Home >headlines >Interview answer: It is best for each MySQL table to have no more than 20 million data, right?

Interview answer: It is best for each MySQL table to have no more than 20 million data, right?

2022-11-22 16:48:342978browse

How much data can each table in MySQL store? In actual situations, each table has different fields and the space occupied by the fields. The amount of data they can store under optimal performance is also different, which requires manual calculation.

The thing is like this

The following is my friend’s interview record:

Interviewer: Tell me a little bit What did you do as an intern?

Friend: During my internship, I built a function to store user operation records. It mainly obtains user operation information sent from the upstream service from MQ, and then stores this information in MySQL and provides it to the data warehouse. Used by colleagues.

Friend: Because the amount of data is relatively large, there are about 40 to 50 million entries every day, so I also performed a sub-table operation for it. Three tables are generated regularly every day, and then the data is modeled and stored in these three tables respectively to prevent excessive data in the tables from slowing down the query speed.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this statement, right? Don’t worry, let’s continue reading:

Interviewer: Then why do you divide it into three tables? Two tables won’t work. ? Wouldn't four tables work?

Friend: Because each MySQL table should not exceed 20 million pieces of data, otherwise the query speed will be reduced and performance will be affected. Our daily data is about 50 million pieces, so it is safer to divide it into three tables.

Interviewer: Any more?

Friend: No more...What are you doing, ouch

Interviewer: Then go back and wait for the notification.

Have finished speaking, did you see anything? Do you think there are any problems with my friend’s answer?


Many people say that it is best not to exceed 20 million pieces of data in each MySQL table, otherwise it will lead to performance degradation. Alibaba's Java development manual also states that it is recommended to split databases and tables only if the number of rows in a single table exceeds 5 million or the capacity of a single table exceeds 2GB.
But in fact, this 20 million or 5 million is just a rough number and does not apply to all scenarios. If you blindly think that as long as the table data does not exceed 20 million, there will be no problem. It is likely to cause a significant drop in system performance.

In actual circumstances, each table has different fields and the space occupied by the fields, so the amount of data they can store under optimal performance is also different.

So, how to calculate the appropriate amount of data for each table? Don't worry, look down slowly.

This article is suitable for readersTo read this article, you need to have a certain MySQL foundation, and it is best to have a certain understanding of InnoDB and B-trees. , you may need to have more than one year of MySQL learning experience (about one year?), and know the theoretical knowledge that "it is generally better to keep the height of the B-tree in InnoDB within three levels."

This article mainly explains the topic "How much data can be stored in a B-tree with a height of 3 in InnoDB?" Moreover, the calculation of data in this article is relatively strict (at least stricter than more than 95% of related blog posts on the Internet). If you care about these details and are not clear at the moment, please continue reading.

It will take you about 10-20 minutes to read this article. If you check the data while reading, it may take about 30 minutes.

Mind map of this article

Interview answer: It is best for each MySQL table to have no more than 20 million data, right?
##Quick review of basic knowledge

As we all know, the storage structure of InnoDB in MySQL is a B-tree. Everyone is familiar with the B-tree, right? The features are roughly as follows, let’s quickly review them together!

Note: The following content is the essence. Students who cannot read or understand it are recommended to save this article first, and then come back to read it after having a knowledge base.

. ??

A data table generally corresponds to the storage of one or more trees. The number of trees is related to the number of indexes. Each index will have a separate tree.
  • Clustered index and non-clustered index:
  • The primary key index is also a clustered index, and the non-primary key index is a non-clustered index.

    Except for the format information, the non-leaf nodes of both indexes only store index data

    . For example, if the index is id, then the non-leaf node stores the id data.

    The differences between leaf nodes are as follows:

    • The leaf nodes of the clustered index generally store all field information of this data. So when we select * from table where id = 1, we always go to the leaf nodes to get the data.
    • The leaf nodes of the non-clustered index store the primary key and index column information corresponding to this piece of data. For example, if this non-clustered index is username, and the primary key of the table is id, then the leaf nodes of the non-clustered index store username and id, but not other fields. It is equivalent to first finding the value of the primary key from the non-clustered index, and then checking the data content based on the primary key index. Generally, it needs to be checked twice (unless the index is covered). This is also called Back to the table is a bit similar to saving a pointer, pointing to the real address where the data is stored.
  • The query of the B tree is queried layer by layer from top to bottom. Generally speaking, we think it is better to keep the height of the B tree within 3 layers. That is, the upper two layers are indexes, and the last layer stores data. In this way, when looking up the table, only three disk IOs are required (actually one less time, because the root node will be resident in memory), and the amount of data that can be stored is It’s also quite impressive.

    If the amount of data is too large, causing the number of B to become 4 levels, each query will require 4 disk IOs, resulting in performance degradation. That’s why we calculate the maximum number of pieces of data that InnoDB’s 3-layer B-tree can store.

  • The default size of each MySQL node is 16KB, which means that each node can store up to 16KB of data, which can be modified, with a maximum of 64KB and a minimum of 4KB.

    Extension: What if the data in a certain row is particularly large and exceeds the size of the node?

    MySQL5.7 documentation explains:

    • For 4KB, 8KB, 16KB and 32KB settings, the maximum row length is slightly less than half the database page. For example: for the default 16KB page size, the maximum row length is slightly less than 8KB, and for the default 32KB page size, the maximum row length is slightly less than 16KB.

    • For a 64KB page, the maximum row length is slightly less than 16KB.

    • If a row exceeds the maximum row length, variable-length columns are stored in external pages until the row meets the maximum row length limit. That is to say, varchar and text with variable lengths are stored in external pages to reduce the data length of this row.

Interview answer: It is best for each MySQL table to have no more than 20 million data, right?

##Document address:

MySQL :: MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual :: 14.12.2 File Space Management

  • MySQL query speed mainly depends on the read and write speed of the disk, because MySQL only reads one node into the memory each time when querying, and finds the next target through the data of this node. Read the node position, and then read the data of the next node until the required data is queried or the data does not exist.

    Someone must be asking, don’t we need to query the data in each node? Why isn't the time taken calculated here?

    This is because after reading the entire node data, it will be stored in the memory. Querying the node data in the memory actually takes a very short time. Coupled with the MySQL query method, the time complexity is almost the same. For

    ##O(lo g2N)O(log_2N)

MySQL InnoDB node storage content

In Innodb’s B-tree, the node we often refer to is called a page (page), each page stores user data, and all the pages together form a B-tree (of course it will be much more complicated in practice, but we just need to calculate how many pieces of data can be stored, so for the time being it can be like this understand?).

Page is the smallest disk unit used by the InnoDB storage engine to manage the database. We often say that each node is 16KB, which actually means that the size of each page is 16KB.

This 16KB space needs to store page format information and row format information. The row format information also contains some metadata and user data. Therefore, when we calculate, we must include all these data.

Page format

The basic format of each page, that is, some information that each page will contain, the summary table is as follows:

Name Space Meaning and function, etc.
File Header 38 bytes File header, used to record some header information of the page.
Includes checksum, page number, two pointers to the preceding and following nodes,
page type, table space, etc.
Page Header 56 bytes Page header, used to record page status information.
Includes the number of slots in the page directory, the address of the free space, the number of records on this page,
the number of bytes occupied by deleted records, etc.
Infimum & supremum 26 bytes is used to limit the boundary value of the current page record, including a minimum value and a maximum value.
User Records Unfixed User records, the data we insert is stored here.
Free Space Unfixed The free space is taken from here when user records are added.
Page Directort Unfixed Page directory is used to store the location information of user data in the page.
Each slot will hold 4-8 pieces of user data, and one slot occupies 1-2 bytes.
When one slot exceeds 8 pieces of data, it will be automatically divided into two slots.
File Trailer 8 bytes End of file information, mainly used to verify page integrity.

Schematic diagram:

Interview answer: It is best for each MySQL table to have no more than 20 million data, right?

I looked through the official website for a long time and couldn’t find the content of the page format?. . . . I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t write it or because I’m blind. If anyone has found it, I hope they can help me post it in the comment area?

So the table content in the format of the above page is mainly based on learning and summary from some blogs.

In addition, when a new record is inserted into an InnoDB clustered index, InnoDB will try to leave 1/16 of the page free for future insertion and update of index records. If the index records are inserted in order (ascending or descending order), the resulting page has approximately 15/16 of the available space. If records are inserted in random order, approximately 1/2 to 15/16 of the page space is available. Reference documentation: MySQL :: MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual :: The Physical Structure of an InnoDB Index

The memory occupied except User Records and Free Space is ##38 56 26 8=12838 56 26 8 = 12816×1516×1024128=15232 16 \times \frac{15}{16}\times 1024 - 128 = 15232Row format

First of all, I think it is necessary to mention that the default row format of MySQL5.6 is COMPACT (compact), 5.7 The default row format in the future is DYNAMIC (dynamic). Different row formats are stored in different ways. There are two other row formats. The following content of this article is mainly explained based on DYNAMIC (dynamic). Official document link: MySQL :: MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual:: 14.11 InnoDB row format

(most of the following row format content can be found in it)

Each row of records contains the following information, most of which can be found in official documents. What I wrote here is not very detailed. I only wrote some knowledge that can help us calculate space. For more detailed information, you can search for "MySQL row format" online.
Name Space Meaning and function, etc.
Line record Header information 5 bytes Header information of row records
Contains some flag bits, data types and other information
Such as: deletion flag, minimum record flag, sorting record , data type,
The position of the next record in the page, etc.
Variable length field list is not fixed to save those that can The number of bytes occupied by variable-length fields, such as varchar, text, blob, etc.
If the length of the variable-length field is less than 255 bytes, it is represented by 1 byte;
If it is greater than 255 bytes, it is represented by 2 bytes.
If there are several variable-length fields in the table field, there will be several values ​​in the list. If there are none, they will not be stored.
null value list Unfixed Used to store whether a field that can be null is null.
Each nullable field occupies one bit here, which is the idea of ​​bitmap.
The space occupied by this list grows in bytes. For example, if there are 9 to 16
columns that can be null, two bytes are used instead of 1.5 bytes.
Transaction ID and pointer field 6 7 bytes Friends who know MVCC should know that the data row contains a 6-byte The transaction ID and
a 7-byte pointer field.
If the primary key is not defined, there will be an additional 6-byte row ID field
Of course we all have a primary key, so we do not calculate this row ID.
Actual data Not fixed This part is our real data.

Schematic diagram:

Interview answer: It is best for each MySQL table to have no more than 20 million data, right?

There are also a few points to note:

Storage of overflow pages (external pages)

Note: This is a feature of DYNAMIC.

When using DYNAMIC to create a table, InnoDB will strip out the values ​​of longer variable-length columns (such as VARCHAR, VARBINARY, BLOB and TEXT types) and store them in an overflow page , only a 20-byte pointer pointing to the overflow page is reserved on this column.

The COMPACT row format (MySQL5.6 default format) stores the first 768 bytes and the 20-byte pointer in the record of the B-tree node, and the rest is stored on the overflow page .

Whether a column is stored off-page depends on the page size and the total size of the rows. When a row is too long, the longest column is selected for off-page storage until the clustered index record fits on the B-tree page (the document does not say how many?). TEXT and BLOBs less than or equal to 40 bytes are stored directly within the row and are not paged.


The DYNAMIC row format avoids the problem of filling B-tree nodes with large amounts of data, resulting in long columns.

The idea behind the DYNAMIC row format is that if part of a long data value is stored off-page, it is usually most efficient to store the entire value off-page.

With DYNAMIC format, shorter columns are kept in B-tree nodes whenever possible, minimizing the number of overflow pages required for a given row.

Storage under different character encodings

Char, varchar, text, etc. need to set the character encoding type. When calculating the occupied space, different encodings need to be considered. occupied space.

varchar, text and other types will have a length field list to record the length they occupy, but char is a fixed-length type, which is a special situation. Assume that the type of field name is char(10), then there are the following Situation:

  • For fixed-length character encoding (such as ASCII code), the field name will be stored in a fixed-length format. Each character of the ASCII code occupies one byte, so name takes up 10 bytes.

  • For variable-length character encodings (such as utf8mb4), at least 10 bytes will be reserved for name. If possible, InnoDB will save it to 10 bytes by trimming trailing whitespace.

    If the spaces cannot be saved after trimming, the trailing spaces will be trimmed to the minimum value of the column value byte length (usually 1 byte).

    The maximum length of the column is: The maximum character length of the character encoding×NMaximum character length of character encoding\times N4×104 \times 10 Char columns greater than or equal to 768 bytes are treated as variable-length fields (just like varchar) and can be stored across pages. For example, the maximum byte length of the utf8mb4 character set is 4, so a char(255) column may exceed 768 bytes for cross-page storage.

To be honest, I don’t quite understand the design of char. Although I have read it for a long time, including official documents and some blogs, I hope students who understand can clarify their doubts in the comment area:

Regarding character encoding with variable length, is char a bit like a variable-length type? The commonly used utf8mb4 occupies 1 ~ 4 bytes, so the space occupied by char(10) is 10 ~ 40 bytes. This change is quite big, but it does not leave enough space for it, nor does it Is it special to use a variable-length field list to record the space usage of char fields?

Start calculating

Okay, we already know what is stored in each page, and now we have the computing power.

Since I have already calculated the remaining space of the page in the page format above, there will be 15232 bytes available for each page. Let’s calculate the rows directly below.

Non-leaf node calculation

Single node calculation

The index page is the node where the index is stored , that is, non-leaf nodes.

Each index record contains the value of the current index, a 6-byte pointer information,a 5-byte row header , used to point to the pointer to the next layer of data page.

I didn’t find the space occupied by the pointer in the index record in the official document? I refer to other blog posts for this 6 bytes. They said that it is 6 bytes in the source code, but specifically in I don’t know which piece of source code?.

I hope students who know more can clarify their doubts in the comment area.

Assuming that our primary key id is of bigint type, which is 8 bytes, then the space occupied by each row of data in the index page is equal to 8 6 5=198 6 5 = 19 bytes. Each page can save ##15232÷19 80115232 \div 19 \approx 801

If you include the page directory and calculate the average of 6 pieces of data per slot, there will be at least ##801÷6134801 \div 6 \approx 134If the data storage space is allocated to slots, I calculated that approximately 787 index data can be stored. If the primary key is int type, more can be stored, about 993 pieces of index data.

Calculation of non-leaf nodes in the first two layers

In the B-tree, when a node index record is NN bars, it will have NN ## Child node. Since the first two levels of our 3-level B-tree are index records, the root node of the first level is NNNNNN N2##N^2 ##N

  • Tables with primary key bigint can store ##7872=619369787 ^ 2 = 619369A table with a primary key of int can store
  • 9932=986049993 ^ 2 = 986049
  • Calculation of the number of data records

Minimum number of stored recordsWe mentioned earlier,

The maximum row length is slightly less than half of the database page

. The reason why it is slightly less than half is because each page leaves some space for other content of page format, so we can think that each page Each page can hold at least two pieces of data, each piece of data is slightly less than 8KB. If the data length of a row exceeds this value, InnoDB will definitely divide some data into

overflow page

, so we will not consider it.

If each piece of data is 8KB, each leaf node can only store 2 pieces of data. Such a table, when the primary key is bigint, can only store2×619369=12387382 \ times 619369 = 1238738 pieces of data, that is, more than 1.2 million pieces, this amount of data is unexpected, right??.

More number of stored records

Suppose our table looks like this:

-- 这是一张非常普通的课程安排表,除id外,仅包含了课程id和老师id两个字段
-- 且这几个字段均为 int 型(当然实际生产中不会这么设计表,这里只是举例)。

CREATE TABLE `course_schedule` (
  `id` int NOT NULL,
  `teacher_id` int NOT NULL,
  `course_id` int NOT NULL,

Let’s first analyze the row data of this table: no null value list, no variable length field list, transaction ID and pointer fields need to be counted, row record headers need to be counted, then the space occupied by each row of data That’s##4 4 4 6 7 5=304 4 4 6 7 5 = 30##15232÷30 50715232 \div 30 \approx 507##1

算上页目录的槽位所占空间,每个叶子节点可以存放 502 条数据,那么三层B+树可以存放的最大数据量就是 502×986049=494,996,598502 \times 986049 = 494,996,598将近5亿条数据!没想到吧??。



  `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '博客id',
  `author_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '作者id',
  `title` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL COMMENT '标题',
  `description` varchar(250) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL COMMENT '描述',
  `school_code` bigint unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '院校代码',
  `cover_image` char(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '封面图',
  `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间',
  `release_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '首次发表时间',
  `status` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '发表状态',
  `is_delete` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `author_id` (`author_id`),
  KEY `school_code` (`school_code`) USING BTREE

这是我的开源项目“校园博客”(GitHub地址:github.com/stick-i/scb…) 中的博客表,用于存放博客的基本数据。


  • 行记录头信息:肯定得有,占用5字节。

  • 可变长度字段列表:表中 title占用1字节,description占用2字节,共3字节。

  • null值列表:表中仅school_codecover_imagerelease_time3个字段可为null,故仅占用1字节。

  • 事务ID和指针字段:两个都得有,占用13字节。

  • 字段内容信息:

    • id、author_id、school_code 均为bigint型,各占用8字节,共24字节。

    • create_time、release_time、modified_time 均为datetime类型,各占8字节,共24字节。

    • status、is_delete 为tinyint类型,各占用1字节,共2字节。

    • cover_image 为char(32),字符编码为表默认值utf8,由于该字段实际存的内容仅为英文字母(存url的),结合前面讲的字符编码不同情况下的存储 ,故仅占用32字节。

    • title and description are varchar(50) and varchar(250) respectively. Both of these should not produce overflow pages (not sure), and the character encodings are both utf8mb4, in actual production, more than 70% are stored in Chinese (3 bytes), 25% are in English (1 byte), and 5% are in 4-byte emoticons?, which will be occupied when the storage is full(50 250)×(0.7×3 0.25×1 0.05×4) =765(50 250) \times (0.7 \times 3 0.25 \times 1 0.05 \times 4 ) = 765

Статистика всего вышеописанного анализа занимает в общей сложности 869 байт, тогда каждый листовой узел может хранить 15232÷86917#15232 \div 869 \approx 17 Тогда максимальный объем данных, который может храниться в трехуровневом B-дереве, равен

##17× 619369=10,529,27317 \times 619369 = 10,529,2731Сводка расчета данныхСогласно расчетам в трех приведенных выше различных ситуациях, видно, что диапазон хранения данных в случае InnoDB трехслойное B-дерево От

более 1,2 миллиона элементов

до почти 500 миллионов элементов, этот диапазон по-прежнему очень велик. В то же время мы также рассчитали информационную таблицу блога, который может хранить около

Десяти миллионов фрагментов

Итак, когда мы рассматриваем подтаблицы для проекта, нам следует уделять больше внимания фактическому состоянию таблицы, а не слепо думать, что 20 миллионов данных являются критической точкой. . Если этот вопрос возникает во время собеседования, я думаю, что интервьюер не хочет знать, что это за число, а хочет увидеть, как вы анализируете проблему и как вы приходите к этому числу , процесс.

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