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Detailed explanation of the difference between reactive and ref in vue3 (source code analysis)

2022-08-22 19:53:303368browse

What is the difference between reactive and ref in

vue? The following article will take you deep into the source code to thoroughly understand the difference between reactive and ref in vue3. I hope it will be helpful to you!

Detailed explanation of the difference between reactive and ref in vue3 (source code analysis)

In the daily development of vue3, I found that many people use a shuttle based on their own habitsreactiveorref , although this can meet the requirements, if this is the case, why do we need to design another ref when we already have reactive? What are the actual application scenarios and differences between the two?

And regarding the underlying logic of ref, some people say that the underlying logic of ref is still reactive. Some people say that the bottom layer of ref is class, and value is just an attribute of class. Which of the two statements is correct? Woolen cloth? Is there any basis for this?

With this question, we will go deep into the source code this time and thoroughly understand the difference between reactive and ref in vue3. (Learning video sharing: vue video tutorial)

If you don’t want to see the source code, you can just scroll to the back and read the summary


Source code address: packages/reactivity/reactive.ts

First let’s take a look at the target used in vue3 ReactiveFlags<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">// 标记目标对象 target 类型的 ReactiveFlags export const enum ReactiveFlags {   SKIP = '__v_skip',   IS_REACTIVE = '__v_isReactive',   IS_READONLY = '__v_isReadonly',   RAW = '__v_raw' } export interface Target {   [ReactiveFlags.SKIP]?: boolean          // 不做响应式处理的数据   [ReactiveFlags.IS_REACTIVE]?: boolean   // target 是否是响应式   [ReactiveFlags.IS_READONLY]?: boolean   // target 是否是只读   [ReactiveFlags.RAW]?: any               // 表示proxy 对应的源数据, target 已经是 proxy 对象时会有该属性 }</pre>


export function reactive<t>(target: T): UnwrapNestedRefs<t>
export function reactive(target: object) {
  // if trying to observe a readonly proxy, return the readonly version.
  // 如果目标对象是一个只读的响应数据,则直接返回目标对象
  if (target && (target as Target)[ReactiveFlags.IS_READONLY]) {
    return target
  // 创建 observe
  return createReactiveObject(
of type Object


The reactive function receives a target object. If the target object is read-only, it will return the object directly.

If it is not read-only, it will pass directly. createReactiveObjectCreateobserveObject


Don’t be afraid of the long look, Post the complete code of createReactiveObject first, let’s read it in sections

 * @param target 目标对象
 * @param isReadonly 是否只读
 * @param baseHandlers 基本类型的 handlers
 * @param collectionHandlers 主要针对(set、map、weakSet、weakMap)的 handlers
 * @param proxyMap  WeakMap数据结构
 * @returns 

function createReactiveObject(
  target: Target,
  isReadonly: boolean,
  baseHandlers: ProxyHandler<any>,
  collectionHandlers: ProxyHandler<any>,
  proxyMap: WeakMap<target>
) {

  // typeof 不是 object 类型的,在开发模式抛出警告,生产环境直接返回目标对象
  if (!isObject(target)) {
    if (__DEV__) {
      console.warn(`value cannot be made reactive: ${String(target)}`)
    return target
  // target is already a Proxy, return it.
  // exception: calling readonly() on a reactive object
  // 已经是响应式的就直接返回(取ReactiveFlags.RAW 属性会返回true,因为进行reactive的过程中会用weakMap进行保存,
  // 通过target能判断出是否有ReactiveFlags.RAW属性)
  // 例外:对reactive对象进行readonly()
  if (
    target[ReactiveFlags.RAW] &&
    !(isReadonly && target[ReactiveFlags.IS_REACTIVE])
  ) {
    return target
  // target already has corresponding Proxy
  // 对已经Proxy的,则直接从WeakMap数据结构中取出这个Proxy对象
  const existingProxy = proxyMap.get(target)
  if (existingProxy) {
    return existingProxy
  // only a whitelist of value types can be observed.
  // 只对targetTypeMap类型白名单中的类型进行响应式处理
  const targetType = getTargetType(target)
  if (targetType === TargetType.INVALID) {
    return target
  // proxy 代理 target
  // (set、map、weakSet、weakMap) collectionHandlers
  // (Object、Array) baseHandlers
  const proxy = new Proxy(
    targetType === TargetType.COLLECTION ? collectionHandlers : baseHandlers
  proxyMap.set(target, proxy)
  return proxy

First we see that createReactiveObject receives five parameters

  target: Target,
  isReadonly: boolean,
  baseHandlers: ProxyHandler<any>,
  collectionHandlers: ProxyHandler<any>,
  proxyMap: WeakMap<target></target></any></any>

target Target object

isReadonly Whether it is read-only

baseHandlers Basic type handlers Processing arrays, objects

collectionHandlers Processing set, map, weakSet, weakMap

proxyMap WeakMap data structure stores side effect functions

Here mainly through ReactiveFlags. RAW and ReactiveFlags.IS_REACTIVE determine whether it is responsive data. If so, the object will be returned directly

 if (
    target[ReactiveFlags.RAW] &&
    !(isReadonly && target[ReactiveFlags.IS_REACTIVE])
  ) {
    return target

For those that are already Proxy, then Directly take out the Proxy object from the WeakMap data structure and return

  const existingProxy = proxyMap.get(target)
  if (existingProxy) {
    return existingProxy

Here is a check to see if the type of the current target is Object, Array, Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet, if none, go directly Return the object without performing responsive processing

 // 只对targetTypeMap类型白名单中的类型进行响应式处理
  const targetType = getTargetType(target)
  if (targetType === TargetType.INVALID) {
    return target

Verification type logic

function getTargetType(value: Target) {
  return value[ReactiveFlags.SKIP] || !Object.isExtensible(value)
    ? TargetType.INVALID
    : targetTypeMap(toRawType(value))

function targetTypeMap(rawType: string) {
  switch (rawType) {
    case 'Object':
    case 'Array':
      return TargetType.COMMON
    case 'Map':
    case 'Set':
    case 'WeakMap':
    case 'WeakSet':
      return TargetType.COLLECTION
      return TargetType.INVALID

After all pre-verifications are completed, you can useproxy AgenttargetObject

A ternary operator is used here to execute different processing logic# through TargetType.COLLECTION

    ##(set, map, weakSet, weakMap) Use
  • collectionHandlers
  • (Object, Array) Use
  • baseHandlers
// proxy 代理 target
  // (set、map、weakSet、weakMap) collectionHandlers
  // (Object、Array) baseHandlers
  const proxy = new Proxy(
    targetType === TargetType.COLLECTION ? collectionHandlers : baseHandlers
  proxyMap.set(target, proxy)
  return proxy

Now the execution logic of

createReactiveObject is very clear

It’s not over yet, the last

proxy in createReactiveObject How to proxy target? Here we use baseHandlers as an example and go deep inside baseHandlers to see


Source code address:



reactive.ts we can see that a total of four handlers have been introduced

import {
} from './baseHandlers'
  • mutableHandlers Variable processing
  • readonlyHandlers Read-only processing
  • shallowReactiveHandlers Shallow observation Processing (only observe the first-level properties of the target object)
  • shallowReadonlyHandlers Shallow observation && read-only
We take

mutableHandlers as an example

// 可变处理
// const get = /*#__PURE__*/ createGetter()
// const set = /*#__PURE__*/ createSetter()
// get、has、ownKeys 会触发依赖收集 track()
// set、deleteProperty 会触发更新 trigger()
export const mutableHandlers: ProxyHandler<object> = {
  get,                  // 用于拦截对象的读取属性操作
  set,                  // 用于拦截对象的设置属性操作
  deleteProperty,       // 用于拦截对象的删除属性操作
  has,                  // 检查一个对象是否拥有某个属性
  ownKeys               // 针对 getOwnPropertyNames,  getOwnPropertySymbols, keys 的代理方法

get and set here correspond to createGetter() and createSetter()# respectively.

  • ##createGetter()

  • First go to the complete version of the code
 * 用于拦截对象的读取属性操作
 * @param isReadonly 是否只读
 * @param shallow 是否浅观察
 * @returns 
function createGetter(isReadonly = false, shallow = false) {
   * @param target 目标对象
   * @param key 需要获取的值的键值
   * @param receiver 如果遇到 setter,receiver 则为setter调用时的this值
  return function get(target: Target, key: string | symbol, receiver: object) {
    // ReactiveFlags 是在reactive中声明的枚举值,如果key是枚举值则直接返回对应的布尔值
    if (key === ReactiveFlags.IS_REACTIVE) {
      return !isReadonly
    } else if (key === ReactiveFlags.IS_READONLY) {
      return isReadonly
    } else if (
      // 如果key是raw  receiver 指向调用者,则直接返回目标对象。
      // 这里判断是为了保证触发拦截 handle 的是 proxy 本身而不是 proxy 的继承者
      // 触发拦的两种方式:一是访问 proxy 对象本身的属性,二是访问对象原型链上有 proxy 对象的对象的属性,因为查询会沿着原型链向下找
      key === ReactiveFlags.RAW &&
      receiver ===
          ? shallow
            ? shallowReadonlyMap
            : readonlyMap
          : shallow
          ? shallowReactiveMap
          : reactiveMap
    ) {
      return target

    const targetIsArray = isArray(target)
    // 如果目标对象 不为只读、是数组、key属于arrayInstrumentations:['includes', 'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf']方法之一,即触发了这三个方法之一
    if (!isReadonly && targetIsArray && hasOwn(arrayInstrumentations, key)) {
      // 通过 proxy 调用,arrayInstrumentations[key]的this一定指向 proxy
      return Reflect.get(arrayInstrumentations, key, receiver)

    const res = Reflect.get(target, key, receiver)

    // 如果 key 是 symbol 内置方法,或者访问的是原型对象__proto__,直接返回结果,不收集依赖
    if (isSymbol(key) ? builtInSymbols.has(key) : isNonTrackableKeys(key)) {
      return res

    // 不是只读类型的 target 就收集依赖。因为只读类型不会变化,无法触发 setter,也就会触发更新
    if (!isReadonly) {
      track(target, TrackOpTypes.GET, key)

    // 如果是浅观察,不做递归转化,就是说对象有属性值还是对象的话不递归调用 reactive()
    if (shallow) {
      return res

    // 如果get的结果是ref
    if (isRef(res)) {
      // ref unwrapping - does not apply for Array + integer key.
      // 返回 ref.value,数组除外
      const shouldUnwrap = !targetIsArray || !isIntegerKey(key)
      return shouldUnwrap ? res.value : res

    // 由于 proxy 只能代理一层,如果子元素是对象,需要递归继续代理
    if (isObject(res)) {
      // Convert returned value into a proxy as well. we do the isObject check
      // here to avoid invalid value warning. Also need to lazy access readonly
      // and reactive here to avoid circular dependency.
      return isReadonly ? readonly(res) : reactive(res)

    return res

It looks long, but in the end it is


Dependency collection


There are too many dependency collection contents, and trigger() triggers updates together, so I will write a separate article Article

  • createSetter()

 * 拦截对象的设置属性操作
 * @param shallow 是否是浅观察
 * @returns 
function createSetter(shallow = false) {
   * @param target 目标对象
   * @param key 设置的属性名称
   * @param value 要改变的属性值
   * @param receiver 如果遇到setter,receiver则为setter调用时的this值
  return function set(
    target: object,
    key: string | symbol,
    value: unknown,
    receiver: object
  ): boolean {
    let oldValue = (target as any)[key]
    // 如果模式不是浅观察模式
    if (!shallow) {
      // 拿新值和老值的原始值,因为新传入的值可能是响应式数据,如果直接和 target 上原始值比较是没有意义的
      value = toRaw(value)
      oldValue = toRaw(oldValue)
      // 目标对象不是数组,旧值是ref,新值不是ref,则直接赋值,这里提到ref
      if (!isArray(target) && isRef(oldValue) && !isRef(value)) {
        oldValue.value = value
        return true
    } else {
      // in shallow mode, objects are set as-is regardless of reactive or not
    // 检查对象是否有这个属性
    const hadKey =
      isArray(target) && isIntegerKey(key)
        ? Number(key) <p><code>trigger()</code>触发更新</p><h2 data-id="heading-7"><strong>ref</strong></h2><p>源码地址:<code>packages/reactivity/src/ref.ts</code></p><p>接收一个可选<code>unknown</code>,接着直接调用<code>createRef()</code></p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">export function ref(value?: unknown) {
  return createRef(value, false)

Detailed explanation of the difference between reactive and ref in vue3 (source code analysis)


export function shallowRef(value?: unknown) {
  return createRef(value, true)


Detailed explanation of the difference between reactive and ref in vue3 (source code analysis)


通过isRef()判断是否是ref数据,是则直接返回该数据,不是则通过new RefImpl创建ref数据


function createRef(rawValue: unknown, shallow: boolean) {
  // 是否是 ref 数据
  if (isRef(rawValue)) {
    return rawValue
  return new RefImpl(rawValue, shallow)
  • isRef()


export function isRef(r: any): r is Ref {
  return Boolean(r && r.__v_isRef === true)


class RefImpl<t> {
  private _value: T
  private _rawValue: T

  public dep?: Dep = undefined
  // 只读属性 __v_isRef 判断是否是ref数据的静态标识
  public readonly __v_isRef = true

  constructor(value: T, public readonly _shallow: boolean) {
    this._rawValue = _shallow ? value : toRaw(value)  // 非浅观察用toRaw()包裹原始值
    this._value = _shallow ? value : toReactive(value) // 非浅观察用toReactive()处理数据

  get value() {
  // 依赖收集
    return this._value

  set value(newVal) {
    newVal = this._shallow ? newVal : toRaw(newVal) // 非浅观察用toRaw()包裹值
    // 两个值不相等
    if (hasChanged(newVal, this._rawValue)) {
      this._rawValue = newVal
      this._value = this._shallow ? newVal : toReactive(newVal)
      triggerRefValue(this, newVal) // 触发依赖,派发更新

根据RefImpl我们可以看到ref的底层逻辑,如果是对象确实会使用reactive进行处理,并且ref的创建使用的也是RefImpl class实例,value只是RefImpl的属性

在我们访问设置 ref的value值时,也分别是通过getset拦截进行依赖收集派发更新

  • toReactive


export const toReactive = <t>(value: T): T =>
  isObject(value) ? reactive(value) : value</t>
  • trackRefValue


export function trackRefValue(ref: RefBase<any>) {
  if (isTracking()) {
    ref = toRaw(ref)
    if (!ref.dep) {
      ref.dep = createDep()
    if (__DEV__) {
      trackEffects(ref.dep, {
        target: ref,
        type: TrackOpTypes.GET,
        key: 'value'
    } else {
  • triggerRefValue


export function triggerRefValue(ref: RefBase<any>, newVal?: any) {
  ref = toRaw(ref)
  if (ref.dep) {
    if (__DEV__) {
      triggerEffects(ref.dep, {
        target: ref,
        type: TriggerOpTypes.SET,
        key: 'value',
        newValue: newVal
    } else {



  • 问:ref的底层逻辑是什么,具体是如何实现的

答:ref底层会通过 new RefImpl()来创造ref数据,在new RefImpl()会首先给数据添加__v_isRef只读属性用来标识ref数据。而后判断传入的值是否是对象,如果是对象则使用toReactive()处理成reactive,并将值赋给RefImpl()value属性上。在访问设置ref数据的value时会分别触发依赖收集派发更新流程。

  • 问:ref底层是否会使用reactive处理数据


  • 问:为什么已经有了reactive还需要在设计一个ref呢?

答: 因为vue3响应式方案使用的是proxy,而proxy的代理目标必须是非原始值,没有任何方式能去拦截对原始值的操作,所以就需要一层对象作为包裹,间接实现原始值的响应式方案。

  • 问:为什么ref数据必须要有个value属性,访问ref数据必须要通过.value的方式呢?


// obj是响应式数据
const obj = reactive({ foo: 1, bar: 2 })

// newObj 对象下具有与 obj对象同名的属性,并且每个属性值都是一个对象
// 该对象具有一个访问器属性 value,当读取 value的值时,其实读取的是 obj 对象下相应的属性值 
const newObj = {
    foo: {
        get value() {
            return obj.foo
    bar: {
        get value() {
            return obj.bar

effect(() => {
    // 在副作用函数内通过新对象 newObj 读取 foo 的属性值
// 正常触发响应
obj.foo = 100

可以看到,在现在的newObj对象下,具有与obj对象同名的属性,而且每个属性的值都是一个对象,例如foo 属性的值是:

    get value() {
        return obj.foo


(Learning video sharing: web front-end development, Basic programming video)

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