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Can mobile web development use Vue?

2022-12-15 11:47:073401browse

Mobile web development can use vue. Vue is an open source JavaScript framework capable of developing single-page applications; it can be used as a web application framework and is designed to simplify web development. Vue supports mobile development and is suitable for making mobile Web apps; its entry cost is low and it is quick to get started. It can be developed in conjunction with mature front-end UI libraries such as i-view and Element UI.

Can mobile web development use Vue?

The operating environment of this tutorial: windows7 system, vue3 version, DELL G3 computer.

Vue.js is an open source JavaScript framework capable of developing single-page applications. It can also be used as a web application framework and is designed to simplify web development. Vue.js application development has attracted a lot of attention from developers across the globe to build stunning web applications.

Vue.js is popular for many reasons, one of the key reasons is its ability to re-render without any action. It allows you to build reusable, small but powerful components, therefore, it provides a composable framework that allows you to add components when needed.

vue.js supports mobile development and is suitable for making mobile webapps. For the mobile terminal, vue is the first choice; it has low entry cost and is quick to get started. It can be developed in conjunction with some mature front-end UI libraries such as i-view and Element UI.

The app is very simple. It goes without saying that we use vuejs. We use vue-loader and webpack for component development module management. We use vue-router for page switching and cutscene animation. During the app development process, we only need to pay attention to the data direction of the app. In addition, it can be used with various UI libraries to make the application more beautiful. You can use SUI or Framework7. Light7, a branch version of Framework7, is often used (because jQuery may be used in subsequent functional additions. [Related recommendations: vuejs introductory tutorial

vue mobile terminal development summary

mobile terminal adaptation

relative For the PC side, mobile device resolutions are in full bloom, and there are all kinds of strange things. For every developer, mobile terminal adaptation is the first problem we need to face when developing mobile terminals.

On mobile We can often see this code in the head tag:

<meta name=&#39;viewport&#39; content=&#39;width=device-width,initial-scale=1,user-scale=no&#39; />

Setting the viewport through the meta tag defines the zoom ratio of the page; to understand the meaning of these parameters, we need to first know a few views The meaning of the mouth width.

  • layoutviewportThe layout width is the width of the web page
  • visualviewportBut the width is the width of the browser window , this value determines the content that can be seen on one screen of our mobile phone; the size relationship between visualviewport and layoutviewport determines whether a scroll bar will appear. When visualviewport When it is larger or just equal to layoutviewport, the scroll bar will not appear.
  • idealviewport is a viewport defined by the browser that can perfectly adapt to the mobile terminal and remains unchanged. , can be considered as the device viewport width device-width. The setting of

meta is actually to set the layoutviewport and visualviewport .

  • width=device-widthIndicates the page width layoutviewport is consistent with the device viewport width idealviewport
  • initial-scale=1Indicates the initial scaling ratio of page width and web page width to device viewport width. visualviewport is determined by this ratio, but for layoutviewport , it is affected by two attributes at the same time, and then takes the larger value.
  • user-scale=noDisable scaling

So now we know the meaning of this code that is common on mobile terminals, it will soon visualviewport and layoutviewport are set to the value of idealviewport; in this way, we will not have scroll bars on the mobile terminal, and the web content can be displayed better. Under this premise, we will consider Page adaptation issues.

The UI generally has a fixed width when drawing pictures, but the width of our actual mobile devices is different. However, if the scaling ratio of the page element is consistent with the scaling ratio of the page width, The effect of our webpage will be consistent on devices of different sizes.

Use relative units

  • rem

rem is relative to The font-size of the root element html is used for calculation. This is usually achieved by setting document.documentElement.style.fontSize when the page is initialized and loaded. Generally, we set the font-size of the root element HTML to 1/10 of the width. The width of different devices is different, but the rem ratio of the same value is consistent with the width ratio of the device.

document.documentElement.style.fontSize = document.documentElement.clientWidth / 10 + &#39;px&#39;;

In actual projects, we do not need to convert it ourselves during development. We can use pxtorem to convert px to rem during output.

  • 视口单位

将视口宽度window.innerWidth和视口高度window.innerHeight(即layoutviewport)等分为 100 份。

vw : 1vw 为视口宽度的 1% vh : 1vh 为视口高度的 1% vmin :  vw 和 vh 中的较小值 vmax : 选取 vw 和 vh 中的较大值


Can mobile web development use Vue?



;(function () {
    const width = document.body.clientWidth || window.innerWidth
    const scale = width / 750
    const content = &#39;width=750, initial-scale=&#39; + scale + &#39;, minimum-scale=&#39; + scale + &#39;, maximum-scale=&#39; + scale + &#39;, viewport-fit=cover&#39;
    document.querySelector(&#39;meta[name="viewport"]&#39;).content = content





position:fixed在日常的页面布局中非常常用,在许多布局中起到了关键的作用。它的作用是:position:fixed的元素将相对于屏幕视口(viewport)的位置来指定其位置。并且元素的位置在屏幕滚动时不会改变。 但是,在许多特定的场合,position:fixed的表现与我们想象的大相径庭。

  • iOS弹出键盘;软键盘唤起后,页面的 fixed元素将失效(iOS认为用户更希望的是元素随着滚动而移动,也就是变成了 absolute 定位),既然变成了absolute,所以当页面超过一屏且滚动时,失效的 fixed 元素就会跟随滚动了。

  • 当元素祖先的 transform 属性非 none 时,定位容器由视口改为该祖先。说的简单点,就是position:fixed的元素会相对于最近的并且应用了transform的祖先元素定位,而不是窗口。导致这个现象的原因是使用了transform的元素将创建一个新的堆叠上下文。堆叠上下文(Stacking Context):堆叠上下文是 HTML 元素的三维概念,这些 HTML 元素在一条假想的相对于面向(电脑屏幕的)视窗或者网页的用户的 z 轴上延伸,HTML 元素依据其自身属性按照优先级顺序占用层叠上下文的空间。顺序如下图所示,总之堆叠上下文会对定位关系产生影响。想要进一步可以查看不受控制的 position:fixed

Can mobile web development use Vue?



Can mobile web development use Vue?


Can mobile web development use Vue?

首先我们来实现整体的布局,整体布局应该是一个方向为flex-direction: column;并且占据整个窗口的弹性盒子,然后里面的布局,应该是首尾为固定高度,中间内容区域为flex: 1;

html, body {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
.page {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 100%;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  .page-content {
    flex: 1;
    overflow-y: auto;


export default {
  name: &#39;HeadBar&#39;
<style scoped>
.header {
  display: flex;
  width: 100%;
  line-height: 88px;
  height: 88px;
  font-size: 36px;
  background-color: #42b983;
  z-index: 999;
  color: #fff;
  transition: background-color .5s ease;
  .header__main {
    flex: 1;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    text-align: center;
  .header__left, .header__right {
    padding: 0 16px;
    width: 120px;
  .header__left {
    text-align: left;
  .header__right {
    text-align: right;

底部导航栏主体部分,其实是单个导航选项平分导航栏;而每个导航选项,是一个方向为flex-direction: column;布局方式横向为align-items: center;,竖向为justify-content: space-around;

export default {
  name: &#39;BottomTaber&#39;,
  data () {
    return {
<style scoped>
.taber {
  background-color: #42b983;
  color: #fff;
  height: 88px;
  display: flex;
  .taber-item {
    flex: 1;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    justify-content: space-around;
    align-items: center;
  .icon {
    width: 36px;
    height: 36px;
    background-color: #fff;



在vue中我们通过vue-router来管理路由,每个路由跳转类似与在不同的页面之间进行切换,从用户友好的角度来说,每次切换页面的时候最好添加一个转场效果。如果转场动画不区分路由是打开新页面、还是返回之前页面我们只需要在<router-view></router-view>外使用<transition></transition>添加一个动画效果即可;但是一般打开和返回是应用不同的动画效果的,所以我们需要在切换路由的时候区分路由是前进还是后退。为了区分路由的动作,我们在路由文件中设置meta为数字,meta表示其路由的深度,然后监听$route,根据to、from meta值的大小设置不同的跳转动画。如果应用到多种跳转动画,可以根据详情,具体情况具体应用。

  <transition :name="transitionName">

export default {
  name: &#39;app&#39;,
  data () {
    return {
      transitionName: &#39;fade&#39;
  watch: {
    &#39;$route&#39; (to, from) {
      let toDepth = to.meta
      let fromDepth = from.meta
      if (fromDepth > toDepth) {
        this.transitionName = &#39;fade-left&#39;
      } else if (fromDepth < toDepth) {
        this.transitionName = &#39;fade-right&#39;
      } else {
        this.transitionName = &#39;fade&#39;

Can mobile web development use Vue?

虽然这样能够实现跳转效果,但是需要在编写router时添加设置,比较麻烦;我们可以使用开源项目vue-navigation来实现,更加方便,无须对router进行多余的设置。npm i -S vue-navigation安装,在main.js中导入:

import Navigation from &#39;vue-navigation&#39;
Vue.use(Navigation, {router}) // router为路由文件


this.$navigation.on(&#39;forward&#39;, (to, from) => {
    this.transitionName = &#39;fade-right&#39;
 this.$navigation.on(&#39;back&#39;, (to, from) => {
    this.transitionName = &#39;fade-left&#39;
 this.$navigation.on(&#39;replace&#39;, (to, from) => {
    this.transitionName = &#39;fade&#39;


PS: 这里的动画效果引用自animate.scss;



一般路由的匹配方式是包含匹配。 举个例子,如果当前的路径是 /a 开头的,那么  也会被设置 CSS 类名。按照这个规则,每个路由都会激活 ,而使用exact属性可以使用“精确匹配模式”。精确匹配只有当路由完全相同的时候才会被激活。




const whiteList = [&#39;/login&#39;]
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  const hasToken = store.getters.auth
  if (hasToken) {
    if (to.path === &#39;/login&#39;) {
      next({ path: &#39;/&#39; })
    } else {
      const needRoles = to.meta && to.meta.roles && to.meta.roles.length > 0
      if (needRoles) {
        const hasRoles = store.state.user.roles.some(role => to.meta.roles.includes(role))
        if (hasRoles) {
        } else {
      } else {
  } else {
    if (whiteList.includes(to.path)) {
    } else {




export default function registerComponent (Vue) {
   * 参数说明:
   * 1. 其组件目录的相对路径
   * 2. 是否查询其子目录
   * 3. 匹配基础组件文件名的正则表达式
  const modules = require.context(&#39;./&#39;, false, /\w+.vue$/)
  modules.keys().forEach(fileName => {
    // 获取组件配置
    const component = modules(fileName)
    // 获取组件名称,去除文件名开头的 `./` 和结尾的扩展名
    const name = fileName.replace(/^\.\/(.*)\.\w+$/, &#39;$1&#39;)
    // 注册全局组件
    // 如果这个组件选项是通过 `export default` 导出的,
    // 那么就会优先使用 `.default`,
    // 否则回退到使用模块的根。
    Vue.component(name, component.default || component)


import registerComponent from &#39;./components&#39;



    <input type="text" :value="value" @input="onInput">
export default {
  name: &#39;NumberInput&#39;,
  props: {
    value: String
  methods: {
    onInput (event) {
      if (/^\d+$/.test(event.target.value)) {
        this.$emit(&#39;input&#39;, event.target.value)
      } else {
        event.target.value = this.value


Vue.component(&#39;my-checkbox&#39;, {
  model: {
    prop: &#39;checked&#39;,
    event: &#39;change&#39;
  props: {
    // this allows using the `value` prop for a different purpose
    value: String,
    // use `checked` as the prop which take the place of `value`
    checked: {
      type: Number,
      default: 0
  // ...
<my-checkbox v-model="foo" value="some value"></my-checkbox>


  @change="val => { foo = val }"
  value="some value">



  message: &#39;弹窗内容&#39;


import Vue from &#39;vue&#39;;
export default function create(Component, props) {
    // 先创建实例
    const vm = new Vue({
        render(h) {
            // h就是createElement,它返回VNode
            return h(Component, {props})
    // 手动挂载
    // 销毁方法
    const comp = vm.$children[0];
    comp.remove = function() {
    return comp;


  <div v-show="visible">
export default {
  name: &#39;Loading&#39;,
  data () {
    return {
      visible: false
  methods: {
    show () {
      this.visible = true
    hide () {
      this.visible = false
<style scoped>
.loading-wrapper {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 100%;
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
  z-index: 999;
const loading = create(Loading, {})
loading.show() // 显示
loading.hide() // 关闭



  • 常用组件库


// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  rules: [
      test: /\.less$/,
      use: [
        // ...其他 loader 配置
          loader: &#39;less-loader&#39;,
          options: {
            modifyVars: {
              // 直接覆盖变量
              &#39;text-color&#39;: &#39;#111&#39;,
              &#39;border-color&#39;: &#39;#eee&#39;
              // 或者可以通过 less 文件覆盖(文件路径为绝对路径)
              &#39;hack&#39;: `true; @import "your-less-file-path.less";`


module.exports = {
  css: {
    loaderOptions: {
      less: {
        modifyVars: {
          &#39;hack&#39;: `true; @import "~@/assets/less/vars.less";`


  • 常用插件

better-scroll是一个为移动端各种滚动场景提供丝滑的滚动效果的插件,如果在vue中使用可以参考作者的文章当 better-scroll 遇见 Vue


[Related recommendations: vuejs video tutorial, web front-end development]

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