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Detailed explanation of packages and package management tools in node

2022-11-24 21:01:441374browse

This article will give you an in-depth analysis of node's packages and powerful package management tools. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

Detailed explanation of packages and package management tools in node

What is the package

Third-party modules in Node.js Also called package.

Just like Computer and Computer refer to the same thing, third-party modules and packages refer to the same concept, but they are called differently. [Related tutorial recommendations: nodejs video tutorial]

Where does the package come from?

Different from built-in modules and custom modules in Node.js, packages are developed by third-party individuals or teams, free for everyone to use.
Take notes here: FREE! ! !

#Why do we use bags?

Since the built-in modules of Node.js only provide some low-level API, the efficiency is very low when developing projects based on built-in modules. .
The package is encapsulated based on built-in modules, providing a more advanced and convenient API, which greatly improves development efficiency. The relationship between packages and built-in modules is similar to the relationship between jQuery and the built-in browser API. (jq encapsulates the browser's built-in API)

Where can I download the package?

There is an IT company abroad called npm, Inc. This company has a super awesome website: https://www.npmjs.com , it is the world's largest package sharing platform. You can search for any package you need from this website!

How to download the package

npm, Inc. The company provides a package management tool. We can use this package management tool to download the required packages from the https://registry.npmjs.org server. Download to local use.
The name of this package management tool is Node Package Manager (referred to as npm package management tool). This package management tool is installed on the user's computer along with the installation of Node.js.

We can enter npm -v in the terminal to view the version number of the npm package management tool

Detailed explanation of packages and package management tools in node## Note: Our npm version may be different, don’t panic

First experience with npm

## Format time moment

Use the npm package management tool to install the format time package in the project

Code example:
const moment = require('moment')const dt = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD')console.log(dt);  // 2022-09-18

Note: The

here is the symbol identification of the year, month and day, which is found on the website https://momentjs.com/docs You can learn more about it in detail.

Installation package commandIf you want to install it yourself If you need the package, you can use the following command:

npm install xxx
or npm i xxx (this is the abbreviation, more convenient and faster)

Files that appear after installing the package

After the initial package installation is completed, there will be one more file called
node_modules# in the project folder. ## folder and

package-lock.json configuration file. Among them:

    node_modules folder
  • is used to store

    all packages that have been installed in the project. When require() imports a third-party package, it searches for and loads the package from this directory.

  • package-lock.json configuration file
  • is used to

    record the download information of each package in the node_modules directory, such as package name, version number, Download address etc.

  • Note: We do not manually modify any code in the

package-lock.json files, npm package management tool They are maintained automatically.

Install the specified version of the packageBy default, use the npm install command to install When installing the package,

will automatically install the latest version of the package
. If you need to install a specific version of a package, you can specify the specific version through the

@ symbol after the package nameCode example:

Detailed explanation of packages and package management tools in node



包的版本号是以“点分十进制”形式进行定义的,总共有三位数字,例如 2.24.0

  • 第1位数字:大版本(比如:我们所玩的王者荣耀每过几个月都会有大版本更新,那么的化第一位数字就会发生变化,大家下次观察一波)

  • 第2位数字:功能版本(比如:王者荣耀的某个版本添加了新的功能,又叫小更新)

  • 第3位数字:Bug修复版本(比如:修复了闪退的bug,修复了人物模型的失真bug…)



npm 规定,在项目根目录中,必须提供一个叫做 package.json 的包管理配置文件。用来记录与项目有关的一些配置信息。例如:

  • 项目的名称、版本号、描述

  • 项目中都用到了哪些包

  • 哪些包只在开发期间会用到

  • 那些包在开发部署时都需要用到

1. 多人协作问题



2. 如何记录项目中安装了哪些包

项目根目录中,创建一个叫做 package.json 的配置文件,即可用来记录项目中安装了哪些包。从而方便剔除node_modules 目录之后,在团队成员之间共享项目的源代码。

注意:今后在项目开发中,一定要把 node_modules 文件夹,添加到 .gitignore 忽略文件中。

3. 快速创建 package.json

npm 包管理工具提供了一个快捷命令,可以在执行命令时所处的目录中,快速创建 package.json 这个包管理配置文件:npm init -y

运行 npm install 命令安装包的时候,npm 包管理工具会自动把包的名称和版本号,记录到 package.json 中。

  "name": "3",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "keywords": [],
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "art-template": "^4.13.2",
    "jquery": "^3.6.1",
    "moment": "^2.22.2"

4. dependencies 节点

package.json 文件中,有一个 dependencies 节点,专门用来记录您使用 npm install 命令安装了哪些包。例如:我们上面的代码中的"art-template": "^4.13.2","jquery": "^3.6.1","moment": "^2.22.2",说明了我们安装了art-templatejquerymoment这三个包!

5. 一次性安装所有的包


那我们怎么做才能让项目跑起来呢?别着急,我们只需在终端中运行npm install(npm i)就行了!这里运行这个代码的目的是一次性安装我们需要的所有依赖!

6. 卸载包

可以运行 npm uninstall 命令,来卸载指定的包,比如,我们需要卸载moment包,我们可以执行代码:npm uninstall moment
npm uninstall 命令执行成功后,会把卸载的包,自动从 package.json 的 dependencies 中移除掉

7. devDependencies 节点

如果某些包只在项目开发阶段会用到,在项目上线之后不会用到,则建议把这些包记录到 devDependencies 节点中。
与之对应的,如果某些包在开发和项目上线之后都需要用到,则建议把这些包记录到dependencies 节点中

你可以使用如下的命令,将包记录到 devDependencies 节点中:

//安装指定的包,并且记录到 devDependencies 节点中npm i 包名 -D// 上部代码是简写形式,下部的代码是完整写法:npm install 包名 --save-dev



1. 为什么包下载速度慢


因为:在使用 npm 下包的时候,默认从国外的  https://registry.npmjs.org/ 服务器进行下载,此时,网络数据的传输需要经过漫长的海底光缆,因此下包速度会很慢。

2. 淘宝npm镜像服务器



Detailed explanation of packages and package management tools in node
Detailed explanation of packages and package management tools in node

3. 切换npm的下包镜像源


  • 首先查看我们当前的镜像源:npm config get registry

  • 将下包的镜像源切换为淘宝镜像源:npm config set registry=https://registry.npmmirror.com/

  • 查看镜像源是否下载成功 : npm config get registry

4. nrm

我们如果采取常规的切换镜像源的方法,未免有点繁琐,为了更方便的切换下包的镜像源,我们可以安装 nrm 这个小工具,利用 nrm 提供的终端命令,可以快速查看和切换下包的镜像源

  • nrm安装为全局可用的工具 : npm i nrm -g

  • 查看所有的镜像源 : nrm ls

Detailed explanation of packages and package management tools in node

  • 将下载包的镜像源切换为 taobao 镜像 : nrm use taobao

Detailed explanation of packages and package management tools in node



使用 npm 包管理工具下载的包,共分为两大类,分别是:1. 项目包 2. 全局包


那些被安装到项目的 node_modules 目录中的包,都是项目包

开发依赖包(被记录到 devDependencies 节点中的包,只在开发期间会用到)
核心依赖包(被记录到 dependencies 节点中的包,在开发期间和项目上线之后都会用到)


在执行 npm install 命令时,如果提供了 -g 参数,则会把包安装为全局包

全局包会被安装到 C:\Users\用户目录\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules 目录下。

Detailed explanation of packages and package management tools in node


  • 只有工具性质的包,才有全局安装的必要性。因为它们提供了好用的终端命令。

  • 判断某个包是否需要全局安装后才能使用,可以参考官方提供的使用说明即可。


i5ting_toc 是一个可以把 md 文档转为 html 页面的小工具(这个真的是嘎嘎好用,比如,如果我们在网上找学习资源的时候,部分会把笔记记为md文档,我们使用浏览器打开md文档布局特别的难以接受~),使用步骤如下:

# 将 i5ting_toc 安装为全局包
npm i -g i5ting_toc
# 调用 i5ting_toc ,轻松实现 md 转 html 的功能
i5ting_toc -f 要转的md文件路径 -o




一个规范的包,它的组成结构,必须符合以下 3 点要求

  • 包必须以单独的目录而存在

  • 包的顶级目录下要必须包含 package.json 这个包管理配置文件

  • package.json 中必须包含 name,version,main 这三个属性,分别代表包的名字、版本号、包的入口


Detailed explanation of packages and package management tools in node



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