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Can linux commands back up folders?

2022-06-23 10:37:276058browse

Linux commands can back up folders. There are two commands for backing up folders: 1. cp command, which is used to copy files or folders. The syntax is "cp [options] source dest"; 2. dump command, which is used to back up the file system. The syntax is "cp [options] source dest". is "dump [-cnu][-0123456789]...".

Can linux commands back up folders?

#The operating environment of this tutorial: linux7.3 system, Dell G3 computer.

Linux command backup folder

1. cp command

Linux cp (English full spelling: copy file) command is mainly used to copy files or Table of contents.


cp [options] source dest


cp [options] source... directory

Parameter description:

  • -a: This option is usually used when copying a directory, it Preserve links, file attributes, and copy all contents of the directory. Its effect is equal to the dpR parameter combination.

  • -d: Keep the link when copying. The links mentioned here are equivalent to shortcuts in Windows systems.

  • -f: Overwrite an existing target file without giving a prompt.

  • -i: Contrary to the -f option, a prompt is given before overwriting the target file, asking the user to confirm whether to overwrite. The target file will be overwritten when answering y.

  • -p: In addition to copying the contents of the file, the modification time and access permissions are also copied to the new file.

  • -r: If the given source file is a directory file, all subdirectories and files in the directory will be copied.

  • -l: Do not copy files, just generate link files.

Use the command cp to copy all files in the current directory test/ to the new directory newtest. Enter the following command:

$ cp –r test/ newtest

Note: Users use this command to copy the directory When , you must use the parameter -r or -R.

2. Dump command

The Linux dump command is used to back up the file system.

dump is a backup tool program that can back up a directory or the entire file system to a specified device or into a large file.


dump [-cnu][-0123456789][-b <区块大小>][-B <区块数目>][-d <密度>][-f <设备名称>][-h <层级>][-s <磁带长度>][-T <日期>][目录或文件系统] 或 dump [-wW]


  • -0123456789 Backup level.

  • -b0e6db0fa7b4674218111f6c83f21174c Specifies the size of the block in KB.

  • -Be83704e73c748e53dc03360620829669 Specifies the number of blocks in the backup volume.

  • -c Modify the default density and capacity of the backup tape.

  • -d170a56d2fe3be45e4e21f0b52ab6c7ad Set the density of the tape. The unit is BPI.

  • -f5d50dee8a3b92c4eac078cf803a8c793 Specifies the backup device.

  • -h6c7c492c1e590ba259d751c1901a89de When the backup level is equal to or greater than the specified level, files marked as "nodump" by the user will not be backed up.

  • -n When backup work requires administrator intervention, send a notification to all users in the "operator" group.

  • -s14ffa6ff30f09c0f50c8e04a13ba6825 The length of the backup tape, in feet.

  • -T352d74cc95fc55ac4e33b71390625dbf Specify the time and date to start the backup.

  • -u After the backup is completed, record the backup file system, level, date and time in /etc/dumpdates.

  • -w Similar to -W, but only displays files that need to be backed up.

  • -W Display the files to be backed up and the level, time and date of the last backup.

Backup files to tape

# dump -0 -u /dev/tape /home/

The "-0" parameter specifies the backup level. "-u" requires that the corresponding information be stored in the file/ after the backup is completed. etc/dumpdates for records

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