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How to adapt the Vite project to the screen? Two options to share

2022-09-30 18:09:242963browse

How to adapt the Vite project to the screen? The following article will share with you two solutions for screen adaptation of the Vite project. It is very detailed. Come and collect it to learn!

How to adapt the Vite project to the screen? Two options to share

Recently, Xiaomei, a student in the project team, seems to have encountered a difficult problem, and she always looks depressed.

With the intention that we are all a project team and should help each other and solve problems together, I sent a message to Xiaomei.

Me: "I see that you haven't been very happy recently. Have you encountered any problems?"

Xiaomei: "I have been checking the information on screen adaptation of the vue3 project recently and found online information. It’s all related to vue2 webpack. I don’t know how to adapt to the vite project? o(╥﹏╥)o”. [Related recommendations: vuejs video tutorial]

Me: "OK, leave it to brother, I'll help you settle it!"

Xiaomei: "❤( ´ ・ᴗ・` )❤”

If you think the article is good or helpful to your own development, please like and collect it! ❤❤❤

rem-based adaptation scheme

What is rem?

rem refers to the unit of font size relative to the root element. In the daily development process, we usually set the font of the root element (html/body) to 10px, which is convenient for us to calculate (at this time 1rem of a child element is equivalent to 10px).

Applicable scenarios

Web applications with no fixed aspect ratio, suitable for most business scenarios

How to adapt the Vite project to the screen? Two options to share

Project actual combat

1. Installation dependencies

npm i postcss-pxtorem autoprefixer amfe-flexible --save-dev

postcss-pxtorem is a plug-in for PostCSS, used to generate rem units from pixel units
autoprefixer Browse The browser prefix processing plug-in
amfe-flexible scalable layout solution replaces the original lib-flexible and uses the viewport

## that is compatible with many current browsers. #2. Create the project root directory

postcss.config.js file

How to adapt the Vite project to the screen? Two options to share##

module.exports = {
	plugins: {
		autoprefixer: {
			overrideBrowserslist: [
				"Android 4.1",
				"iOS 7.1",
				"Chrome > 31",
				"ff > 31",
				"ie >= 8",
				"last 10 versions", // 所有主流浏览器最近10版本用
			grid: true,
		"postcss-pxtorem": {
			rootValue: 192, // 设计稿宽度的1/ 10 例如设计稿按照 1920设计 此处就为192
			propList: ["*", "!border"], // 除 border 外所有px 转 rem
			selectorBlackList: [".el-"], // 过滤掉.el-开头的class,不进行rem转换

3, main.ts/js

Import dependencies in the file<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">import &quot;amfe-flexible/index.js&quot;;</pre>4. Restart the project

Adaptation scheme based on scale

In CSS3, we can use the transform attribute scale() method to achieve the scaling effect of elements. Zoom refers to the meaning of "zooming out" and "zooming in".

transform: scaleX(x); / Scale along the x-axis direction/
  • transform: scaleY(y); / Scale along the y-axis direction/
  • transform : scale(); / Scale along the x-axis and y-axis simultaneously/
Applicable scenarios

Web applications with fixed aspect ratio, such as large screens or Fixed window business application

How to adapt the Vite project to the screen? Two options to share

Project practice

1. Create a new



import { ref } from "vue";

export default function windowResize() {
	// * 指向最外层容器
	const screenRef = ref();
	// * 定时函数
	const timer = ref(0);
	// * 默认缩放值
	const scale = {
		width: "1",
		height: "1",
	// * 设计稿尺寸(px)
	const baseWidth = 1920;
	const baseHeight = 1080;

	// * 需保持的比例(默认1.77778)
	const baseProportion = parseFloat((baseWidth / baseHeight).toFixed(5));
	const calcRate = () => {
		// 当前宽高比
		const currentRate = parseFloat(
			(window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight).toFixed(5)
		if (screenRef.value) {
			if (currentRate > baseProportion) {
				// 表示更宽
				scale.width = (
					(window.innerHeight * baseProportion) /
				scale.height = (window.innerHeight / baseHeight).toFixed(5);
				screenRef.value.style.transform = `scale(${scale.width}, ${scale.height})`;
			} else {
				// 表示更高
				scale.height = (
					window.innerWidth /
					baseProportion /
				scale.width = (window.innerWidth / baseWidth).toFixed(5);
				screenRef.value.style.transform = `scale(${scale.width}, ${scale.height})`;

	const resize = () => {
		timer.value = window.setTimeout(() => {
		}, 200);

	// 改变窗口大小重新绘制
	const windowDraw = () => {
		window.addEventListener("resize", resize);

	// 改变窗口大小重新绘制
	const unWindowDraw = () => {
		window.removeEventListener("resize", resize);

	return {
How to adapt the Vite project to the screen? Two options to share2. Relevant interface introductionresize.ts/js

            <img  src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img2.baidu.com/it/u=1297807229,3828610143&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=138&f=JPEG?w=500&h=281" class="lazy" alt="How to adapt the Vite project to the screen? Two options to share" >

import windowResize from &#39;../../utils/resize&#39;;
import {onMounted, onUnmounted} from &#39;vue&#39;;

const { screenRef, calcRate, windowDraw, unWindowDraw } = windowResize()

onMounted(() => {
    // 监听浏览器窗口尺寸变化

onUnmounted(() => {


.screen-container {
    height: 100%;
    background-color: lightcyan;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;

    .screen-content {
        width: 1920px;
        height: 1080px;
        background-color: #fff;
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        align-items: center;
        flex-direction: column;

        .screen-title {
            font-size: 32px;

        .screen-img {
            margin-top: 20px;
How to adapt the Vite project to the screen? Two options to shareWrite at the end

Recommend open source projects participated by two authors. If the project is helpful to you, please star it!

A simple

backend management project based on Vue3, TS, Vite, qiankun technology stack

: www.xkxk.techA simple one based on Vue3 , Vite’s

cool big screen project

: screen.xkxk.tech (Learning video sharing:

web front-end development

, Programming Basics Video)

The above is the detailed content of How to adapt the Vite project to the screen? Two options to share. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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