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How to implement constellation query in php

2022-10-26 15:34:172295browse

How to implement constellation query in php: 1. Open the constellation query API interface; 2. Create a php sample file; 3. Pass "http://apis.juhe.cn/fapig/constellation/query?key =&keyword=date” method to request constellation data; 4. Adjust and modify it according to the actual business logic.

How to implement constellation query in php

The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 7 system, PHP version 8.1, Dell G3 computer.

How to implement constellation query in php?

Open the constellation query API interface:

Register through https://www.juhe.cn/docs/api/id/612?s=cpphpcn And the description of the

interface: This interface provides twelve zodiac signs, including today, tomorrow, this week, this month, and this year's horoscope query for each constellation. You can query constellation details based on the date or constellation name.

Return format: json

Request method: http get/post

Request example: http://apis.juhe.cn/fapig/constellation/query?key= &keyword=2021-05-21

JSON Return example:

    "reason": "SUCCES",
    "result": {
        "icon": "",
        "name": "金牛座",
        "range": "4.20-5.20",
        "zxtd": "稳健固执",
        "sssx": "土",
        "zggw": "第二宫",
        "yysx": "阴性",
        "zdtz": "财富",
        "zgxx": "金星",
        "xyys": "粉色",
        "jssw": "翡翠、玉",
        "xyhm": "6",
        "kyjs": "木",
        "bx": "稳定、务实、享受",
        "yd": "沉稳踏实,重视特质,观察力敏锐",
        "qd": "顽固,太过实际,依赖心强",
        "jbtz": "太阳位于金牛座的人给人的感觉稳重、务实,追求稳定与和谐,害怕变动,属于享受派。喜欢安定,最怕没有安全感。但有时显得固执己见,对钱财看得很重。",
        "jttz": "牡羊座是黄道十二宫的第一个星座,这让你有着孩童般的纯真、坦率,同样,也有着与生俱来的创造力,表现出强烈的领导欲望及企图心。太阳落在牡羊座的人是个急先锋,以自我为中心,想到就出发,不爱犹豫;非常享受快节奏的生活步调,冲在最前面才最有优越感。牡羊座的主宰行星是火星,在火星的主导之下,羊族人活力充沛,不畏艰险;力争前茅,惟有竞争才能让你感觉到存在的价值;非常乐观,不畏挫折,在人生的舞台上积极追求成功。太阳落在金牛座的人追求舒适的生活环境,向往高品质的生活,乐于追求金钱,对美好的物质享受充满欲望。稳定和安全感是你衡量事物的唯一标准,是你执着的追求。做任何事若感觉仍有不确定因素存在,不会轻易地涉入,但一旦决心已定,将全力以赴,九头牛也拉你不动。另外,你对于和身体相关的事物都很感兴趣,包括性爱、饮食、运动等,欣赏一切美丽的事物。敏锐的洞察力也让你很能了解他人的心思,是重感情的人。",
        "xsfg": "你思虑周全,行事谨慎,拟定计划是你的强项。在行动前就会考虑到前因后果,分析利弊,而后才会择机小心翼翼地投入,要你打没把握的仗比登天还难。",
        "gxmd": "你的赚钱欲望强烈,也易赚到钱,但也是一个十足的拜金主义者,易给人铁公鸡一毛不拔的印象,别把钱财看得太重;你行事过于谨慎,易错过良机,应加强行动力,思虑太多易将动力消磨殆尽;有时显得倔强,发起牛脾气来还挺吓人,稍加控制情绪,你的人际关系会更加圆融,提升贵人助力。",
        "zj": "金牛座很保守,喜欢稳定,一旦有什么变动就会觉得心里不踏实,性格也比较慢热,但你是理财高手,对于投资理财都有着独特的见解。金牛男的性格有点儿自我,而金牛女就喜欢投资自己,想要过得更好。"
    "error_code": 0

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