Home >Backend Development >Python Tutorial >Learn Python characters and lists simply (detailed examples)
This article brings you relevant knowledge about python, which mainly introduces issues related to characters and lists, including string input and output, list loop traversal, and list addition. Let’s take a look at deletion, modification, nesting of lists, etc. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.
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String representation
a = "100"b = "hello world"c = 'hello world'd = '100'e = ‘18.20520'
Python len() method returns the length or number of items of an object (character, list, tuple, dictionary, etc.).
In [1]: a="abcdefg"In [2]: len(a)Out[2]: 7In [3]: b = [1,2,3,4,5,66,77,8888]In [4]: len(b)Out[4]: 8
Strings will be spliced and numbers will be added
In [5]: a ="lao"In [6]: b="wang"In [7]: c=a+b In [8]: c Out[8]: 'laowang'In [9]: d= "===="+a+b+"===="In [10]: d Out[10]: '====laowang===='In [11]: f="===%s===="%(a+b)In [12]: f Out[12]: '===laowang===='
Input information
name = input(“ 请输入你的姓名:”)position = input(“ 请输入你的职业:”)address = input(“ 请输入你的地址:”)
Output information
print("="*50)print(" 姓名:%s\n 职业:%s\n 地址:%s" % (name,position,address))print("="*50)
Display data in a formatted manner, and can display data in a variety of ways. Such as through position, through keyword parameters, through mapping list.
1. By position
print("my name is {0},age is {1}".format('Liu Bei',20))
print("my name is {},age is {}".format('Liu Bei',20))
print("{1},{0},{1}".format('Liu Bei',20))
2. Through keyword parameters
print(“{age},{name}”.format(age=28,name=“Cao Cao”))
print(“{name},{name},{age }".format(age=28, name="Cao Cao"))
3. Through mapping list
alist = ["Sun Quan", 20, "China"]
blist = ["Diao Chan", 18,"China"]
print("my name is {1[0]}, from {0[2]}, age is {0[1]}".format(alist,blist))
The data obtained by input in python3 is saved in the form of a string. Even if the input is a number, it is saved in the form of a string.
# Determine whether the password is correct
user_name = input(“ 请输入用户名:”)password = input(“ 请输入密码:”)if user_name == “beijing” and password == “123” :print(“ 欢迎登录北京官网!")else :print(" 你的账户或者密码错误!")
Subscript index index
The so-called "subscript" is the number, just like the storage cabinet in the supermarket Number, through which the corresponding storage space can be found.
Get some characters through subscripts
If there is a string: name = 'abcdef', the actual storage in the memory is as follows:
In [1] : len(name)
Out[1]: 7
In [2]: name[len(name)-1]
Out[2]: 'g'
In [3]: name[-1]
Out[3]: 'g' Positive numbers go from left to right, negative numbers go from right to left
Slicing refers to the operation of intercepting a part of the operation object. Strings, lists, and tuples all support slicing operations.
Syntax of slicing: [Start: End: Step]
Note: The selected interval is left-closed and right-open, that is, it starts from the "start" bit and ends at the previous bit of the "end" bit. (Does not include the end bit itself). Note that if the step size is not written, the default is 1.
The step size controls the direction. Positive numbers are taken from left to right, and negative numbers are taken from right to left.
In [1]: name="abcdefABCDEF"In [2]: name[0:3]Out[2]: 'abc'In [3]: name[0:5:2]Out[3]: 'ace'In [4]: name[-1::-1] #逆序(倒叙)Out[4]: 'FEDCBAfedcba'
Summary of subscripts and slicing
[:] Extract the entire string from the beginning (default position 0) to the end
[start:] Extract from the start to the end
[:end] Extract from the beginning to the end - 1
[start:end] Extract from start to end - 1
[startstep] Extract from start to end - 1, extract one character per step
[::-1] Reverse order
find(), rfind (), index (), rindex (), replace (), split (), parttion (), rparttion (), splitlines () , startswith (), endswith (), lower (), upper (),…………
In [1]: mystr="hello world yanzilu and yanziluPython"In [2]: mystr Out[2]: 'hello world yanzilu and yanziluPython In [3]: mystr.find("and")Out[3]: 20In [4]: mystr.find("world") #存在则返回该单词开始的下标Out[4]: 6In [5]: mystr.find("world1") #不存在则返回-1Out[5]: -1In [6]: mystr.find("yanzilu")Out[6]: 12In [7]: mystr.find("yanzilu",20,len(mystr)) #指定查找区域Out[7]: 24In [8]: mystr.rfind("yanzilu") #rfind,从右往左搜索Out[8]: 24
has the same function as find, with one difference. If the content cannot be searched by index, an error will be reported
In [9]: mystr.index("and") Out[9]: 20In [10]: mystr.index("yanzilu")Out[10]: 12In [11]: mystr.index("yanzilu",20,len(mystr)) #指定查找区域Out[11]: 24In [12]: mystr.rindex("yanzilu") #从右往左搜索Out[12]: 24In [13]: mystr.rindex("zhangsan") #搜索不存在的会报错---------------------------------------------------------------------------ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)<ipython-input-67-6aff7ee60ad5> in <module>----> 1 mystr.rindex("zhangsan")ValueError: substring not found</module></ipython-input-67-6aff7ee60ad5>
In [14]: mystr Out[14]: 'hello world yanzilu and yanziluPython'In [15]: mystr.replace("world","WORLD")Out[15]: 'hello WORLD yanzilu and yanziluPython'In [16]: mystr Out[16]: 'hello world yanzilu and yanziluPython'In [17]: mystr.replace("yan","zhang")Out[17]: 'hello world zhangzilu and zhangziluPython'In [18]: mystr.replace("yan","zhang",1) #指定替换次数Out[18]: 'hello world zhangzilu and yanziluPython'In [19]: mystr.replace("yan","xxx",1)Out19]: 'hello world xxxzilu and yanziluPython'In [20]: mystr.replace("yan","xxx",2)Out[20]: 'hello world xxxzilu and xxxziluPython'In [21]: mystr.replace("yan","xxx",33) #替换次数可以超过最大值Out[21]: 'hello world xxxzilu and xxxziluPython'
In [22]: mystr Out[22]: 'hello world yanzilu and yanziluPython'In [23]: mystr.split(" ")Out[23]: ['hello', 'world', 'yanzilu', 'and', 'yanziluPython']In [24]: mystr.split("and")Out[24]: ['hello world yanzilu ', ' yanziluPython']In [25]: mystr.split(" ",3)Out[25]: ['hello', 'world', 'yanzilu', 'and yanziluPython']In [26]: mystr.split()Out[26]: ['hello', 'world', 'yanzilu', 'and', 'yanziluPython']
In [27]: mystr Out[27]: 'hello world yanzilu and yanziluPython'In [28]: mystr.partition("and")Out[28]: ('hello world yanzilu ', 'and', ' yanziluPython')In [29]: mystr.partition("yanzilu")Out[29]: ('hello world ', 'yanzilu', ' and yanziluPython')In [30]: mystr.rpartition("yanzilu")Out[30]: ('hello world yanzilu and ', 'yanzilu', 'Python')
In [31]: mystr1 Out[31]: 'hello\nworld\nyanzilu\nand\nyanziluPython'In [32]: mystr1.splitlines()Out[32]: ['hello', 'world', 'yanzilu', 'and', 'yanziluPython']
In [33]: mystr Out[33]: 'hello world yanzilu and yanziluPython'In [34]: mystr.startswith("hello")Out[34]: TrueIn [35]: mystr.startswith("Hello")Out[35]: FalseIn [36]: mystr.startswith("h")Out[36]: TrueIn [37]: mystr.endswith("Pthon")Out[37]: FalseIn [38]: mystr.endswith("Python")Out[38]: True
In [39]: mystr.upper()。 Out[39]: 'HELLO WORLD YANZILU AND YANZILUPYTHON'In [40]: mystr.lower() Out[40]: 'hello world yanzilu and yanzilupython'
In [41]: mystr = "那一夜我伤害了你"In [42]: mystr = mystr.center(30) In [43]: mystr Out[43]: ' 那一夜我伤害了你3.10 lstrip deletes the spaces on the left side of the string###
In [44]: mystr.lstrip()Out[44]: '那一夜我伤害了你
In [45]: mystr.rstrip()Out[45]: ' 那一夜我伤害了你'
In [46]: mystr.strip()Out[46]: '那一夜我伤害了你'
In [47]: mystr.isspace()Out[47]: FalseIn [48]: mystr = " "In [49]: mystr.isspace()Out[49]: True
In [50]: mystr = "abc" In [51]: mystr.isalpha()Out[51]: TrueIn [52]: mystr = "abc1"In [53]: mystr.isalpha()Out[53]: False
In [54]: mystr = "123123"In [55]: mystr.isdigit()Out[55]: TrueIn [56]: mystr = "123123aa"In [57]: mystr.isdigit()Out[57]: False
In [58]: mystr.isalnum()Out[58]: TrueIn [59]: mystr = "123123 aa"In [60]: mystr.isalnum()Out[60]: False
In [61]: mystr = 'hello world yanzilu and yanziluPython'In [62]: mystr.title()Out[63]: 'Hello World Yanzilu And Yanzilupython'
In [64]: mystr.capitalize()Out[64]: 'Hello world yanzilu and yanzilupython'
In [65]: mystr.count("hello")Out[65]: 1In [66]: mystr.count("yan")Out[66]: 2
In [67]: mystr = " "In [68]: name Out[68]: ['hello', 'world', 'yanzilu', 'and', 'yanziluPython']In [69]: mystr.join(name)Out[69]: 'hello world yanzilu and yanziluPython'In [70]: mystr = "_"In [71]: mystr.join(name)Out[71]: 'hello_world_yanzilu_and_yanziluPython'
#变量names_list的类型为列表names_list = [' 刘备',' 曹操',' 孙权'] #打印多个姓名names_list = [' 刘备',' 曹操',' 孙权']print(names_list[0])print(names_list[1])print(names_list[2]) names = [' 刘备',' 曹操',' 孙权'] for x in names print(x)i=1while i<len><h2>5.列表的增删改查:</h2> <p>列表中存放的数据是可以进行修改的,比如"增"、“删”、“改”</p> <h3><strong>5.1列表的添加元素("增"append, extend, insert)</strong></h3> <p>append可以向列表添加元素<br> extend将另一个集合中的元素逐一添加到列表中<br> insert在指定位置index前插入元素</p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">name=[“刘备” , ”曹操” , ”孙权”]print(“增加之前:”,name)info=[“黄忠” , ”魏延”]
names.append("吕布")names.append("貂蝉")names.append(info) #append把中括号也增加上了print("增加之后:",names)
info = ["黄忠","魏延"]names.extend(info)print("增加之后:",names)
names = ['刘备', '曹操', '孙权', '吕布', '貂蝉', '黄忠', '魏延']print("删除前:",names)
del names[1]print("del删除后:",names)
name = input("请输入您要删除的历史人物:")names.remove(name)print("remove删除后:",names)
通过下标修改元素 (" 改 ")
names = ["刘备","曹操","孙权"]names[0] = "刘禅"print(names)
in (存在), 如果存在那么结果为True ,否则为False
not in (不存在),如果不存在那么结果为True ,否则False
names = ['刘备', '曹操', '孙权', '吕布', '貂蝉', '黄忠', '魏延',"曹操"]findName = input("请输入您要查找的姓名:")if findName in names: print("已经找到:%s"%findName)else: print("没有找到:%s"%findName)
In [1]: names = ['刘备', '曹操', '孙权', '吕布', '貂蝉', '黄忠', '魏延',’曹操’]In [2]: name.index(“曹操”)Out[2]:1In [3]: name.index(“曹操”,2,leb(names))Out[3]:7In [4]: name.count(“曹操”)Out[4]:2
school_names = [[' 北京大学',' 清华大学'],[' 南开大学',' 天津大学'],[' 贵州大学',' 青海大学']]print(school_names)
#print(school_names)#print(len(school_names))#print(school_names[2][1])for school in school_names: print("="*30) print(school) for name in school: print(name)
import random offices = [[ ],[ ],[ ]]names = ['刘备', '曹操', '孙权', '吕布', '貂蝉', '黄忠', '魏延','大乔']for office in offices: #得到一个教师的下标 index = random.randint(0,len(names)-1) #分配老师 name = names[index] office.append(name) #要移除已经完成分配的老师 names.remove(name)for name in names: #得到办公室编号 index = random.randint(0,2) offices[index].append(name)#print(offices)#打印出来哪些办公室有哪些老师i= 1for office in offices: #office = ["刘备","曹操"] print("办公室%s : 共%s人"%(i,len(office))) i+=1 for name in office: print("%s"%name,end="\t\t") print() print("="*30)
The above is the detailed content of Learn Python characters and lists simply (detailed examples). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!