒有限公司与明星林心如洽淡业务。
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