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How is a SQL statement executed in MySQL Learning? Let's talk about the execution process

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How is a SQL executed in MySQL? The following article will talk about a SQL execution process for you. I hope it will be helpful to you!

How is a SQL statement executed in MySQL Learning? Lets talk about the execution process

Generally speaking, MySQL can be divided into two parts: the Server layer and the storage engine layer.

Server layer

Mainly includes connectors, query caches, analyzers, optimizers, executors, etc., covering most of MySQL's core service functions, as well as all Built-in functions (such as date, time, mathematical and encryption functions, etc.), all cross-storage engine functions are implemented in this layer, such as stored procedures, triggers, views, etc.

Store layer

The storage engine layer is responsible for the storage and retrieval of data. Its architectural model is plug-in and supports multiple storage engines such as InnoDB, MyISAM, and Memory. The most commonly used storage engine now is InnoDB, which has become the default storage engine since MySQL version 5.5.5. That is to say, if we do not specify the storage engine type of the table when creating the table, the storage engine will be set to InnoDB by default.
This lesson demonstrates the DDL of the table:

`name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,

Let’s focus on analyzing what the connector, query cache, analyzer, optimizer, and executor do respectively.

1. Connector

We know that because MySQL is open source, it has many types of clients: navicat, mysql front, There are very rich clients such as jdbc and SQLyog. If these clients want to initiate communication with mysql, they must first establish a communication connection with the server, and the work of establishing the connection is completed by the connector.

In the first step, you will connect to the database first, and the connector will receive you at this time. The connector is responsible for establishing a connection with the client, obtaining permissions, maintaining and managing the connection. The connection command is generally written like this:

[root@192 ~]# mysql ‐h host[数据库地址] ‐u root[用户] ‐p root[密码] ‐P 3306

The mysql in the connection command is a client tool used to establish a connection with the server. After completing the classic TCP handshake, the connector will begin to authenticate your identity, using the username and password you entered.

1. If the username or password is incorrect, you will receive an "Access denied for user" error, and then the client program will end execution.

2. If the username and password authentication is passed, the connector will check the permissions table you have. After that, the permission judgment logic in this connection will depend on the permissions read at this time.

This means that after a user successfully establishes a connection, even if you use the administrator account to modify the user's permissions, it will not affect the permissions of the existing connection. After the modification is completed, only new connections will use the new permission settings. The user's permission table is in the user table of mysql in the system table space.

How is a SQL statement executed in MySQL Learning? Lets talk about the execution process
Modify user password

mysql> CREATE USER 'username'@'host' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; //创建新用户
mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'username'@'%'; //赋权限,%表示所有(host)
mysql> flush privileges //刷新数据库
mysql> update user set password=password(”123456″) where user=’root’;(设置用户名密码)
mysql> show grants for root@"%"; 查看当前用户的权限

After the connection is completed, if you have no subsequent actions, the connection will be idle. You can see it in the show processlist command. . The picture in the text is the result of show processlist. The Command column displays the line "Sleep", which means that there is an idle connection in the system.

How is a SQL statement executed in MySQL Learning? Lets talk about the execution process

If the client does not send a command to the server for a long time, the connector will automatically disconnect it. This time is controlled by the parameter wait_timeout, and the default value is 8 hours. Check wait_timeout

mysql> show global variables like "wait_timeout";
mysql>set global wait_timeout=28800; 设置全局服务器关闭非交互连接之前等待活动的秒数

How is a SQL statement executed in MySQL Learning? Lets talk about the execution process

If the client sends a request again after the connection is disconnected, it will receive an error reminder: Lost connection to MySQL server during query. If you want to continue at this time, you need to reconnect and then execute the request.

In the database, a long connection means that after the connection is successful, if the client continues to make requests, the same connection will always be used. A short connection means that the connection is disconnected after a few queries are executed each time, and a new one is re-established for the next query. Most of the time during development, we use long connections and manage the connections in the Pool. However, long connections sometimes cause the memory occupied by MySQL to increase very quickly. This is because the memory temporarily used by MySQL during execution is Managed in the connection object. These resources will be released when the connection is disconnected. Therefore, if long connections accumulate, they may occupy too much memory and be forcibly killed by the system (OOM). Judging from the phenomenon, MySQL restarts abnormally. How to solve this kind of problem?

1. Disconnect long connections regularly. After using it for a period of time, or after the program determines that a large query that takes up memory has been executed, the connection is disconnected, and then the query is required and then reconnected.

2、如果你用的是 MySQL 5.7 或更新版本,可以在每次执行一个比较大的操作后,通过执行 mysql_reset_connection 来重新初始化连接资 源。这个过程不需要重连和重新做权限验证,但是会将连接恢复到刚刚创建完时的状态。



mysql>show databases; 显示所有数据库
mysql>use dbname; 打开数据库:
mysql>show tables; 显示数据库mysql中所有的表;
mysql>describe user; 显示表mysql数据库中user表的列信息);

连接建立完成后,你就可以执行 select 语句了。执行逻辑就会来到第二步:查询缓存。 MySQL 拿到一个查询请求后,会先到查询缓存看看,之前是不是执行过这条语句。之前执行过的语句及其结果可能会以 key-value 对的形式,被直接缓存在内存中。key 是查询的语句,value 是查询的结果。如果你的查询能够直接在这个缓存中找 到 key,那么这个 value 就会被直接返回给客户端。

如果语句不在查询缓存中,就会继续后面的执行阶段。执行完成后,执行结果会被存入查询缓存中。你可以看到,如果查 询命中缓存,MySQL 不需要执行后面的复杂操作,就可以直接返回结果,这个效率会很高。


因为查询缓存往往弊大于利。查询缓存的失效非常频繁,只要有对一个表的更新,这个表上所有的查询缓存都会被清空。 因此很可能你费劲地把结果存起来,还没使用呢,就被一个更新全清空了。对于更新压力大的数据库来说,查询缓存的命中率 会非常低。

一般建议大家在静态表里使用查询缓存,什么叫静态表呢?就是一般我们极少更新的表。比如,一个系统配置表、字典 表,那这张表上的查询才适合使用查询缓存。好在 MySQL 也提供了这种“按需使用”的方式。你可以将my.cnf参数 query_cache_type 设置成 DEMAND。

#query_cache_type有3个值 0代表关闭查询缓存OFF,1代表开启ON,2(DEMAND)代表当sql语句中有SQL_CACHE 关键词时才缓存

这样对于默认的 SQL 语句都不使用查询缓存。而对于你确定要使用查询缓存的语句,可以用 SQL_CACHE 显式指定,像下 面这个语句一样:

mysql> select SQL_CACHE * from test where ID=5;


mysql> show global variables like "%query_cache_type%";


mysql> show status like'%Qcache%'; //查看运行的缓存信息

How is a SQL statement executed in MySQL Learning? Lets talk about the execution process

  • Qcache_free_blocks:表示查询缓存中目前还有多少剩余的blocks,如果该值显示较大,则说明查询缓存中的内存碎片过多了,可能在一定的时间进行整理。
  • Qcache_free_memory:查询缓存的内存大小,通过这个参数可以很清晰的知道当前系统的查询内存是否够用,是多了,还是不够用,DBA可以根据实际情况做出调整。
  • Qcache_hits:表示有多少次命中缓存。我们主要可以通过该值来验证我们的查询缓存的效果。数字越大,缓存效果越 理想。
  • Qcache_inserts: 表示多少次未命中然后插入,意思是新来的SQL请求在缓存中未找到,不得不执行查询处理,执行查询处理后把结果insert到查询缓存中。这样的情况的次数,次数越多,表示查询缓存应用到的比较少,效果也就不理想。当然系统刚启动后,查询缓存是空的,这很正常。
  • Qcache_lowmem_prunes:该参数记录有多少条查询因为内存不足而被移除出查询缓存。通过这个值,用户可以适当的 调整缓存大小。
  • Qcache_not_cached: 表示因为query_cache_type的设置而没有被缓存的查询数量。
  • Qcache_queries_in_cache:当前缓存中缓存的查询数量。
  • Qcache_total_blocks:当前缓存的block数量。



如果没有命中查询缓存,就要开始真正执行语句了。首先,MySQL 需要知道你要做什么,因此需要对 SQL 语句做解析。 分析器先会做“词法分析”。你输入的是由多个字符串和空格组成的一条 SQL 语句,MySQL 需要识别出里面的字符串分别是 什么,代表什么。 MySQL 从你输入的"select"这个关键字识别出来,这是一个查询语句。它也要把字符串“T”识别成“表名 T”,把字符 串“ID”识别成“列 ID”。 做完了这些识别以后,就要做“语法分析”。根据词法分析的结果,语法分析器会根据语法规则,判断你输入的这个 SQL 语句 是否满足 MySQL 语法。 如果你的语句不对,就会收到“You have an error in your SQL syntax”的错误提醒,比如下面这个语句 from 写成了 “fro”。

mysql> select * fro test where id=1;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds t o your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'fro test where id=1' at line 1




How is a SQL statement executed in MySQL Learning? Lets talk about the execution process

SQL语句的分析分为词法分析与语法分析,mysql的词法分析由MySQLLex[MySQL自己实现的]完成,语法分析由Bison生 成。关于语法树大家如果想要深入研究可以参考这篇wiki文章:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LR_parser。那么除了Bison 外,Java当中也有开源的词法结构分析工具例如Antlr4,ANTLR从语法生成一个解析器,可以构建和遍历解析树,可以在IDEA 工具当中安装插件:antlr v4 grammar plugin。插件使用详见课程 经过bison语法分析之后,会生成一个这样的语法树
How is a SQL statement executed in MySQL Learning? Lets talk about the execution process



经过了分析器,MySQL 就知道你要做什么了。在开始执行之前,还要先经过优化器的处理。 优化器是在表里面有多个索引的时候,决定使用哪个索引;或者在一个语句有多表关联(join)的时候,决定各个表的连接 顺序。比如你执行下面这样的语句,这个语句是执行两个表的 join:

mysql> select * from test1 join test2 using(ID) where test1.name=yangguo and test2.name=xiaol ongnv;

既可以先从表 test1 里面取出 name=yangguo的记录的 ID 值,再根据 ID 值关联到表 test2,再判断 test2 里面 name的 值是否等于 yangguo。

也可以先从表 test2 里面取出 name=xiaolongnv 的记录的 ID 值,再根据 ID 值关联到 test1,再判断 test1 里面 name 的值是否等于 yangguo。

这两种执行方法的逻辑结果是一样的,但是执行的效率会有不同,而优化器的作用就是决定选择使用哪一个方案。优化器阶段 完成后,这个语句的执行方案就确定下来了,然后进入执行器阶段。如果你还有一些疑问,比如优化器是怎么选择索引的,有 没有可能选择错等等。


开始执行的时候,要先判断一下你对这个表 T 有没有执行查询的权限,如果没有,就会返回没有权限的错误,如下所示 (在工程实现上,如果命中查询缓存,会在查询缓存返回结果的时候,做权限验证。查询也会在优化器之前调用 precheck 验证权限)。

mysql> select * from test where id=1;

如果有权限,就打开表继续执行。打开表的时候,执行器就会根据表的引擎定义,去使用这个引擎提供的接口。 比如我们这个例子中的表 test 中,ID 字段没有索引,那么执行器的执行流程是这样的:

  • 调用 InnoDB 引擎接口取这个表的第一行,判断 ID 值是不是 10,如果不是则跳过,如果是则将这行存在结果集中;

  • 调用引擎接口取“下一行”,重复相同的判断逻辑,直到取到这个表的最后一行。

  • 执行器将上述遍历过程中所有满足条件的行组成的记录集作为结果集返回给客户端。

至此,这个语句就执行完成了。对于有索引的表,执行的逻辑也差不多。第一次调用的是“取满足条件的第一行”这个接口,之后循环取“满足条件的下一行”这个接口,这些接口都是引擎中已经定义好的。你会在数据库的慢查询日志中看到一个 rows_examined 的字段,表示这个语句执行过程中扫描了多少行。这个值就是在执行器每次调用引擎获取数据行的时候累加的。在有些场景下,执行器调用一次,在引擎内部则扫描了多行,因此引擎扫描行数跟 rows_examined 并不是完全相同的。


删库是不需要跑路的,因为我们的SQL执行时,会将sql语句的执行逻辑记录在我们的bin-log当中,什么是bin-log呢? binlog是Server层实现的二进制日志,他会记录我们的cud操作。Binlog有以下几个特点:


如果,我们误删了数据库,可以使用binlog进行归档!要使用binlog归档,首先我们得记录binlog,因此需要先开启MySQL的 binlog功能。 配置my.cnf







mysql> show variables like '%log_bin%'; 查看bin‐log是否开启
mysql> flush logs; 会多一个最新的bin‐log日志
mysql> show master status; 查看最后一个bin‐log日志的相关信息
mysql> reset master; 清空所有的bin‐log日志


mysql> /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog ‐‐no‐defaults /usr/local/mysql/data/binlog/mysql‐bin. 000001 查看binlog内容

binlog里的内容不具备可读性,所以需要我们自己去判断恢复的逻辑点位,怎么观察呢?看重点信息,比如begin,commit这种 关键词信息,只要在binlog当中看到了,你就可以理解为begin-commit之间的信息是一个完整的事务逻辑,然后再根据位置 position判断恢复即可。


How is a SQL statement executed in MySQL Learning? Lets talk about the execution process




/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog ‐‐no‐defaults /usr/local/mysql/data/binlog/mysql‐bin.000001 |mysql ‐uroot ‐p tuling(数据库名)
 /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog ‐‐no‐defaults ‐‐start‐position="408" ‐‐stop‐position="731"
/usr/local/mysql/data/binlog/mysql‐bin.000001 |mysql ‐uroot ‐p tuling(数据库)
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog ‐‐no‐defaults /usr/local/mysql/data/binlog/mysql‐bin.000001
‐‐stop‐date= "2018‐03‐02 12:00:00" ‐‐start‐date= "2019‐03‐02 11:55:00"|mysql ‐uroot ‐p test(数据库)



How is a SQL statement executed in MySQL Learning? Lets talk about the execution process

mysql> truncate test;


mysql> /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog ‐‐no‐defaults /usr/local/mysql/data/binlog/mysqlbin.000001 |mysql ‐uroot ‐p tuling(数据库名)



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